Michel Wedel Directory Page

Michel Wedel

Michel Wedel

Distinguished University Professor

PepsiCo Chair in Consumer Science

PhD, Marketing, University of Wageningen, NL, 1990

MS Statistics, Netherlands Society for OR and Statistics, 1986

MSc, Biomathematics, University of Leiden, NL, 1981

MS Business Management, University of Delft, NL, 1980


3303 Van Munching Hall

Michel Wedel was named a Distinguished University Professor in July 2015. He holds the PepsiCo Chair in Consumer Science at the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the University of Maryland. His main research interest is in consumer science: the application of statistical and econometric methods to further the understanding of consumer behavior and to improve marketing decision making. Much of his recent work has measured the effectiveness of visual marketing using eye-tracking technology. He teaches models for marketing decision-making for MBA students and advanced marketing analytics for MS students.


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The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business faculty shapes future leaders in classrooms and drives global impact…
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Research.com Ranks 17 Maryland Smith Professors Among World’s “Best Scientists”
Research.com named 17 scholars from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business in its latest “best scientists” ranking…
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25 Maryland Smith Professors Named Among Top 2% Worldwide

A study of the world’s top researchers identifies 25 from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business in the top 2%…

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Groundbreaking AI Technology Uses People’s Eye Movements to Predict Their Decisions

Read the article : Groundbreaking AI Technology Uses People’s Eye Movements to Predict Their Decisions


Why Visual Marketers Should ‘Always Be Knolling’

The technique speaks to how consumers’ brains work

Read the article : Why Visual Marketers Should ‘Always Be Knolling’
The Trends That Will Shape Marketing in 2021

How Consumers’ Altered Lifestyles Are Shaping the Landscape

Read the article : The Trends That Will Shape Marketing in 2021
What Went Wrong for Quibi?

And is it too late to right the ship on this short-form video startup?

Read the article : What Went Wrong for Quibi?



  • Ranked 1st Marketing scholar in the world based on number of A-publications in 1997-2006, Lynch (2008), Working paper Duke University.
  • Ranked 1st in the Netherlands Economists Productivity Ranking in 2006; several top-3 place rankings from 2003-2007.
  • Ranked 1st Netherlands Marketing Scholar based on productivity from 1985-2002 (Jaarboek van de Nederlandse Vereniging voor Marktonderzoek, 2006, Verhoef & Stremersch).
  • Ranked 3rd Marketing scholar in the world based on publication rate (1.52) from 1988-2006, Seggie & Griffith (2008), Journal of Marketing.
  • Ranked 3rd Cited Netherlands Economists (SSI) (Economische en Statistische Berichten), in 2005 (1999-2003); several other top-10 place rankings from 2005-2008.
  • Ranked top-5 Marketing scholar by the Marketing Doctoral Student Special Interest Group Productivity Ranking in 2007-2012, top-20 in 2008-2012; 2009-2013, 2010-2014, 2012-2016, 2013-2017, 2014-2018.


Visiting and Affiliate Positions

  • Henri Theil Visiting Chair in Marketing and Econometrics, Econometrics Institute, Erasmus University, Rotterdam, 2018-2021.
  • Senior Visiting Fellow, Institute for Advanced Studies, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, 2017-2020.
  • Honorary Professor, University of Groningen, Netherlands, June 2004-June 2014.
  • Visiting Professor, Hong Kong University of Science and Technology, China, January -April 2014.
  • Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, USA, January - April 2002.
  • Visiting Professor, University of Michigan, USA, January - April 2001.
  • Affiliate Faculty Member, Brain and behavior Initiative, University of Maryland, August 2015-Present.
  • Affiliate Faculty Member Applied Mathematics and Scientific Computation Program, Department of Mathematics, University of Maryland. August 2008-present.
  • Affiliate Faculty Member, Center for Risk Communication Research, Department of Communication, University of Maryland. August 2007-2014.


Lifetime Achievement Awards

  • Paul D. Converse Award for pioneering in developing the theory of marketing and advancing the science of marketing; awarded every four years to four academics by the American Marketing Association and the University of Illinois, 2020.
  • Ubbo Emmius Medal for Scientific Achievements, 2019, University of Groningen. The medal is awarded once every four years to an academic with exceptional scientific accomplishments, who has been associated with the University of Groningen, across all academic disciplines.
  • Robert J. Lavidge Global Marketing Research Award, for devising and successfully implemented a research/insight procedure that has practical implications for use by others. American Marketing Association, 2019.
  • Buck Weaver Award for excellence in the achievement of rigor and relevance in Marketing Science. INFORMS Section on Marketing Science 2019.
  • Irwin/McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator award for distinguished service and outstanding contributions in marketing education. American Marketing Association, 2019. The AMA-Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award honors living marketing educators for distinguished service and outstanding contributions in marketing education.
  • Charles C. Parlin award for outstanding contributions to the field of marketing research, American Marketing Association, 2016. The Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award is the oldest and most distinguished award in the field. This award is given to leading scholars and practitioners in honor of Charles Coolidge Parlin who is considered the pioneer of marketing research. To be awarded the Charles Coolidge Parlin Marketing Research Award, distinguished academics and practitioners must have demonstrated outstanding leadership and sustained impact on advancing the evolving profession of marketing research over an extended period of time.
  • Gilbert A. Churchill Award for lifetime achievement in the academic study of marketing research, American Marketing Association, 2008.
  • Hendrik Muller Award for Outstanding Research in the Social and Behavioral Sciences, Netherlands Royal Academy for the Sciences, 2005. The Dr. Hendrik Muller Prize for Behavioural and Social Sciences is awarded every other year by the Royal Netherlands Academy of the Arts and Science to a researcher or group of researchers who have made a significant or valuable contribution to the behavioural and social sciences. The award is named after Hendrik Nicolaas Pieter Muller (1859–1941), a Dutch businessman and diplomat. With J.B. Steenkamp, Wedel was the first-ever business professor to be recognized with this award.
  • Distinguished University Professor, University of Maryland, 2015. The title of Distinguished University Professor is the highest appointment bestowed by the University of Maryland on a tenured faculty member. It is a recognition not just of excellence, but of impact and significant contribution to the nominee's field, knowledge, profession, and/or practice.
  • Distinguished Scholar-Teacher, University of Maryland, 2013. This University of Maryland award honors senior faculty who, as men and women of outstanding scholarly accomplishment, combined with excellence in teaching, personify our image of the professorate.


  • Fellow of INFORMS, Society for Marketing Science, 2012.
  • Fellow of the American Statistical Association, 2011.
  • Fellow of the American Marketing Association, 2018.
  • Elected US Correspondent of the Netherlands Royal Academy for the Sciences, 2006-present.

Teaching Awards

  • Krowe Teaching Award, Robert H. Smith School of Business, 2012.
  • Robert H. Smith School Top 15% Teaching Award, 2008, 2009, 2010, 2011, 2012, 2013, 2014.
  • Robert H. Smith School Distinguished MBA and MS Teaching Awards, 2015, 2016, 2017, 2018, 2019.

Best Paper Awards

  • Don Lehmann best paper award, Journal of Marketing, 2020.
  • MSI/Paul Root best paper award, 2019, Journal of Marketing.
  • MSI/Paul Root best paper award, 2017, Journal of Marketing.
  • O'Dell best paper award 2004, Journal of Marketing Research.
  • Werner Pommerehne best paper award, Journal of Cultural Economics, 2004.
  • Finalist for the MSI/Paul Root best paper award, Journal of Marketing, 2019.
  • Finalist for the SERVSIG best service article award, Journal of Marketing Research, 2018.
  • Finalist for the Sheth Award, Journal of Marketing, 2018.
  • Finalist for the O'Dell Award, Journal of Marketing Research, 2017.
  • Finalist for the INFORMS Long Term Impact Award, 2011
  • Finalist for the MSI/Paul Root best paper award, Journal of Marketing, 2010.
  • Finalist for the Paul Green best paper award, Journal of Marketing Research, 2009.
  • Finalist for the John Little best paper award, Marketing Science, 2002.

My research interests are in marketing research methodology and the application of statistical and econometric methods to solve substantive marketing problems. I have developed statistical models that represent consumer behaviors and psychological mechanisms, and I am particularly interested in integrative research that bridges the quantitative, behavioral and managerial areas in marketing with the aim of solving real-life marketing problems.  Most of my work involves the application of Bayesian statistics. It provides a rich and flexible framework that enables me to build encompassing models of a wide range of marketing phenomena. It facilitates better decision making for substantive marketing problems and applied settings. Below are several areas of research in which I have developed expertise.

  • Eye Tracking and Visual Marketing.  The availability of commercial eye-tracking data at large scales and high levels of precision has enabled me to incorporate the theories on consumer attention and neuropsychology in statistical models to analyze eye tracking and facial expression data for print ads, TV commercials, shelves, websites and online ads. I have explored attention to feature advertising and its effect on sales,  have developed comprehensive models of consumer search of brands on shelves, algorithms to design short movie clips based on viewers facial expressions, and models and metrics for copy cats.
  • Market Segmentation and Mixture Models.  I was one of the first to develop clusterwise regression and mixture regression methods for response based segmentation. I have written a book on the topic and have developed the first commercial software package (GLIMMIX) to estimate these models that has been widely used by practitioners and academics. My work has also been the basis for the development of other packages that implement mixture regression models. I have developed methods for international market segmentation and identification of segments with spatially contiguous distributions.
  • Personalization and Recommendation systems.  I have investigated the effectiveness of customization online, and have addressed issues of massive missing data in recommendation systems. I was involved in the development of adaptive mobile customization systems, that learn from consumers' consumption of services such as music and news to improve the delivery of these services.
  • Conjoint Analysis and Design.  My work in this area has involved the development and comparison of models to better understand consumers’ decision processes, often combining several types of data and integrating different classes of models. I have studied context effects in conjoint analysis, have shown how response times can be included, and have compared different models that capture heterogeneity of consumers. I  have also worked on methods for the optimal design of conjoint choice experiments. 
  • Marketing Research Methodology.  I have worked on a range of marketing, psychometric and econometric models, including Latent Instrumental variable models (LIV), Multidimensional Scaling models (MDS), hazard models, factor models, circumplex models, ultrametric trees, mixture models, Hidden Markov Models (HMM), Analysis of Variance (ANOVA), nonparametric Dirichlet Process Priors (DPP), regression splines, and problems of  data fusion, tailored interviewing, and split questionnaire design.
  • Models for Sales, Choice and Consideration. I have developed reduced form approaches for cross-category store level sales data, developed models for scanner panel data that reflect brand consideration and choice behaviors, choice models that accommodate effects of psychological pricing, and developed models that describe response time and context effects in consumer choices in conjoint experiments.
  • Nutrition and Epidemiology.  Working in nutrition, I have done epidemiologic studies on nutrition surveillance and the effects of nutrition and lifestyle factors on human health and on health status and food intake among cancer patients. I have been involved in experimental studies on the effects of alcohol consumption and marginal vitamin deficiency, I have also worked on intervention studies to lower fat intake in the Netherlands to prevent cardiovascular disease, and improve vitamin A intake among children in Thailand to prevent blindness.

