
Accelerate Your Career Trajectory

Office of Career Services (OCS) is Smith’s comprehensive career management service. Our services help master's students smoothly transition into the business world. OCS career coaches have valuable industry experience and will help you discover and use your unique strengths to reach your highest potential in your career.

Among students who work with OCS after starting at Smith, 89% receive internships and 79% receive full-time job offers.

OCS offers one-on-one and group coaching to help you do the following:

  • Create an Effective Résumé and Cover Letter
  • Improve your Interpersonal Skills
  • Plan a Job Search
  • Leverage LinkedIn to Network
  • Prepare for an Interview
  • Navigate a Career Fair
  • Compete in a Corporate-Sponsored Case Competition
  • Negotiate Job Offers

Business Master’s Success Stories

Hear first-hand from our current and former specialty master’s students about how their Smith experience helped them create valuable connections, advance their careers, gain a global perspective and stand-out in the job market.

“I chose Smith because of its rankings and how the curriculum aligned with what I wanted to do in the future. Classes such as Global Transportation Management and Global Resource Planning were particularly impactful to me. Now that I'm working, the coursework directly applies to what I do for my company.”

Rahul Yeole
MS Supply Chain Management '23
Customer Logistics Analyst at Perdue Farms

“Through the master’s program at Smith, I learned I have the ability to solve complex business problems by myself. With the help of my professors, I can confirm what I’ve learned is right.”

Harriet Peng
MS Marketing Analytics ‘19

“Being able to interact and share experiences with students from all over the world is a rare opportunity to learn and expand my knowledge of people from places that I didn’t know much about.”

Christopher Rolle
MS Accounting ‘18

“Being able to interact and share experiences with students from all over the world is a rare opportunity to learn and expand my knowledge of people from places that I didn’t know much about”

Angara Sahitya
MS Business Analytics ‘20

“With the Smith community’s seemingly endless resources, strong network and the location, there are many career opportunities available to you. Do not be afraid to reach out to your peers, faculty, seniors or the administration.”

Shantan Sawa
MS Information Systems ‘18

“For my experiential learning project, my team worked with data to develop models assessing housing risk in different markets. We looked at housing prices and general trends in the economy to create a housing risk index for each metropolitan statistical area. It was relevant to a real-world industry, and great to talk about at job interviews.”

Iordan Koulov
Master of Quantitative Finance, '23
Quantitative Analytics Associate, Wells Fargo

Major employers who have hired our students include:

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