Senior Class Gift

The Class of 2024 Smith Senior Gift

The Senior Gift Campaign is an awesome way for students to partner with alumni, parents, faculty and staff and give back to the college that has given us so much. To show our appreciation, we are committed to continuing the tradition of supporting the Annual Fund. Our goal is for 100% of our class to make a gift to the Annual Fund. We ask you to consider a gift of $20.24 to commemorate our graduation year. The minimum suggested gift is $5.00.

Remember, your participation is key to reaching our class goal

Alumni participation, which is the percentage of alumni who make a gift to the Smith School, is one factor in our U.S. News & World Report ranking. As alumni, our gifts help increase the overall alumni participation rate. Reaching, and surpassing, our goal is crucial! A higher participation rate means a higher ranking, which increases the value of our diplomas. Smith seniors have demonstrated tremendous support in recent years, so let's keep that going!

By contributing a minimum of $5 to the Smith School senior class gift, Smith seniors are eligible to receive:

  • A philanthropy honor cord to wear during commencement.
  • Their name is featured on the Smith School philanthropy honor rolls.

Parents: Want to make a gift on behalf of your student?

Your graduating Smith senior will receive the honors listed above, and you can celebrate your student’s graduation with the gift of philanthropy. To designate the gift correctly, select “Is this gift in memory, in honor, or on behalf of someone?” on the online giving form, and write in your student’s full legal name. For questions about this process, please call 301-405-9459 or email

Students, want to get more involved?

We have opportunities and positions available on the senior class gift campaign committee. Joining the committee is a great way to get involved and add experience and skills to your résumé. Contact the senior class gift committee to learn more at 301-405-9459 or

For any questions about the Smith School commencement ceremony, visit

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