Career Influences

The University of Leiden, 1975-1981. My interest in studying biology was greatly stimulated by my high school teacher, Jan Schraag. I studied Biology at the University of Leiden in the Netherlands. Working at Naturalis, the museum for natural history, I discovered a new spider species (Atypus Piceus) for the Netherlands. The last three years before completing my Drs. (Masters) degree, I studied Biomathematics at the Institute for Theoretical Biology, under supervision of Hans Metz and Evert Meelis. I worked on problems of mathematical epidemiology, including the development of differential equations for the spread of epidemics in rodent populations, of computer programs for the analysis of the effectiveness of interventions on Schistosomiasis infections, and of methods for the early discovery of epidemics.

TNO Nutrition, 1982-1991. My first employment was at the TNO Nutrition research institute. I completed a part-time masters of statistics, and became head of a statistics group charged with the design and analysis of epidemiologic, surveillance, intervention, and experimental studies on the relationship between food and health. I worked extensively in teams composed of researchers with different expertise. In the statistics group, I worked much with Cor Kistemaker. The head of the department, Theo van Ockhuizen, steered me  towards problems of food habits and determinants of food patterns, which made me venture into research in marketing. After a some work in this area, he urged me to pursue a Ph.D.

The University of Wageningen, 1987-1990. I contacted Thieu Meulenberg at the University of Wageningen, who graciously agreed to supervise me. I continued working at TNO, and worked on my thesis on market segmentation in the meantime. Later, Peter Leeflang joined the supervision team, and helped with technical issues. Jan Benedict Steenkamp, with whom I had worked on several projects, and who had just earned a doctorate degree himself at Wageningen, joined my team of supervisors shortly after that. In my thesis, I developed cluster-wise regression methods for market segmentation (with accompanying software), an important issue in characterizing food consumption patterns.

The University of Groningen, 1991-2003. In 1991, shortly after I completed my Ph.D., Peter Leeflang and the marketing department at the University of Groningen offered me the opportunity to join them as a full professor. Dick Wittink had suggested to him I should be considered for that position. I had much contact with the Econometrics department, in particular with Tom Wansbeek. He steered many econometrics students to a Ph.D. in marketing, and I supervised several of them. Much of my work at the time involved developing marketing research methods, especially finite mixture models, but also conjoint analysis and multidimensional scaling. My most frequent collaborators in that research were Wayne DeSarbo and Wagner Kamakura.

The University of Michigan, 2001-2006. I moved to the University of Michigan Business School, where for two years I already had a half-time appointment. Before I joined Michigan, I had started working with Rik Pieters on eye tracking research, which offered me the opportunity to delve into the cognitive psychology and neuroscience literatures. This was further stimulated by my frequent contacts with Dave Meyer in the department of psychology. At Michigan, working with Peter Lenk  inspired me to switch almost exclusively to the application Bayesian statistics in my work. In the demanding teaching environment of the Ross School, my teaching dramatically improved.

The University of Maryland, 2006-present. I joined the University of Maryland at the invitation of Roland Rust and Dean Howard Frank, who had build a very strong marketing group. I instituted my own eye-tracking lab, expanded my eye-tracking and visual attention research, and started to work more in online marketing. I also expanded my collaboration with Jie Zhang on issues involving deriving optimal decision policies for retailing. I received several lifetime awards for my work and was appointed a Distinguished University Professor at the University of Maryland.

Michel Wedel's former PhD students

  1. Marco Vriens (with D.R. Wittink), 5 October 1995, Groningen, NL, Assistant Professor University of Tilburg.
  2. Tammo H.A. Bijmolt, 29 September 1996, Groningen, NL: Cum Laude, Assistant Professor University of Tilburg.
  3. Edward Rosbergen (with F.G.M. Pieters), 26 February 1998, Groningen, NL. Project Manager, MuConsult, Hilversum.
  4. Rinus E. Haaijer, 6 may 1999, Groningen, NL. Project Manager, MuConsult, Hilversum.
  5. Frenkel Ter Hofstede (with J.B.E.M. Steenkamp), 9 June 1999, Wageningen, NL: Cum Laude, Assistant Professor, Carnegy Mellon University.
  6. Zsolt Sándor(with T.J. Wansbeek and P. Kooreman; Economics), 22 November 2001, Groningen, NL, Assistant Professor, Erasmus University, Rotterdam.
  7. Josephine L.C.M. Woltman Elpers (with F.G.M. Pieters), 18 December 2003, Groningen. NL, Consultant, McKinsey, Dusseldorf, Germany.
  8. Liane Voerman (with P.S. Zwart), January 5, 2004 Groningen, NL, Assistant Professor, University of Groningen.
  9. Peter Ebbes (with A.G.M. Steerneman and U. Böckenholt, Economics), December 23, 2004, Groningen, NL, Assistant Professor, Pennsylvania State University.
  10. Jaap Boter, (with R. Frambach), December 12, 2005, Amsterdam, NL. Assistant Professor, Free University of Amsterdam.
  11. Feray Adiguzel(with J. Zhang), June 19, 2006, Groningen, NL. Assistant Professor, Free University of Amsterdam.
  12. Ralf van der Lans (with F.G.M. Pieters), June 16, 2006, Tilburg, NL: Cum Laude. Assistant Professor, Erasmus University of Rotterdam.
  13. Yuanping Ying(with F. Feinberg and J. Zhang), June 27, 2006, Ann Arbor, MI. Assistant Professor, University of Texas at Dallas.
  14. Tuck Siong Chung (with R. Rust), July 15, 2007, College Park,  MD.Assistant Professor Nanyang Technological University, Singapore.
  15. Thales Teixeira (with A. Aribarg), May 15, 2009, Ann Arbor, Assistant Professor, Harvard University.
  16. Stanislav Stakhovych (with T.H.A. Bijmolt), June 13, 2010, Groningen. Assistant professor, Monash University.
  17. Wei (Savannah) Shi(with J. Zhang), College Park, July 26, 2011, Assistant professor, Santa Clara University.
  18. Jin (Connie) Yan (with Paul Smith, Mathematics), College Park, April 11, 2013. Statistician, Fannie Mae.
  19. Chen Dong (Mathematics), College Park, July 22, 2014. Data Scientist, Adobe.
  20. Xuan (Alex) Liu (Mathematics), College Park, December 12, 2014. Senior Data Scientist, Netflix.
  21. Seoungwoo Lee (with J. Zhang), College Park, April 5, 2017. Assistant professor, Tulane University.

1. BANOVA (R. Package, Bayesian ANOVA for Behavioral Sciences Research), C. Dong & M. Wedel

  • BANOVA: An R-Package for Hierarchical Bayesian ANOVA. Journal of Statistical Software, 2017. Chen Dong and Michel Wedel.
  • BANOVA: Bayesian Analysis of Experiments in Consumer Psychology. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2019, 30 (1), 3-23. M. Wedel, C. Dong.

2. GLIMMIX (Windows/FORTRAN package, Mixtures of Generalized Linear Models), M. Wedel & P. Boer, SciencePlus ©, Groningen, NL.

  • A mixture likelihood approach for generalised linear models. Journal of Classification, 12 (1), 1995, 21-56. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.
  • GLIMMIX: Software for Estimating Mixtures and Mixtures of Generalized Linear Models. Journal of Classification, 18 (1), 2001, 129-137, M. Wedel.
  • GLIMMIX.zip

3. BIT (Matlab package, Binocular Individual Threshold Algorithm to Define Eye Fixations), R. van der Lans & M. Wedel

  • Defining Eye-Fixation Sequences across Individuals and Tasks: The Binocular-Individual Threshold (BIT) Algorithm. Behavior Research Methods, 2011, 43: 239-257. R. van der Lans, M. Wedel, R. Pieters.

4. LIV (Gauss/WinBugs code for Latent Instrumental Variables Estimation to correct for Endogeneity). P. Ebbes, & M. Wedel.

5. FCR (FORTRAN programs, Fuzzy Clusterwise Regression). M. Wedel & C. Kistemaker (discontinued)

6. RMSCLUST (FORTRAN programs, Clusterwise Regression), M. Wedel & C. Kistemaker (discontinued)

  • Consumer benefit segmentation using clusterwise linear regression. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 6 (1), 1989, 45-59. M. Wedel, C. Kistemaker.

