Thought Leadership

December 10, 2020
Taking Another Look At A Way to Evaluate Mutual Funds
New research refutes a critique of a way to evaluate mutual fund performance.
Read the article : Taking Another Look At A Way to Evaluate Mutual Funds
December 10, 2020
How Money Market Funds React to Crisis
How do U.S. money market funds respond to a crisis? New research explores what happened during the European debt crisis that spiraled when Greece required a bailout.
Read the article : How Money Market Funds React to Crisis
November 11, 2020
A U.S. Economy Under Biden
How will a Joe Biden presidency affect the American economy, and what will it mean for the U.S. role in global economies, including China’s?
Read the article : A U.S. Economy Under Biden
November 2, 2020
Ahead of Election Day: A Social Media Test for Companies
At a time when Americans are sharply divided about politics, corporate compliance officers are under pressure to talk to employees about ethical behavior, in the office and on social-media.
Read the article : Ahead of Election Day: A Social Media Test for Companies
October 22, 2020
All of a Sudden, SPACs Are Everywhere
This year, SPACs seem to be all the rage, as companies seek to go public while bypassing the initial public offering process. But, be wary.
Read the article : All of a Sudden, SPACs Are Everywhere
October 22, 2020
The CFPB's Missed Opportunity
Professor of the Practice Clifford Rossi describes, in a HousingWire op-ed, why the Consumer Financial Protection Bureau needs to rethink its definition of a qualified mortgage loan to be better aligned with industry underwriting.
Read the article : The CFPB's Missed Opportunity
October 21, 2020
What Gamers Should Know about Playing With Stocks
'Don’t confuse luck for skill,' and other advice for 'Animal Crossing' fans who want to play the stock market.
Read the article : What Gamers Should Know about Playing With Stocks
October 8, 2020
The Models Are Out of Whack
Mortgage risk models are based on historical information and not equipped for today’s COVID-affected environment, meaning “a balance of art and science” is needed to manage these models.
Read the article : The Models Are Out of Whack
September 23, 2020
Equities ‘Boom or Bust’ Debate – Two Years Later
Two years after the first debate, experts convene to spar again. The topic: Stock Market Bull vs. Bear.
Read the article : Equities ‘Boom or Bust’ Debate – Two Years Later
August 31, 2020
Buffett at 90: Three Traits Help Define His Success
What makes Warren Buffett a super investor? Reflecting on that question as Buffett turns 90.
Read the article : Buffett at 90: Three Traits Help Define His Success
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