
August 15, 2004
Welcome Smith School Students!

This is an especially exciting time for members of the Smith School community. As we begin another academic school year, we would like to take this opportunity to highlight some of the Smith School's most recent success stories and introduce you to new faculty members and students.

Read News Story : Welcome Smith School Students!
June 15, 2004
Smith School Faculty & Deans Offer 2004 "Top 10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders"

Smith School faculty members and deans are excited to recommend some of their favorite business books in a "Top 10 Reading List for Business Leaders."

Read News Story : Smith School Faculty & Deans Offer 2004 "Top 10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders"
June 4, 2004
Smith School Undergraduate Curriculum Goes International

Smith School professors are ready to infuse undergraduate business courses with a healthy dose of East Asia. Five Smith professors were invited to participate in a summer institute with the goal of integrating East Asia into their classes last month.

Read News Story : Smith School Undergraduate Curriculum Goes International
May 30, 2004
Dean Howard Frank is Guest on Tomorrow's Business Radio Program

Smith School Dean Howard Frank engaged Washington, D.C., area radio listeners recently with a discussion about business in the digital economy. Frank was a guest on the Tomorrow's Business radio program, hosted by Steve Mandell, who is also a partner in the D.C. law firm of Pepper Hamilton. The one-hour Tomorrow's Business program airs on WBIS AM, 1190.

Read News Story : Dean Howard Frank is Guest on Tomorrow's Business Radio Program
May 29, 2004
Managing Money Comes Easy to Finance Case Competition Winners

Four Smith undergrads had some extra spending money this summer, compliments of the Joseph M. Wikler Finance Case Competition, held in April. Nathaniel Zola, Michelle Donnelly, Julianne Kortz, and Zach Barratt each received $1,000 in prize money by earning first place in the competition, which was organized by Smith's finance department.

Read News Story : Managing Money Comes Easy to Finance Case Competition Winners
May 28, 2004
Forum on Financial Systems and Cyber Security Attracts Experts from Around the Globe

The information revolution has not only introduced new technologies, but has also changed the way business is conducted. Economic transactions increasingly take place via digital networks, and a critical part of this interconnectivity is the way organizations have integrated accounting and financial management systems with Internet-based applications.

Read News Story : Forum on Financial Systems and Cyber Security Attracts Experts from Around the Globe
May 21, 2004
Smith Commencement Highlights Video of Speaker Gary Wililams '68, May 2004

Proud families with wide smiles filled the Comcast Center on Friday, May 21, 2004. As graduating seniors, MBA candidates, and PhD candidates walked onto the arena floor with heads held high and future expectations even higher, members of the audience stood anxiously in hopes of getting a quick glance of their loved ones.

Read News Story : Smith Commencement Highlights Video of Speaker Gary Wililams '68, May 2004
May 20, 2004
Smith's Doctoral Candidates Take Posts at Business Schools Worldwide

The Robert H. Smith School of Business doctoral program may not make headlines each month, but it does each May, marking the end of another rigorous academic cycle. By the end of August, the school will graduate nine students for the 2003-2004 academic year.

Read News Story : Smith's Doctoral Candidates Take Posts at Business Schools Worldwide
May 10, 2004
Senator Paul Sarbanes Talks Ethics with Graduating MBA Students

The Smith School's thought leaders, under the helm of Stephen Loeb, Ernst & Young Alumni Professor of Accounting and Business Ethics, just wrapped up their annual MBA experiential ethics course with a field trip to prison to meet inmates convicted of white-collar crimes.

Read News Story : Senator Paul Sarbanes Talks Ethics with Graduating MBA Students
April 30, 2004
Undergraduates Excel in Joseph M. Wikler Finance Case Competition

On April 30, 2004, five select finance student teams participated in the first Joseph M. Wikler Finance Case Competition. The case program is sponsored by Joseph Wikler, who is a director of Oppenheimer Funds and a consultant for T. Rowe Price Small-Cap Value Fund. He also serves as a director for a number of other private and non-profit organizations.

Read News Story : Undergraduates Excel in Joseph M. Wikler Finance Case Competition
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