
Wilbur Chung

Wilbur Chung

  • Associate Professor
Logistics, Business and Public Policy


3417 Van Munching Hall
Michael Cichello

Michael Cichello

  • Clinical Professor
  • Academic Director, Master of Finance and Master of Quantitative Finance


4450 Van Munching Hall
Jessica M. Clark

Jessica M. Clark

  • Assistant Professor of Information Systems
Decision, Operations and Information Technologies
AI Faculty, Social Impact


4308 Van Munching hall
Nicole M. Coomber

Nicole M. Coomber

  • Assistant Dean of Experiential Learning
  • Clinical Professor of Management & Organization
Management and Organization
Social Impact


4521 Van Munching Hall
Humberto C. Coronado

Humberto C. Coronado

  • Academic Director, Master of Science in Supply Chain Management
  • Senior Lecturer
Logistics, Business and Public Policy


3425 Van Munching Hall
Thomas M. Corsi

Thomas M. Corsi

  • Michelle L. Smith Professor of Logistics
Logistics, Business and Public Policy


3359 Van Munching Hall
Jon Crocker

Jon Crocker

  • Clinical Professor
Logistics, Business and Public Policy
Social Impact


3355 Van Munching Hall
Protiti Dastidar

Protiti Dastidar

  • Clinical Professor and Associate Area Chair
  • Academic Director, Global Post Graduate Program in Management (IMI - New Delhi)
Management and Organization


4514 Van Munching Hall
Rellie Derfler-Rozin

Rellie Derfler-Rozin

  • Professor
  • Academic Director, Master in Management Studies (MiM) and Online Master in Management Studies (OMiM)
  • Associate Editor, Organizational Behavior and Human Decision Processes
Management and Organization
Social Impact


4510 Van Munching Hall
Cristian Dezső

Cristian Dezső

  • Area Chair, Logistics, Business, and Public Policy
  • Professor
Logistics, Business and Public Policy


3409 Van Munching Hall
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