7. BaSic, for Multidimensional Unfolding and Profiling, In4mation Insights

  • BaSic (WinBugs package for Bayesian Multidimensional Scaling), S. Cohen, M. Wedel, In4mation Insights ©, Neidham Heigts, MA.
  • In4mation Insights

8. CONPRO Sotware for Analysis of Conjoint Choice Experiments

  • Utility covariances and context effects in conjoint MNP models Marketing Science, 17 (3), 1998, 236-252, M.E. Haaijer, M. Wedel, M. Vriens, T.J. Wansbeek
  • MuConsult


Keynote at Paris HEC/IP Hi! Summer school on ML and AI (2021, Virtual).

Keynote at Rotterdam Combined Data Science, Statistics and Visualization and European Conference on Data Analysis (2021, DSSV-ECDA, Virtual)

AMA MasterClass Eye Movement Recording and Analysis, at Virtual, Thursday, August 20, 2020

Keynote Presentation at the International Meeting of the Psychometric Society, at Virtual, Tuesday, July 14, 2020

Presentation BANOVA UNSW, at Sydney, Australia, Thursday, February 13, 2020

Keynote Presentation at the UNSW Marketing Analytics Conference (MASS), at Sydney, Australia, Monday, February 3, 2020

Ubbo Emmius Medal for Scientific Accompishments, University of Groningen, at Groningen, The Netherlands, Monday, September 2, 2019. Video tribute; Read more about Ubbo Emmius Medal for Scientific Accompishments, University of Groningen

Irwin-McGraw-Hill Distinguished Marketing Educator Award, at Ausin, TX, Saturday, February 23, 2019

IX Reunion Cientifica, Marketing Insights: que ven, que hacen y que dicen los consumidores, at Oviedo, Spain, Friday, May 19, 2017

Institute of Advanced Studies HKUST Senior Visiting Scholar Keynote Lecture, at Hong Kong, Thursday, February 9, 2017. Youtube video.

Shun Hing Distinguished Keynote Presentation 60th Anniversary HKBU, at Hong Kong, Monday, January 16, 2017

Keynote Presentation European Marketing Academy (EMAC), at Oslo, Norway, Wednesday, May 25, 2016. Video abstract

Haring-Sheth Presentation, Haring Symposium, at Indiana University, Bloomington, Indiana, Friday, April 15, 2016

Eye Tracking Tutorial INFORMS Business Analytics Conference, at Orlando, FL, Monday, April 11, 2016

Keynote Lecture Conference on Big Data, Smart Life, Mobile Marketing, NYU, at New York, Friday, October 23, 2015

Keynote Presentation European Marketing Academy (EMAC), at Valencia, 2014

Presentation Distinguished Scholar-Teacher Award University of Maryland, at College Park, 2013. Lecture on Youtube.

Keynote Presentation Johan Arndt Conference, at Oslo, 2013

Keynote Presentation ACM Recommendation Systems Conference, at New York, 2009

Keynote Presentation Prompt Research Insights Eye Tracking Conference, at Johannesburg, 2009

Keynote Presentation Frontiers in Services Conference, at San Francisco, 2007

Keynote Presentation Marketing Dynamics Conference, at Groningen, 2007

Presentation Hendrik Muller Award Royal Netherlands Academy of the Sciences, at Amsterdam, 2005

Eye Tracking and Visual Marketing Research

Online Advertising Suppresses Visual Competition during Planned Purchases. R. van der Lans, R. Pieters, M. Wedel. Journal of Consumer Research, 2021, forthcoming (Covered in Searchengineland.com).

Virtual and Augmented Reality: Advancing Research in Consumer Marketing. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 2020, 37 (3), 443-465. M. Wedel, E. Bigné, J. Zhang. (Invited article, Lead article, Finalist for the IJRM best paper award).

Contributions to Attention Based Marketing: Foundations, Insights, and Challenges. Journal of Business Research, 2020, 111 (April), 85-90. J.L. Orquin, M. Wedel.

Heads-Up: Goals Affect Head Movements During Ad Exposure. Journal of Business Research, 2020, 111 (April), 281-289. R. Pieters, M. Wedel.

Marketing Video Content: The Making of Clips. Journal of Marketing, 2018, 82 (4), 86-101 X. Liu, W. Shi, T. Teixeira, M. Wedel

Upfront, Mystery, and False Front Advertising: Why Their Effects on Consumer Evaluation Depend on Exposure Duration. Journal of Marketing Research, 2016, 53 (4), 563-579. M. van Elsen, R. Pieters, M. Wedel

Eye Tracking Methodology for Research in Consumer Psychology, 2019. M. Wedel, R. Pieters, R. van de Lans. In: Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology, F.R. Kardes, P.M. Herr, and N. Schwarz (Eds.), Chapter 15, p.276-292.

Pervasive Eye Tracking for Real-World Consumer Behavior Analysis, 2018, A. Bulling, and M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Process Tracing Methods, Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Kühberger, Johnson (Eds.). Forthcoming.

Improving Ad Interfaces with Eye Tracking. 2017. M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, K. Normal (ed.). Wiley: New York, Volume 2, Chapter 41, p. 889-907.

Nodule Detection in Chest X-Rays with Eye Movements. Journal of Behavioral Decision Making, 2016, 29 (2-3), 254-270. M.Wedel, J. Yan, E.J. Siegel, H. Li.

The Buffer Effect: The Role of Color when Advertising Exposures are Brief and Blurred. M. Wedel, R. Pieters, Marketing Science, 2015, 34 (1), 134–143. ( Covered in Asia News International, December 2014).

Attention Research in Marketing: A Review of Eye Tracking Studies. M. Wedel, In: The Handbook of Attention, J. Fawcett, E.F. Risko & A. Kingstone (eds.), 2015, forthcoming.

Copy Alert: A Method and Metric to Detect Visual Copycat Brands. Journal of Marketing Research, 2014, 51 (1), 1-13. T. Satomura, M. Wedel, R. Pieters. (Lead Article)

Looking at Vision: Eye/Face/Head Tracking of Consumers for Improved Marketing Decisions. 2014. M. Wedel and R. Pieters, Chapter 14, In: Routledge Companion on Future of Marketing, L. Moutinho, E. Bigné, and A.K. Manrai (eds.). Routledge.

Information acquisition during online decision making: A model-based exploration using eye-tracking data. Management Science, 2013, 59 (5):1009-1026. W.Shi, M.Wedel, R.Pieters. (Lead Article).

Emotion Induced Engagement in Internet Video Ads. Journal of Marketing Research, 2012, 49 (2), 144-159. T.Teixeira, M.Wedel, R. Pieters. (Cited in the Washington Times, March 2012).

AdGist: Ad Communication in a Single Eye-Fixation. Marketing Science, 2012, 31 (1): 59-73. R. Pieters, M. Wedel.

Attention to Advertising. 2011. R. Pieters, M.Wedel. In: MSI Book on Empirical Generalizations in Consumer Behavior (J. Alba, ed.), Boston: Marketing Science Institute, 39-41.

Defining Eye-Fixation Sequences across Individuals and Tasks: The Binocular-Individual Threshold (BIT) Algorithm. Behavior Research Methods, 2011, 43: 239-257. R. van der Lans, M. Wedel, R. Pieters. (with Accompanying Software).

Moment-to-Moment Optimal Branding in TV Commercials: Preventing Avoidance by Pulsing. Marketing Science, 2010, 29 (5), 783-804. T. Teixeira, M. Wedel, R. Pieters. (Lead Article).

Raising the BAR: Bias Adjustment of Recognition Tests in Advertising. Journal of Marketing Research, 2010, 47 (3), 387-400. A. Aribarg, R. Pieters, M.Wedel. (Lead Article).

The Stopping Power of Advertising: Measures and Effects of Visual Complexity. Journal of Marketing, 2010, 74 (5), 48-60. R. Pieters, M. Wedel. R. Batra. ( Finalist for the MSI/Paul Root best paper award).

Sales Effects of Visual Attention to Feature Ads: A Bayesian Mediation Analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 2009, 46 (October), 669-681. J. Zhang, M. Wedel, R. Pieters

Competitive Brand Salience, Marketing Science, 2008, 27 (5), 922-931. R. van der Lans, R. Pieters, M. Wede

Eye Movement Analysis of Search Effectiveness, Journal of the American Statistical Association, 2008, 103 (482), 452-461. R. Van der Lans, F.G.M. Pieters, M.Wedel

Eye-Tracking for Visual Marketing. Foundations and Trends® in Marketing. 2008, 1 (4), 231-320. M. Wedel and R. Pieters. (Discussed in the Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2012)

Temporal Dynamics of Scene Perception: Goals Influence Switching Between Attention States. Journal of Experimental Psychology: Applied, 2008, 14 (2), 129-138. M.Wedel, R. Pieters, J. Liechty.

A Review of Eye-Tracking Applications in Marketing, 2007. Review of Marketing Research, 4, 123-147. M. Wedel, F.G.M. Pieters.

Optimal Feature Advertising Under Competitive Clutter, Management Science, 2007, 51 (11) 1815-1828, R. Pieters, M.Wedel, J. Zhang (Covered on Maryland Public TV, 2007).

Goal Control of Visual Attention to Advertising: The Yarbus Implication, Journal of Consumer Research, 2007, 34 (August), 224-233. R.Pieters, M.Wedel. ( Discussed in Business Week Research Briefs, August 30, 2007).

Introduction to Visual Marketing, 2007. R. Pieters and M. Wedel. In: Visual Marketing, Lawrence Erlbaum, M.Wedel and R. Pieters (eds.). p. 1-7.

Informativeness of Eye-Movements for Visual Marketing: Six Cornerstones, 2007. R. Pieters and M. Wedel. In: Visual Marketing, Lawrence Erlbaum, M.Wedel and R. Pieters (eds.). p. 43-72.

Pretesting: Before The Rubber Hits the Road, 2007. R. Pieters, M. Wedel, In: Handbook of Advertising Research, G.J. Tellis and T. Ambler, (eds.), London: Sage. p. 217-232.

