John Strauss ’20 Builds His Brand
November 08, 2016
Experiential / Reality-based Learning
International Education Week is Nov 14-18
It is sometimes said that you cannot truly know another culture without knowing its language.&nbs
World Class Faculty & Research
One Conference, Three Best Papers for Faculty Mentor
November 07, 2016
Entrepreneurial Spirit
Smith Puts Ladies First in Commitment to Entrepreneurship
October 27, 2016
According to the recently released “Women in the Workplace 2016” study conducted by LeanIn.Org an
One Big Question About the AT&T-Time Warner Deal
Lego Innovators Shine at Smith School Business Summit
October 31, 2016
Participants did more with less at the fifth annual Smith School Business Summit, a signature eve
Smith Terps Participate in Community Service Learning at Jug Bay Wetlands Sanctuary
October 28, 2016
On Friday, October 21, 2016, students and staff from the University of Maryland’s Robert H.
The Economist Ranks Smith Faculty No. 1 in World
November 01, 2016
Professors at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business placed No.
Soft Skills Reign at Smith School Business Summit
November 02, 2016
Companies worried about disruption need science and technology to stay relevant in the 21st centu
Smith MBAs Compete in PepsiCo MBA Invitational Business Case Competition
Smith Team in Finals of U.S. Chamber Foundation’s Inaugural MBA Case Competition
A team of MBA students from the University of Maryland’s Robert H.
Finance Fellows Networking Night
Speed dating took on a new meaning for undergraduates studying finance at the University of Maryl