Smith Research
A Tool for Closing the Gender Pay Gap
February 28, 2019
Equal pay for equal work is a simple notion, but surprisingly hard to implement without buy-in from upper management and quantitative tools for decision support.
Smith Brain Trust
Why Is It So Hard To Close the Gender Pay Gap?
March 01, 2019
Equal pay for equal work. It’s a simple notion, but one that’s surprisingly hard to implement without buy-in from upper management and quantitative tools for decision support.
How To Tax the Rich, And Do It Smarter
February 26, 2019
What is the best way to tax the wealthy in America? Maryland Smith's Kislaya Prasad offers two guiding principles.
Stop Investing in What You Know
February 21, 2019
Be careful about investing in something that seems exciting because you use it, entrepreneurship professors Brent Goldfarb and David A. Kirsch write in their new book.
Stock Buybacks Are Not the Enemy
February 18, 2019
Stock buybacks have found themselves in various crosshairs of late, and it’s got Maryland Smith’s David Kass shaking his head. Buybacks, he says, are not the problem.
An Analyst's Actual Impact
February 11, 2019
How much do analysts really move markets? New research examine the role that reports play in determining an analyst's future at big investment banks.
A Key To More Innovation
Maryland Smith’s Brent Goldfarb shows that federal funding affects both the rate and direction of inventive activity, partly by investing in areas that private corporations eschew.
Using Data To Predict Mortality
A new predictive app that culls through medical data can offer a better answer to many cancer patients’ top question: “What’s my prognosis?”
Why Income Inequality Is the Wrong Question
February 06, 2019
Alternative perspective shifts the focus from wealth distribution to wealth creation and upward mobility for the masses.
Art of the Supply Chain Deal
February 05, 2019
A bargaining model developed at Maryland Smith helps buyers and sellers find balance in complex negotiations.
Rethinking Exclusivity In Luxury Markets
As luxury labels become more accessible, high-end brands must figure out how to maintain exclusivity to avoid losing legacy consumers.
A Smarter Way to Advertise Online
February 04, 2019
A new algorithm adds transparency to the process, while helping campaign managers optimize results.