Attention Capture and Transfer by Elements of Advertisements. Journal of Marketing, 68 (2), 2004, 36-50. F.G.M. Pieters, M. Wedel. (Discussed in the Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2012; Adology Marketing Forecast July 27, 2012; NY Public Radio WNYR Leonard Lopate Show, August 6, 2012)

The Representation of Local and Global Exploration Modes in Eye Movements through Bayesian Hidden Markov Models. Psychometrika, 68 (4), 2003, 519-542. J. Liechty, F.G.M. Pieters, M. Wedel. ( First Discussion Paper in Psychometrika, with discussion)

Evidence for Covert Attention Switching from Eye-Movements (Reply). Psychometrika, 68 (4), 2003, 557-562. M.Wedel, F.G.M. Pieters, J. Liechty.

Why Do Consumers Stop Viewing Television Commercials? Two Experiments on the Influence of Moment-to-Moment Entertainment and Information Value, Journal of Marketing Research, 40(4), 2003, 437-453. J.L.C.M. Woltman Elpers, M. Wedel, F.G.M. Pieters.

Breaking through the Clutter: Benefits of Advertisement Originality and Familiarity for Brand Attention and Memory, Management Science, 48 (6), 2002, 765-781. F.G.M. Pieters, L. Warlop M. Wedel.

The influence of moment-to-moment pleasantness and informativeness on zapping TV commercials: A functional data and survival analysis. Advances in Consumer Research, 29, 2002, 57-58. Woltman-Elpers, J., Wedel, M., Pieters, R.

Eye Fixations on Advertisements and Memory for Brands: a Model and Findings. Marketing Science, 19 (4), 2000, 297-312, M. Wedel, F.G.M. Pieters (Lead article, Finalist for the INFORMS Long Term Impact award 2011; Translated for Recherche et Applications en Marketing : La fixation des yeux sur les publicites et la Memorisation des Marques: un Modele et ses Resultats, 16 (2), 2001, 87-106).

Visual attention to repeated print advertising: a test of scanpath theory. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (November) 1999, 424-438, F.G.M. Pieters, E. Rosbergen, M. Wedel.

Visual attention to advertising, a segment level analysis. Journal of Consumer Research, 24 (3) 1997, 305-314, E. Rosbergen, F.G.M. Pieters, M. Wedel.

Market Segmentation and Mixture Models

Latent Structure Regression, 2005. In: Handbook of Marketing Research , R. Grover & M. Vriens, (eds), London, Sage, 394-417. W.S. DeSarbo, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

An empirical comparison of EM, SEM and MCMC performance for problematic Gaussian mixture likelihoods. Statistics and Computing, 14(4), 2004, 323-332, J. Goncalves-Dias M. Wedel.

An Empirical Bayes Procedure for Improving Individual Level Estimates and Predictions from Finite Mixtures of Multinomial Logit Models. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 22 (1), 2004, 121-126. W.A.Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Market Segment Derivation and Profiling Via a Finite Mixture Model Framework, Marketing Letters, 13 (1) 2002, 17-25. M. Wedel W.S. DeSarbo.

Concomitant Variables in Finite Mixture Models. Statistica Neerlandica, 56 (3) 2002, 362-375, M. Wedel.

The dynamics of value segments: Modelling framework and empirical illustration. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 (3) 2002, 267-286, K. Brangule-Vlagsma, F.G.M. Pieters, M. Wedel

Introduction to the special issue on market segmentation. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 19 (3), 2002, 181-184. M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura.

Identifying spatial segments in international markets. Marketing Science, 21 (2), 2002, 160-177, F. ter Hofstede, M. Wedel, J.B.E.M. Steenkamp. (Finalist for the John Little award; Translated for Recherche et Applications en Marketing: Identification de segment spatiaux pour des marches internationaux., 2003, 18 (3), 81-104.)

Mixture Regression Models, 2002. In: Advances in Latent Class Models, J Hagenaars and A. McCutcheon (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Ch. 13, p. 366-382. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

Identifying random-scoring respondents in sensory research using Finite mixture regression models. Food Quality and Preference, 12 (5-7), 2001, 373-384. G. Cleaver, M. Wedel.

Computing the Standard Errors of Mixture Model Parameter Estimates when Classes are Well Separated. Computational Statistics, 16 (4), 2001, 539-558, M. Wedel.

GLIMMIX: Software for Estimating Mixtures and Mixtures of Generalized Linear Models. Journal of Classification, 18 (1), 2001, 129-137, M. Wedel.

Mixed Tree and Spatial Representation of Dissimilarity Judgments. Journal of Classification, 17 (2), 2000, 243-272, M. Wedel, T.H.A. Bijmolt.

International market segmentation based on consumer-product relations.Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (February), 1999, 1-17, F. Ter Hofstede, J.B.E.M. Steenkamp, M. Wedel ( Lead article, Winner 2004 O'Dell award).

Discrete and continuous representation of heterogeneity, Marketing Letters, 10 (3), 1999, 217-230, M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura , N. Arora, A. Bemmaor, J. Chiang, T. Elrod, R. Johnson, P. Lenk, S. Neslin, C.S. Poulsen

Segmentation of Hedonic Consumption: An Application of Latent Class Analysis to Consumer Transaction Databases. Journal of Market Focussed Management, 3, 1999, 295-311, J. Boter, M. Wedel

Mixtures of (constrained) ultrametric trees. Psychometrika, 63 (4) 1998, 419-443 M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

Mixture model analysis of complex samples. Journal of Classification, 15 (2), 1998, 225-244. M. Wedel, F. ter Hofstede, J.E.B.M. Steenkamp.

Representing Heterogeneity in Consumer response models. Marketing Letters, 8 (3), 1997, 335-348. W.S. DeSarbo, A. Ansari, P. Chintagunta, C. Himmelberg, K. Jedidi, R. Johnson, W.A. Kamakura, P. Lenk, K. Srinivasan, M. Wedel.

On estimating finite mixtures of multivariate regression and simultaneous equation models. Structural Equations Modeling, 3 (3), 1996, 266-289, K. Jedidi, V. Ramaswamy, W.S. DeSarbo, M. Wedel.

An exponential family mixture MDS methodology for simultaneous segmentation and product positioning. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14(4), 1996, 447-459. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo. Segmentation methods for metric conjoint analysis: A Monte Carlo comparison. Journal of Marketing Research, 33 (February), 1996, 73-85, M. Vriens, M. Wedel, T. Wilms.

A mixture likelihood approach for generalised linear models. Journal of Classification, 12 (1), 1995, 21-56. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo. (With accompanying GLIMMIX software).

Life-style segmentation with tailored interviewing. Journal of Marketing Research, 32, (August), 1995, 308-317, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

The Identification of Sensory Dimensions of Food Products From Scanner Data Using The STUNMIX Methodology. In: Agricultural Marketing in a Changing World, J.-B. Steenkamp, A. van Tilburg, B. Wierenga, K. G. Grunert & M. Wedel (Eds.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 189-200, M. Wedel.

A Review of Recent Developments In Latent Class Regression Models, 1994. In: Advanced methods of Marketing Research, RP Bagozzi, (ed.), New York: Blackwell, 352-388, M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

Concomitant variable latent class models for conjoint analysis. International Journal for Research in Marketing, 11, (5) 1994, 451-464 W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel, J. Agrawal.

A latent class Poisson regression model for heterogeneous count data with an application to direct mail. Journal of Applied Econometrics, 8, 1993, 397-411. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo, J.R. Bult, V. Ramaswamy.

Fuzzy clusterwise regression in benefit segmentation: application and investigation in its validity. Journal of Business Research, 26, (3), 1993, 237-249. J.E.B.M. Steenkamp, M. Wedel.

A latent class binomial logit methodology for the analysis of paired comparison choice data: an application reinvestigating the determinants of perceived risk. Decision Sciences, 24 (6), 1993, 1157 - 1170. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

Latent class metric conjoint analysis. Marketing Letters, 3 (3), 1992, 273-288. W.S. DeSarbo, M. Wedel, M. Vriens, V. Ramaswamy.

A clusterwise regression method for simultaneous fuzzy market structuring and benefit segmentation. Journal of Marketing Research, 28 (November), 1991, 385-397. M. Wedel, J.E.B.M. Steen­kamp ( Lead article, with accompanying gFCR software).

Segmentation retail-markets on store image using a consumer-based methodology. Journal of Retailing, 67, 1991, 300-320. J.E.B.M. Steenkamp, M. Wedel.

A fuzzy clusterwise regression approach to benefit segmentation. International Journal of Research in Marketing 6 (4), 1989, 241-258. M. Wedel, J.E.B.M. Steenkamp. (With accompanying FCR software).

Consumer benefit segmentation using clusterwise linear regression. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 6 (1), 1989, 45-59. M. Wedel, C. Kistemaker.

Personalization and Recommendations

Adaptive personalization using social networks. Journal of the Academy of Marketing Science, 2015, forthcoming. T.S. Chung, M. Wedel, R. Rust.

Adaptive Personalization of Mobile Information Services. 2014. T. S. Chung and M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Service Research, R. Rust and M.H Huang (eds). 395-412

Personalization Technologies, 2010. R.T. Rust, K. Na, M. Wedel and T.S. Chung. In: H. Bidgoli, Ed., The Handbook of Technology Management, Volume 2, John Wiley & Sons, p. 473-482.

The effectiveness of customized promotions in online and offline stores. Journal of Marketing Research, 2009, 46 (April), 190-206. J.Zhang, M. Wedel. (Finalist for the Paul Green best paper award.)

My Mobile Music: An Adaptive Personalization System for Digital Audio Players, Marketing Science, 2009, 28 (1), 52-68. Tuck Siong Chung, Roland Rust, Michel Wedel.

Improving Online Product Recommendations by Including Nonrated Items, Journal of Marketing Research, 2006, 43 (August), 355-365. Y.Ying, F.Feinberg. M.Wedel

Conjoint Design and Analysis

Heterogeneous Conjoint Choice Designs. Journal of Marketing Research, 55 (May), 2005, 210-218. Z. Sandor, M. Wedel. ( Included in the Sherpa Choice Design software developed by The Modellers, LLC).

