DO&IT News

September 10, 2021
Ritu Agarwal To Receive UMD’s Highest Honor

Often referred to as “superwoman” by colleagues for her tireless work, Ritu Agarwal has dedicated her career to enhancing the experience of students at Maryland Smith.

Read News Story : Ritu Agarwal To Receive UMD’s Highest Honor
September 1, 2021
Maryland Smith Announces Eight New Faculty Members

As courses convene for the new academic year, Maryland Smith is welcoming eight new scholars to its faculty.

Tejwansh (Tej) Anand is joining the decision, operations and information technologies department as a clinical professor. Anand earned a PhD from Columbia University.

Read News Story : Maryland Smith Announces Eight New Faculty Members
August 18, 2021
Maryland Smith’s Ilya Ryzhov Awarded Three-Year Grant for Disaster Relief Research
Maryland Smith’s Ilya Ryzhov is leveraging a three-year grant awarded by the National Science Foundation to continue research on predictive and prescriptive methods for humanitarian logistics and disaster mitigation.
Read News Story : Maryland Smith’s Ilya Ryzhov Awarded Three-Year Grant for Disaster Relief Research
June 15, 2021
Maryland Smith’s Gah-Yi Ban Wins INFORMS Operations Management Research Award
Maryland Smith’s Gah-Yi Ban won the 2021 Best Operations Management paper in Operations Research from the Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS), an international society for practitioners in the fields of operations research, management science and analytics.
Read News Story : Maryland Smith’s Gah-Yi Ban Wins INFORMS Operations Management Research Award
June 10, 2021
Maryland Smith’s Elmaghraby Wins INFORMS Distinguished Service Award
Maryland Smith’s Wedad Elmaghraby, professor of operations management and management science, was awarded the Distinguished Service Award for 2021 by the Manufacturing and Service Operations Management (MSOM) society.
Read News Story : Maryland Smith’s Elmaghraby Wins INFORMS Distinguished Service Award
May 14, 2021
Undergrads Excel in ‘Renewable Energy’ Datathon

Industry Experts Help Coach, Evaluate Maryland Smith Students Through 2-Week Analytics Competition

A team of Maryland Smith undergraduates from an "Introduction to Optimization" class earned first place in the annual Datathon organized by the Smith Analytics Consortium (SAC) with support from Deloitte.

Read News Story : Undergrads Excel in ‘Renewable Energy’ Datathon
April 30, 2021
Undergrad Duo Places First at KPMG Case Competition

During TechFest 2021, undergraduate students from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business took home top honors in the KPMG Excel Competition.

Read News Story : Undergrad Duo Places First at KPMG Case Competition
April 28, 2021
At TechFest, Exploring Cybersecurity and Data Privacy

At Maryland Smith’s annual TechFest, speaker Jesse Hwang opened his presentation with a warning.

Read News Story : At TechFest, Exploring Cybersecurity and Data Privacy
April 16, 2021
Bjarnadóttir Earns Best White Paper Award

New research from Maryland Smith’s Margrét Bjarnadóttir that asks how organizations can leverage AI to build a more equitable workforce has been named the Best White Paper in the 2021 Wharton Analytics Conference.

Read News Story : Bjarnadóttir Earns Best White Paper Award
April 6, 2021
Students Invited to TechFest

Maryland Smith’s Department of Decision, Operations & Information Technologies is getting ready for TechFest. The annual forum brings together industry leaders who are at the forefront of addressing cybersecurity and privacy issues using modern tools.

Read News Story : Students Invited to TechFest
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