Smith Brain Trust

April 19, 2021
The Myths About Workplace Negotiations
Why might asking about salary and benefits not land you a job? Why could it make you seem less motivated to employers? How does strict ethical behavior diminish creativity in the workplace? It all has to do with the zero-sum mindset, says Maryland Smith's Rellie Derfler-Rozin, and here's what you…
Read the article : The Myths About Workplace Negotiations
April 16, 2021
Can AI Help Create More Equitable Workplaces?
Can we partner with artificial intelligence and machine learning tools to build a more equitable workforce? New research may offer a way.
Read the article : Can AI Help Create More Equitable Workplaces?
April 15, 2021
The Ugly Side of Beauty AI
The pitfalls to AI-driven beauty scoring begin with the premise that beauty is in the eye of the beholder.
Read the article : The Ugly Side of Beauty AI
April 15, 2021
The Ever Given Is Unstuck, But the Ripple Effects Remain
Strong U.S. economy, consumer demand and the need for raw materials amplify the effects of the recent shipping turmoil.
Read the article : The Ever Given Is Unstuck, But the Ripple Effects Remain
April 12, 2021
What’s To Lose from a Corporate Tax Hike?
The Biden administration's proposed $2 trillion infrastructure bill is expected to be funded in part by an increased corporate tax rate. But changes of that magnitude always carry consequences, says Maryland Smith's Michael Faulkender, and the impact of these policies could be felt years down the…
Read the article : What’s To Lose from a Corporate Tax Hike?
April 8, 2021
That $2T Infrastructure Price Tag
Surprised by the high price tag of President Biden’s proposed infrastructure facelift? Here's why you shouldn't be.
Read the article : That $2T Infrastructure Price Tag
April 7, 2021
Returning to the Workplace: How do Companies Handle Vaccination Policies?
Companies and organizations across the country are taking their first steps towards bringing employees back to an in-person workplace. But what does that spell in terms of whether and how employees are required to vaccinate? Maryland Smith's Gilad Chen has a few ideas.
Read the article : Returning to the Workplace: How do Companies Handle Vaccination Policies?
April 7, 2021
Big Brands Take Aim Over Georgia Voting Laws
Big brands are taking aim at Georgia’s new voting laws. Why it no longer pays for companies to stay on the sidelines, when social issues are at play.
Read the article : Big Brands Take Aim Over Georgia Voting Laws
March 31, 2021
The Weird New World of NFTs
For those who have regrets about missing out on the rise of cryptocurrency, the next big thing is here – NFTs, or non-fungible tokens. But instead of trading currency, these tokens come in the form of pictures and video clips. While unconventional, they might just be the next digital gold,…
Read the article : The Weird New World of NFTs
March 30, 2021
Improving Patient Health, One Amazon Alexa at a Time
Imagine a world where your Amazon Alexa checks on you to make sure you’ve taken your medication and alerts your provider with clinically important information. With the advent of new technology such as telehealth, a team of Maryland Smith researchers want to make this a reality, strengthening the…
Read the article : Improving Patient Health, One Amazon Alexa at a Time
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