Bayesian prediction in hybrid conjoint analysis. Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (2), 2002, 253-261, F. ter Hofstede, Y. Kim and M. Wedel.

Profile Construction in Experimental Choice Designs for Mixed Logit Models, Marketing Science, 21 (4), 2002, 455-475, Z. Sándor, M. Wedel. ( Included in the Sherpa Choice Design software developed by The Modellers, LLC).

Designing Conjoint Choice Experiments Using Managers' Prior Beliefs. Journal of Marketing Research, 38 (4), 2001, 430-444. Z. Sándor, M. Wedel.

Conjoint Choice Experiments: General Characteristics and Alternative Model Specifications, 2001. In: Conjoint Measurement: Methods and Applications, A Gustafsson, A. Herrmann and F. Huber (Eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2000, Ch. 13, 319-360 (1st ed.); 2001, Ch 14, 345-387 (2nd ed.); 2003, Ch 15, 371-412 (3d ed.); 2007, Ch. 11, 199-230 (4 th ed.). M.E. Haaijer, M. Wedel,

The 'No-Choice' Alternative in Conjoint Choice Experiments. International Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (1), 2000, 93-106. M.E. Haaijer, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel

Response latencies in the analysis of conjoint choice experiments. Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (3), 2000, 376-382, M.E. Haaijer, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Utility covariances and context effects in conjoint MNP models Marketing Science, 17 (3), 1998, 236-252, M.E. Haaijer, M. Wedel, M. Vriens, T.J. Wansbeek

Assessing the effects of abstract attributes and brand familiarity in conjoint choice experiments. International Journal for Research in Marketing, 15 (1), 1998, 71-78. M. Wedel, M. Vriens, T.H.A. Bijmolt, W. Krijnen, P.S.H. Leeflang.

Ratings-based versus choice-based latent class conjoint models- An empirical comparison. Journal of the Market Research Society, 40 (3), 1998, 237-248. M. Vriens, H. Oppewal, M. Wedel.

Segmentation methods for metric conjoint analysis: A Monte Carlo comparison. Journal of Marketing Research, 33 (February), 1996, 73-85, M. Vriens, M. Wedel, T. Wilms.

Concomitant variable latent class models for conjoint analysis. International Journal for Research in Marketing, 11, (5) 1994, 451-464 W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel, J. Agrawal.

Latent class metric conjoint analysis. Marketing Letters, 3 (3), 1992, 273-288. W.S. DeSarbo, M. Wedel, M. Vriens, V. Ramaswamy.

Marketing Research Methodology

A Guide to the Bayesian Analysis of Consumer Behavior Experiments with BANOVA Using Worked Examples. M. Wedel, A. Kopyakova.Australasian Marketing Journal, 2021, forthcoming (Invited article)

A Tutorial on the Analysis of Experiments Using BANOVA. M. Wedel, C. Dong. Psychological Methods, 2021, forthcoming

Adaptive Multidimensional Scaling: Brand Positioning Based on Consideration and Dissimilarity Judgments. Customer Needs and Solutions, 2021, 8 (1-2), 1-15, T.H.A. Bijmolt, M.Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo (Lead Article).

BANOVA: Bayesian Analysis of Experiments in Consumer Psychology. Journal of Consumer Psychology, 2019, 30 (1), 3-23. M. Wedel, C. Dong. (Lead Article).

BANOVA: An R-Package for Hierarchical Bayesian ANOVA. Journal of Statistical Software, 2017, 81 (9), 1-46. C. Dong and M. Wedel.

Return on Service Amenities. Journal of Marketing Research, 2017, 54 (1), 96-110. R. Hamilton, R. Rust, M. Wedel, and D. Amitan

Brand Extension Strategy Planning: Empirical Estimation of Brand-category personality Fit and Atypicality. Journal of Marketing Research, 2010, 47 (2), 335-347. R. Batra, P. Lenk, M.Wedel.

Frugal-IV Alternatives to Identify the Parameter for an Endogeneous Regressor, Journal of Applied Econometrics, 24 (3), 2009, 446-468. P. Ebbes, M. Wedel, U. Bockenholt

Split Questionnaire Design for Massive Surveys, Journal of Marketing Research, 2008, 25 (5), 608-617. F. Adigüzel, M. Wedel.

Bayesian Estimation of Circumplex Random Effects Models Subject to Prior Theory Constrains and Subject-Specific Scale Usage Bias, Psychometrika, 2006, 71(1), 33-56. P. Lenk, M. Wedel, U. Böckenholt.

Solving and Testing for Regressor-Error (in)Dependence When no Instrumental Variables are Available: With New Evidence for the Effect of Education on Income. Quantitative Marketing and Economics, 3, 2005, 365-392. P. Ebbes, M. Wedel, T.Steerneman, U. Bockenholt.

Regressor and random-effects dependencies in multilevel models. Statistica Neerlandica, 58 (2) 2004, 161-178, P. Ebbes, U. Böckenholt, M. Wedel

List Augmentation with Model Based Multiple Imputation: A Case Study Using a Mixed-Outcome Factor Model, Statistica Neerlandica ( Special Issue on Missing Data), 2003, 57 (1), 46-57, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Factor Models for Multivariate Count Data, Journal of Multivariate Analysis, 87 (2), 2003,356-369, M. Wedel, U. Böckenholt, W.A. Kamakura.

Cross-selling through database marketing: a mixed data factor analyzer for data augmentation and prediction, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 20(1), 2003, 45-65. W.A. Kamakura, F. de Rosa, M. Wedel, J.A. Mazzon.

The Structure of Self-Reported Emotional Experiences: A Mixed Effects Poisson Factor Model, British Journal of Mathematical and Statistical Psychology, 56, 2003, 215-229, Bockenholt, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Factor analysis with observed and latent variables in the exponential family, Psychometrika, 66 (4), 2001, 515-530, M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura.

The spatial representation of market information. Marketing Science, 20 (4), 2001, 426-441, W.S. DeSarbo, A. Degeratu, M. Wedel, M.K. Saxton.

Exploratory Tobit factor analysis for multivariate censored data, Multivariate Behavioral Research, 36 (1), 2001, 53-82. W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Marketing Data, Models and Decisions. M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura, U. Böckenholt, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 17 (2-3), 2000, 203-208.

Factor Analysis and Missing Data, Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (November), 2000, 490-498, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Mixed Tree and Spatial Representation of Dissimilarity Judgments. Journal of Classification, 17 (2), 2000, 243-272, M. Wedel, T.H.A. Bijmolt.

A comparison of multidimensional scaling methods for perceptual mapping. Journal of Marketing Research, 36 (May), 1999, 277-285, T.H.A. Bijmolt, M. Wedel.

Time aggregation effects on the baseline of continuous-time and discrete-time hazard models. Economics Letters, 63, 1999, 145-150, F. ter Hofstede, M. Wedel

Mixtures of (constrained) ultrametric trees. Psychometrika, 63 (4) 1998, 419-443 M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

A model for the effects of psychological pricing in Gabor-Granger price studies. Journal of Economic Psychology, 19 (2), 1998, 237-260. M. Wedel, P.S.H. Leeflang.

An investigation into the association pattern technique as a quantitative approach to measuring means-end chains International Journal for Research in Marketing, 15 (1), 1998, 37-50. F. Ter Hofstede, A Oudeneart, J.B.E.M. Steenkamp, M. Wedel

A multidimensional scaling model accommodating differential stimulus familiarity. Multivariate Behavioral Research, 33(1), 1998, 41-63 , T.H.A. Bijmolt, W.S. DeSarbo, M. Wedel.

A Bayesian approach to the spatial representation of market structure from consumer choice data . European Journal of Operational Research, 111 (2), 1998, 285-305, W.S. DeSarbo, Y. Kim, M. Wedel, D. Fong.

Assessing the effects of abstract attributes and brand familiarity in conjoint choice experiments. International Journal for Research in Marketing, 15 (1), 1998, 71-78. M. Wedel, M. Vriens, T.H.A. Bijmolt, W. Krijnen, P.S.H. Leeflang.

Judgments of Brand similarity. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 15 (3), 1998, 249-268. T.H.A. Bijmolt, M. Wedel, R.G.M. Pieters, W.S. DeSarbo.

A Monte Carlo study of time aggregation in continuous-time and discrete-time parametric hazard models. Economics Letters, 58, 1998, 149-156, F. Ter Hofstede, M. Wedel.

Statistical data-fusion for cross-tabulation. Journal of Marketing Research, 34 (November) 485-498, 1997, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

A spatial interaction model for deriving joint space maps of bundle compositions and market segmentation pick-any data: an application to new product options. Marketing Letters, 7 (2), 1996, 131-145 , W.S. DeSarbo, V. Ramaswamy, M. Wedel, T.H.A. Bijmolt.

An exponential family mixture MDS methodology for simultaneous segmentation and product positioning. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 14(4), 1996, 447-459. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

Implications for asymmetry, non-proportionality and heterogeneity in brand switching from piece-wise exponential mixture hazard models, Journal of Marketing Research, 32 (November), 1995, 457-462. M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura, W.S. DeSarbo, E.W. ter Hofstede.

The effect of alternative methods of collecting similarity data for Multidimensional Scaling. International Journal of Research in Marketing, 1995, 12, (4) 363-371. T.H.A. Bijmolt, M. Wedel.

Models of Sales, Choice and Consideration

Managing the Versioning Decision over an App's Lifetime. Journal of Marketing, 2021, forthcoming. S. Lee, J. Zhang, M. Wedel (Covered in Lifewire, ZengerNews)

Return on Service Amenities. Journal of Marketing Research, 2016, forthcoming. R. Hamilton, R. Rust, M. Wedel, and D. Amitan.

