Subscribe to Smith Research E-Journal
The Smith School's E-Working Paper Repository is now SSRN. Working papers are submitted for inclusion in the Smith School of Business Research Paper Series Journal from SSRN. Part of the service provided by SSRN is our own "E-Journal". This is a periodic e-mail that contains the titles, authors, abstracts and links for the most recently released working papers.
Below you will find the process for signing up to receive the Smith School Research E-Journal.
There are two steps -- the first step is to create your own SSRN account. If you already have one, you can skip this step. The second step is to add you name to the Smith School distribution list.
Step 1: SSRN registration:
> Go to and on the top left hand frame: click on Free Registration and then follow the instructions by providing Name and E-mail Address.
Step 2: Registering for Smith School Series
> Once you have registered go to the SSRN site and on the left hand column of the screen: click on the Management Research Network.
> Within the left hand column, immediately below Management Research Network some choices will appear: Click on Research Paper Series
> On the main part of the screen: find Robert H. Smith School of Business Research Paper Series and click on Subscribe
>Then follow the instructions for registering
Please send an e-mail to if you need any help with registration or the e-working paper submission process.