Smith Brain Trust

September 11, 2019
Should the World’s Central Banks Think Green?
In various corners of the world, central bankers increasingly are paying attention to weather events, carbon emissions and environmentally driven finance efforts.
Read the article : Should the World’s Central Banks Think Green?
September 4, 2019
You Bombed the Job Interview. Now What?
So, you bombed the interview for a position you really wanted and you dashed your hopes of getting the job. Now what? Our expert has some advice.
Read the article : You Bombed the Job Interview. Now What?
August 29, 2019
Why Violators Should Thank Britain's Gender Police
Two companies busted by Britain's gender stereotype police could complain about regulatory overreach. But a Maryland Smith expert says violators should look inward instead.
Read the article : Why Violators Should Thank Britain's Gender Police
August 21, 2019
Fixing the Vague, Complex Volcker Rule
Tweaks to the Volcker Rule will help fix a regulation that is too vague, complex and burdensome, Maryland Smith finance professor Clifford Rossi says.
Read the article : Fixing the Vague, Complex Volcker Rule
August 21, 2019
Apple, Disney and Your Strained TV Budget
You already pay for Netflix, Amazon Prime and other video streaming services. Soon you will need to add Apple TV+ and Disney Plus to your growing list of subscriptions.
Read the article : Apple, Disney and Your Strained TV Budget
August 15, 2019
Why It’s Not Enough That Africa Grows
Growth across sub-Saharan Africa is expected to outpace global growth this year and next, and the reasons why accentuate the importance of economic diversification, says Maryland Smith’s Lemma Senbet.
Read the article : Why It’s Not Enough That Africa Grows
August 14, 2019
Why Disruptor Brands Are Booming
Nearly half of Americans have bought stuff from a direct-to-consumer brand. Here's why those consumers are such a coveted group, and why more and more brands are borrowing from the DTC playbook.
Read the article : Why Disruptor Brands Are Booming
August 9, 2019
Comic Books for Complex Issues
The New York Fed recently decided to explain monetary policy in a comic book, set in outer space. It had us wondering: What other complex business topics would be helpful to see in simplified, comic book fashion?
Read the article : Comic Books for Complex Issues
August 8, 2019
Why Clinton’s Tax Bill Is Bigger Than Biden’s
Maryland Smith’s Samuel Handwerger recently wrote a letter to former President Bill Clinton. It wasn't about his presidency, or his politics. It was about his taxes.
Read the article : Why Clinton’s Tax Bill Is Bigger Than Biden’s
August 7, 2019
How To Get Better Care from Your Doctor
Want better care from your doctor? It’s as simple as just being nice and saying thank you, according to new management research.
Read the article : How To Get Better Care from Your Doctor
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