Implementing Retail Category Management: A Model-based Approach to Setting Optimal Markups. M.Wedel, J.Zhang, F.Feinberg, Customer Needs and Solutions, 2015, 2, 165-176.

Retrieving Unobserved Consideration Sets from Household Panel Data. Journal of Marketing Research, 2010, 47 (1), 63-74. E. van Nierop, R. Paap, B. Bronnenberg, M.Wedel, P.H. Franses.

A Multi-Index Model for Binary Response Data, 2010. Journal of Business and Economic Statistics, 2010, 28 (1), 67-81. P. Naik, M.Wedel, W.A. Kamakura.

Choice Models and Customer Relationship Management. Marketing Letters,16 (3/4), 2005, 279-291. W.A. Kamakura, C.F. Mela, A. Ansari, A. Bodapati, P. Fader, R. Iyengar, P. Naik, S. Neslin, B. Sun, P.C. Verhoef, M. Wedel, R. Wilcox.

Consideration Sets, Intentions, and the Inclusion of "Don't Know" in a Two-Stage Model for Voter Choice, International Journal of Forecasting, 21, 53-71, 2005, R. Paap, E. Van Nierop, H.J. van Heerde, M.Wedel, Ph.H. Franses, K.J.Alsem.

Analyzing Brand Competition across Subcategories, Journal of Marketing Research, 41 (4), 2004, 448-456, M. Wedel, J. Zhang.

Habit persistence in time series models of discrete choice. Marketing Letters, 12 (1), 2001, 25-36. M.E. Haaijer, M. Wedel.

The 'No-Choice' Alternative in Conjoint Choice Experiments. International Journal of Marketing Research, 43 (1), 2000, 93-106. M.E. Haaijer, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel

Response latencies in the analysis of conjoint choice experiments. Journal of Marketing Research, 37 (3), 2000, 376-382, M.E. Haaijer, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Utility covariances and context effects in conjoint MNP models Marketing Science, 17 (3), 1998, 236-252, M.E. Haaijer, M. Wedel, M. Vriens, T.J. Wansbeek.

A model for the effects of psychological pricing in Gabor-Granger price studies. Journal of Economic Psychology, 19 (2), 1998, 237-260.M. Wedel, P.S.H. Leeflang.

Ratings-based versus choice-based latent class conjoint models- An empirical comparison. Journal of the Market Research Society, 40 (3), 1998, 237-248. M. Vriens, H. Oppewal, M. Wedel.

Reviews and Reflections

Marketing Analytics for Data-Rich Environments. Journal of Marketing, 80 (6), 97-121. M. Wedel and P.K. Kannan.

Eye Tracking Methodology for Research in Consumer Psychology, 2019. M. Wedel, R. Pieters, R. van de Lans. In: Handbook of Research Methods in Consumer Psychology, F.R. Kardes, P.M. Herr, and N. Schwarz (Eds.), Chapter 15, p.276-292.

Improving Ad Interfaces with Eye Tracking. 2017. M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Human-Computer Interaction, K. Normal (ed.). Wiley: New York, Volume 2, Chapter 41, p. 889-907.

Pervasive Eye Tracking for Real-World Consumer Behavior Analysis, Bulling, A. and M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Process Tracing Methods, Schulte-Mecklenbeck, Kühberger, Johnson (Eds.). Forthcoming

Attention Research in Marketing: A Review of Eye Tracking Studies. 2015. M. Wedel, In: The Handbook of Attention, J. Fawcett, E.F. Risko & A. Kingstone (eds.), Chapter 25, 569-588.

Looking at Vision: Eye/Face/Head Tracking of Consumers for Improved Marketing Decisions. 2014. M. Wedel and R. Pieters, Chapter 14, In: Routledge Companion on Future of Marketing, L. Moutinho, E. Bigné, and A.K. Manrai (eds.). Routledge.

Adaptive Personalization of Mobile Information Services. 2014. T. S. Chung and M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Service Research, R. Rust and M.H Huang (eds). 395-412.

MCMC. M. Wedel, P. Lenk. 2013. In: Handbook of Operations Research and Management Science, 3d ed. Gass, S. and Fu, M. (eds.). Springer, New York.

A Reflection on Paul Green's Impact on the Science and Practice of Multidimensional Scaling Since 1997. 2011. M. Wedel. In: Multidimensional Scaling, A Compilation of Paul Green's Work. Wayne S. DeSarbo (ed.).

Is Segmentation History? 2011. M.Wedel. In Liber Amicorum in honor of Peter S.H. Leeflang, JE Wierenga, PC Verhoef and JC Hoekstra (eds.)., University of Groningen. p. 163-168.

Eye-Tracking for Visual Marketing. Foundations and Trends® in Marketing. 2008, 1 (4), 231-320. M. Wedel and R. Pieters. (Discussed in the Wall Street Journal, July 12, 2012).

Challenges and Opportunities in High Dimensional Choice Data Analyses, 2008. Marketing Letters, 19 (3-4), 201-213. P. Naik, M.Wedel, L. Bacon, A. Bodapati, E. Bradlow, W. Kamakura, J. Kreulen, P. Lenk, D. Madigan, A.Montgomery

A Review of Eye-Tracking Applications in Marketing, 2007. Review of Marketing Research, 4, 123-147. M. Wedel, F.G.M. Pieters.

Structural Modeling in Marketing: A Review and Assessment, P.Chintagunta, T. Erdem, P.E. Rossi, M. Wedel, Marketing Science, 2006, 25 (6), 604-616, (Invited Paper, with Discussion).

Choice Models and Customer Relationship Management. Marketing Letters, 16 (3/4), 2005, 279-291. W.A. Kamakura, C.F. Mela, A. Ansari, A. Bodapati, P. Fader, R. Iyengar, P. Naik, S. Neslin, B. Sun, P.C. Verhoef, M. Wedel, R. Wilcox.

User Categorization of Public Library Collections, Library and Information Science Research, 27, 190-202, 2005, J. Boter, M. Wedel.

Employing Travel Cost to Compare the Use Value of Competing Cultural Organizations. Journal of Cultural Economics, 29, 2005, 13-33. J. Boter, J. Rouwendal, M. Wedel. ( Werner Pommerehne Prize for best paper in the Journal of Cultural Economics, 2004-2005.)

Comment on Microeconometrics by J.A. Hausman. Journal of Econometrics, 100/101, 2001, 89-91, T. Wansbeek, M. Wedel, E. Meijer.

Bayesian Econometrics: A Reaction to Geweke. Journal of Econometrics, 100/101, 2001, 79-80, P. Lenk, M. Wedel.

Marketing Data, Models and Decisions. M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura, U. Böckenholt, International Journal of Research in Marketing, 17 (2-3), 2000, 203-208.

Marketing and Econometrics. Journal of Econometrics, 89 (March/April), 1999, 1-14, T.A. Wansbeek, M. Wedel ( Introduction to Special Issue).

Discrete and continuous representation of heterogeneity, Marketing Letters, 10 (3), 1999, 217-230, M. Wedel, W.A. Kamakura , N. Arora, A. Bemmaor, J. Chiang, T. Elrod, R. Johnson, P. Lenk, S. Neslin, C.S. Poulsen

Adoption of a service innovation in the business market: An empirical test of supply-side variables. Journal of Business Research, 41 (2), 1998, 161- 174. R. Frambach, B. Nooteboom, H. Barkma, M. Wedel.

Modelling large datasets in marketing. Statistica Neerlandica, 52 (3), 1998, 303-324, S Balasubramanian, S. Gupta, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Representing Heterogeneity in Consumer response models. Marketing Letters, 8 (3), 1997, 335-348. W.S. DeSarbo, A. Ansari, P. Chintagunta, C. Himmelberg, K. Jedidi, R. Johnson, W.A. Kamakura, P. Lenk, K. Srinivasan, M. Wedel.

Looking at Vision: Eye/Face/Head Tracking of Consumers for Improved Marketing Decisions. 2014. M. Wedel and R. Pieters, Chapter 14, In: Routledge Companion on Future of Marketing, L. Moutinho, E. Bigné, and A.K. Manrai (eds.). Routledge. Forthcoming.

Adaptive Personalization of Mobile Information Services. 2014. T. S. Chung and M. Wedel. In: Handbook of Service Research, R. Rust and M.H Huang (eds). Forthcoming.

MCMC. M. Wedel, P. Lenk. 2013. In: Handbook of Operations Research and Management Science, 3d ed. Gass, S. and Fu, M. (eds.). Springer, New York.

A Reflection on Paul Green's Impact on the Science and Practice of Multidimensional Scaling Since 1997. 2011. M. Wedel. In: Multidimensional Scaling, A Compilation of Paul Green's Work. Wayne S. DeSarbo (ed.). Forthcoming.

Is Segmentation History? 2011. M.Wedel. In Liber Amicorum in honor of Peter S.H. Leeflang, JE Wierenga, PC Verhoef and JC Hoekstra (eds.)., University of Groningen. p. 163-168.

Attention to Advertising. 2011. R. Pieters, M.Wedel. In: MSI Book on Empirical Generalizations in Consumer Behavior (J. Alba, ed.), Boston: Marketing Science Institute, 39-41.

Cluster Analysis; Exploratory Factor Analysis, 2011. S. Shi, M. Wedel. In: Marketing Research, Wiley International Encyclopedia of Marketing Volume 2, W.A. Kamakura (ed.), Wiley, New York, p. 17-23; p.92-98.

Personalization Technologies, 2010. R.T. Rust, K. Na, M. Wedel and T.S. Chung. In: H. Bidgoli, Ed., The Handbook of Technology Management, Volume 2, John Wiley & Sons, p. 473-482.

Introduction to Visual Marketing, 2007. R. Pieters and M. Wedel. In: Visual Marketing, Lawrence Erlbaum, M.Wedel and R. Pieters (eds.). p. 1-7.

Informativeness of Eye-Movements for Visual Marketing: Six Cornerstones, 2007. R. Pieters and M. Wedel. In: Visual Marketing, Lawrence Erlbaum, M.Wedel and R. Pieters (eds.). p. 43-72.

Pretesting: Before The Rubber Hits the Road, 2007. R. Pieters, M. Wedel, In: Handbook of Advertising Research, G.J. Tellis and T. Ambler, (eds.), London: Sage. p. 217-232.

Latent Structure Regression, 2005. In: Handbook of Marketing Research , R. Grover & M. Vriens, (eds), London, Sage, 394-417. W.S. DeSarbo, W.A. Kamakura, M. Wedel.

Applications of Multivariate Latent Variable Models in Marketing, 2004. In: Advances in Marketing Research and Modeling: The Academic and Industry Impact of Paul E. Green , J. Wind (Ed.), Boston: Kluwer, 43-67. W.S. De Sarbo, W.A. Kamakura and M. Wedel.

Conjoint Choice Experiments: General Characteristics and Alternative Model Specifications, 2001. In: Conjoint Measurement: Methods and Applications, A Gustafsson, A. Herrmann and F. Huber (Eds.), Berlin: Springer, 2000, Ch. 13, 319-360 (1st ed.); 2001, Ch 14, 345-387 (2nd ed.); 2003, Ch 15, 371-412 (3d ed.); 2007, Ch. 11, 199-230 (4 th ed.). M.E. Haaijer, M. Wedel,

Mixture Regression Models, 2002. In: Advances in Latent Class Models, J Hagenaars and A. McCutcheon (Eds). Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, Ch. 13, p. 366-382. M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

The Identification of Sensory Dimensions of Food Products From Scanner Data Using The STUNMIX Methodology. In: Agricultural Marketing in a Changing World, J.-B. Steenkamp, A. van Tilburg, B. Wierenga, K. G. Grunert & M. Wedel (Eds.), Boston: Kluwer Academic Publishers, 1996, 189-200, M. Wedel.

A Review of Recent Developments In Latent Class Regression Models, 1994. In: Advanced methods of Marketing Research, RP Bagozzi, (ed.), New York: Blackwell, 352-388, M. Wedel, W.S. DeSarbo.

Nutrition and Epidemiology

Fat Watch: A nationwide campaign in the Netherlands to reduce fat intake: process evaluations. Nutrition and Health, 12, 1998, 107-117. J.C.J.F. van der Feen de Lille, M. Riedstra, W. Hardeman, M. Wedel, J. Brug, J.F.A .Pruyn, M.R.H. Lowik

Thiamin, Riboflavin and vitamin B‑6: Impact of Restricted intake on physical performance in man. Journal of the American College of Nutrition, 13 (6) (1994), 629‑640. E.J. van der Beek, W. van Dokkum, M. Wedel, J. Schrijver, H. van den Berg.

Iodide Excretion before and after revision of Goiter Prophylaxis (Dutch Nutrition Surveillance System) European Journal of Clinical Nutrition, 46, 1992, 671-678. J. Brug M.R.H. Löwik, M. Wedel, J. Odink.

Indicators of Idodine Status Among Adults-Dutch Nutrition Surveillance System. Annals of Nutrition and Metabolism, 36 (3): 129-134. J.Brug, M.R.H. Löwik, J.J.Van Binsbergen, J. Odink, R.J. Egger, M. Wedel.

Clustering of dietary variables and other lifestyle factors (Dutch Nutritional Surveillance System). Journal of Epidemiology and Community Health, 46, 1992, 417-424. K.F.A.M. Hulshof, M. Wedel, M.R..H. Löwik, F.J. Kok, C. Kistemaker, R.J.J. Hermus, F. ten Hoor, Th. Ockhuizen.

Marginal nutritional status among institutionalized elderly women as compared to those living more independently (Dutch Nutrition Surveillance System). Journal of the American college of Nutrition, 11 (6), 1992, 673-681. M.R.H. Löwik, H. van den Berg, J. Schrijver, J. Odink, M. Wedel, P. van Houten.

Application of a three-compartment model to a study of the effects of sex, alcohol dose and concentration, exercise and food consumption on the pharmacokinetics of ethanol in healthy volunteers, Alcohol and Alcoholism, 26 (3), 1991, 329-336. M. Wedel, J.E. Pieters, N.A. Pikaar, Th. Ockhuizen.

Vitamin C analysis in whole blood, plasma and cells using reduced glutathione as preservative (Stabilizer): Losses and redistribution. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research 61, 1991, 43-45. M.R.H. Löwik, J. Schrijver, M. Wedel.

Effect of various levels of selenium in wheat and meat on blood Se status indices and on Se balance in Dutch men. British Journal of Nutrition, 65, 1991, 69-80. H.W. van der Torre, W. van Dokkum, G.J. Schaafsma, M. Wedel, Th. Ockhuizen.

Diet and other life-style factors in high and low socio-economic groups (Dutch Nutriti­on Surveillance System). European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 45, 1991, 441-450. K.F.A.M. Hulshof, M.R.H. Löwik, F.J. Kok, M. Wedel, H.A.M. Brants, R.J.J. Hermus, F. ten Hoor.

Dutch dietary guidelines: impact on blood lipids, blood pressure, body composition and urinary mineral excretion of Dutch middle-aged men. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 45, 1991, 431-439. W. van Dokkum, E.J. van der Beek, S. de Pee, G. Schaafsma, A. Wesstra, M. Wedel.

Food intake and socio-economic status in children in northeast thailand. Tropical and Geographical Medicine 43 (1&2), 1991, 42-50. R.J. Egger, E.H. Hofhuis, B. Sukontha­nyakorn, E.M. van der Ven, P. Scriboonlue, M. Wedel, S. Saowakontha, W.H.P. Schreurs.

Nutrition and blood pressure among elderly men and women (Dutch nutrition surveil­lance system). Journal of the American College of Nutrition 10 (2), 1991, 149-155. M.R.H. Löwik, Z. Hofman, F.J. Kok, M. Wedel, K.F.A.M. Hulshof, J. Odink, G.J. Schaaf­sma.

Nutrition and serum cholesterol levels among elderly men and women (Dutch nutrition surveillance system). Journal of Gerontology: Medical Sciences 46, (1), 1991, M23-28. M.R.H. Löwik, M. Wedel, F.J. Kok, J. Odink, S. Westenbrink, J.F. Meulmeester.

Vitamin A intervention: short-term effects of a single, oral, massive dose on iron metabolism. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 51, 1990, 76-79. M.W. Bloem, M. Wedel, E.J. van Achtmaal, A.J. Speek, S. Saowakhontha, W.H.P. Schreurs.

Mild Vitamin A deficiency and risk of respiratory tract diseases and diarrhoea in pre-­sch­ool and sch­ool chil­dren in Nor­the­as­tern Thailand. American Journal of Epi­de­mio­logy 131, 199­0, 332-339. M.W. Bloem, M. Wedel, R.J. Egger, A.J. Speek, J. Schrijver, S. Saowakontha, W.H.P. Schreurs.

Dependence of Vitamin B-6 status Assessment on alcohol intake among elderly men and women (Dutch Nutrition Surveillance System). Journal of Nutrition 120, 1990, 1344-1351. M.R.H. Löwik, G. van Poppel, M. Wedel, H. van den Berg, J. Schrijver.

Short-term effects of marginal vitamin B deficiencies on immune parameters in healthy young volunteers. Nutrition Research 10, 1990, 483-492. Th. Ockhuizen, S. Span­haak, N. Mares, J. Veenstra, M. Wedel, J. Mulder, H. van den Berg.

Association between intestinal parasitoses and nutritional status in 3-8-year-old children in Northeast Thailand. Tropical and Geographical Medicine 42 (4), 1990, 312-323. R.J. Egger, E.H. Hofhuis, M.W. Bloem, K. Chusilp, M. Wedel, C. Intrakhao, S. Saowa­kontha, W.H.P. Schreurs.

Effects of a moderate dose of alcohol on blood lipids and lipoproteins postprandially and in the fasting state. Alcohol and Alcoholism 25 (4), 1990, 371-377. J. Veenstra, Th. Ockhuizen, H. van de Pol, M. Wedel, G.J. Schaafsma.

Nutrition and ageing: Nutritional status of "apparently healthy" elderly (Dutch nutrition surveillance system). Journal of the American College of Nutrition 9, 1990, 18-27. M.R.H. Löwik, J. Schrijver, J. Odink, H. van den Berg, M. Wedel, R.J.J. Hermus.

Effect of dietary fiber on the vitamin B-6 status among vegetarian and non-vegetarian elderly (Dutch nutrition surveillance system). Journal of the American College of Nutrition 9 (3), 1990, 241-249. M.R.H. Löwik, J. Schrijver, H. van den Berg, K.F.A.M. Hulshof, M. Wedel, Th. Ockhuizen.

Vitamin D status, parathyroid hormone and sunlight in Turkish, Moroccan and Caucasian children in the Netherlands. European Journal of Clinical Nutrition 44, 1990, 461-470. J.F. Meulmeester, H. van den Berg, M. Wedel, P.G. Boshuis, K.F.A.M. Hulshof, R. Luyken.

Long term effects of a vegetarian diet on the nutritional status of elderly People (Dutch Nutrition Surveillance System). Journal of the American College of Nutrition 9 1990, 600-609. M.R.H. Löwik, J. Schrijver, J. Odink, H. van den Berg, M. Wedel.

Effects of a moderate dose of alcohol on platelet function and tissue-type plasminogen activator and plasminogen activator inhibitor. Thrombosis and Haemostasis, 63, 1990, 345–348. J. Veenstra, C. Kluft, Th. Ockhuizen, H. van de Pol, M. Wedel and G. Schaafsma.

Effects of four days of moderate wine and coffee consumption on fibrinolysis and platelet aggregation. Fibrinolysis, 4, 1990, 215-220. J. Veenstra, C. Kluft, Th. Ockhui­zen, N.A. Pikaar, H. van de Pol, M. Wedel, G. Schaafsma.

Comparative analysis of the penetrative capacity of the synopses and of the full papers published in the same broad-scope agricultural journal. Journal of Information Science, 16, 1990, 155-164. D.G. van der Heij, J. van der Burg, I.R.C. Cressie, M. Wedel.

A prevalence study of vitamin A deficiency and xerophtalmia in Northeastern Thailand. American Journal of Epidemiology 129, 1989, 6: 1095-1103. M.W. Bloem, M. Wedel, R.J. Egger, A.J. Speek, K. Chusilp, S. Saowakontha, W.H.P. Schreurs. With Discussion: The authors reply. Letter to the editor. American Journal of Epidemiology 133 (1991): 320-321. M. Bloem, M. Wedel.

Iron metabolism and vitamin A deficiency in Northeast Thailand. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 50, 1989, 332-338. M.W. Bloem, M. Wedel, R.J. Egger, A.J. Speek, J. Schrijver, S. Saowakhontha, W.H.P. Schreurs.

Parameter estimation in a three compartment model for blood alcohol curves. Alcohol and Alcoholism 25 (1), 1989, 17-24. J.E. Pieters, M. Wedel, G. Schaafsma.

Changes in blood lipids and lipoproteins after a moderate dose of alcohol in young and middle aged men. Alcohol and Alcoholism 24 (4), 1989, 386. G. Schaafsma, Th. Ockhuizen, H. van de Pol, J. Veenstra, M. Wedel.

Effects of a moderate dose of alcohol on platelet function and tissue-type plasminogen activator in young and middle aged men. Alcohol and Alcoholism 24 (4), 1989, 389. J. Veenstra, C. Kluft, Th. Ockhuizen, H. van de Pol, M. Wedel, G. Schaafsma.

Dose-response relationships regarding vitamin B-6 in elderly people: a nation wide nutritional survey (Dutch Nutritional Surveillance System). American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 50, 1989, 391-399. M.R.H. Löwik, H. van den Berg, S. Westenbrink, M. Wedel, J. Schrijver, Th. Ockhuizen.

Fat patterning during weight reduction: a multimode investigation. Netherlands Journal of Medicine 35, 1989, 174-184. T. Weits, E.J. van der Beek, M. Wedel, M.W.A. Höben, H.P.F. Koppeschaar.

Nutrition and blood pressure among elderly men and women. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 8 (5), 1989, 460. M.R.H. Löwik, Z. Hofman, F.J. Kok, M. Wedel, K.A.F.M. Hulshof, J. Odink, G. Schaafsma.

Nutritional risks among Dutch elderly people. Journal of the American College of Nutrition 8 (5), 1989, 441. M.R.H. Löwik, J. Schrijver, M. Wedel, S. Westenbrink.

Thiamin, riboflavin, and vitamins B-6 and C: impact of combined restricted intake on functional performance in man. American Journal of Clinical Nutrition 48, 1988, 1451-1462. E.J. van der Beek, W. van Dokkum, J. Schrijver, M. Wedel, A.W.K. Gaillard, A. Wesstra, H. van de Weerd, R.J.J. Hermus.

Dietary intake, life style and nutritional status of 18-year old men in the Netherlands. Nutrition Reports International 37 (4), 1988, 755-764. K.F.A.M. Hulshof, M. Wedel, Th. Ockhuizen.

Influence of several factors on blood alcohol concentrations after drinking alcohol. Alcohol and Alcoholism 23 (4), 1988, 289-297. N.A. Pikaar, M. Wedel, R.J.J. Hermus.

Computed tomography measurement of fat tissue in relation to anthropometry. International Journal of Obesity 12, 1988, 217-225. T. Weits, E.J. van der Beek, M. Wedel.

The reproducibility of the conversion of nitrate to nitrite in human saliva after a nitrate load. Food and Chemical Toxicology 26 (2), 1988, 93-97. P.M.J. Bos, P.A. van den Brandt, M. Wedel, Th. Ockhuizen.

Food preferences and aversions and dietary pattern in anorexia nervosa. Human Nutrition Clinical Nutrition 42, 1988, 671-678. C.J.M. van Binsbergen, K.F.A.M. Hulshof, M. Wedel, J. Odink, H.J.T. Coelingh-Bennink.

Anthropometrical data of three groups of cancer patients, - a prospective study during cancer treatment. Nutrition Reports International 35 (1), 1987, 135-145. R.J. Egger, A.C. Gooskens, J.C. Huldij, M. Wedel, P.F. Bruning.

Food intake in three groups of cancer patients, a prospective study during cancer treatment. Human Nutrition: Applied Nutrition 41A, 1987, 23-37. K.F.A.M. Hulshof, A.C. Gooskens, M. Wedel, P.F. Bruning.

Effects of moderate alcohol consumption on platelet aggregation, fibrinolysis and blood lipids. Metabolism 36 (6), 1987, 538 -543. N.A. Pikaar, M. Wedel, E.J. van der Beek, H.J.M. Kempen, C. Cluft, Th. Ockhuizen, R.J.J. Hermus.

Influence of long term, moderate alcohol consumption on the excretion of free and conjugated catecholamines and total salsolinol. Biogenic Amines 4, 1987, 391-398. J. Odink, N.A. Pikaar, M. Wedel.

Vitamin C restriction and physical performance. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 25 (2), 1986, 65a. E.J. van der Beek, W. van Dokkum, J. Schrijver, M. Wedel.

Comparison of ultrasonic and skin-fold calliper measurement of subcutaneous fat tissue. International Journal of Obesity 10, 1986, 161-168. T. Weits, E.J. van der Beek, M. Wedel.

The impact of restricted vitamin intake on functional performance in man. Proceedings of the Nutrition Society 45 (2), 1986, 65a. E.J. van der Beek, W. van Dokkum, J. Schrijver, M. Wedel, A.W.K. Gailard.

Dietary intake, nutritional status and well being of cancer patients. A prospective study. European Journal of Cancer and Clinical Oncology 21, (12), 1985, 1449-1459. P.F. Bruning, R.J. Egger, A.C. Gooskens, R.J.J. Hermus, K.F.A.M. Hulshof, C. Kistemaker, E.H. Klein Poelhuis, A. Kobashi-Schoot, J. Odink, W.H.P. Schreurs, M. Wedel.

The influence of radiotherapy and chemotherapy on the vitamin status of cancer patients. International Journal of Vitamin and Nutrition Research 55, 1985, 425-432. W.H.P. Schreurs, J. Odink, R.J. Egger, M. Wedel, P.F. Bruning.

The relationship of diet, body composition, physical activity and quality of metabolic control to blood lipid levels in type-I diabetic men. International Journal of Sports Medicine 5 (5), 1984, 59-63 E.J. van der Beek, M. Wedel, A. van der Zedde, M. Bovens, B.J. Leep, R.J.J. Hermus, J.A. Schouten, E.A. van der Veen

Discovering an Epidemic before it has reached a certain level of prevalence. Biometrics 39, 1983, 765-770. J.A.J. Metz, M. Wedel, A.F. Angulo.

  1. The Impact of Immediate and Cumulative Crashes of A Mobile App. S. Shi, S. Lee, K. Kalyanaram, M.Wedel.
  2. Effective Exposure for Typical and Atypical Ads: Is "Time in View King"?. M. Elsen, R. Pieters M. Wedel.
  3. Mobile App Upgrading Decisions Across Versions. S. Lee, J. Zhang, M. Wedel.
  4. Polytomous IRT Models with Optimal Cut-Point Formation. D. Fok, D. Godes, M. Wedel.
  5. Multiple-session Online Shopping Behaviors: Implications for Cart Abandonment Assessment and Promotion Customization. S. Stakhovych, J.Zhang, M.Wedel.

ADVISORY BOARDS: In4mation Insights, Corner Media.

CONSULTING: He has consulted on market segmentation, big data analytics, market forecasting, eye tracking, and advertising effectiveness, for over 30 companies, including:

  • A.C. Nielsen, Daimler AG, Deloitte Consulting, Mars Inc
  • McKinsey & Company, Microsoft, P&G, Hellen Keller,
  • IntelliQuest (WPP), Intomart (Gfk), Research International (TNS), Unilever, Sidley Austin.

Academic Publications

The Impact of App Crashes on Consumer Engagement
Journal of Marketing

The authors develop and test a theoretical framework to examine the impact of app crashes on app engagement. The framework predicts that consumers increase engagement after encountering a single crash due to their need-for-closure and curiosity, yet reduce engagement after experiencing repeated and concentrated crashes, primarily because of frustration and perceived task unattainability; the recency of crashes moderates these effects. Field data analysis reveals that while a crash truncates a session and reduces content consumption, it increases page views in the following session. However, this increase in page views does not compensate for the loss during the crashed session. Frequent and more concentrated crashes curtail engagement. Three experiments in which crashes are exogenously manipulated in a different context support the validity and generalizability of these findings, confirm the proposed mediators, and demonstrate how to lessen the negative impact of repeated crashes with post-crash messages. The research adds new dimensions to the task pursuit literature and provides managers with a framework to quantify the economic impact of crashes, analyze content substitution behavior, and assess the bias of a transactional view of crash incidents. Additionally, it offers insights into targeted feature release to more tolerant users and strategic design of post-crash messages.

Savannah Wei Shi, Associate Professor of Marketing & J.C. Penney Research Professor, Leavey School of Business Santa Clara University
Seoungwoo Lee*, Assistant Professor, Yonsei School of Business, Yonsei University Seoul
Kirthi Kalyanam, L.J. Skaggs Distinguished Professor Leavey School of Business, Santa Clara University
Michel Wedel, PepsiCo Chaired Professor of Consumer Science, Robert H. Smith School of Business, University of Maryland

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