Smith Profiles

Alumni Profile

MBA Pro Called Up to the Big Leagues

Ted Towne, Part-time MBA

Some people claw their way into the sports industry. Ted Towne, PTMBA ’08, received an invitation to work in Major League Baseball while studying at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

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Faculty Profile

Students Recognize Master Teacher

Bobby Zhou, Professor, Marketing

Marketing professor Bobby Zhou’s keychain holds more than the keys to unlock his car, house and office at the at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

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Student Profile

QUEST Student Shines at PwC

Brandon Lucas, Undergraduate

Brandon Lucas was the kid who tinkered around the house, trying to fix or build something to see how things worked. It was a Java class in high school that sparked his interest in computer science.

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Alumni Profile

Getting to Yes in Silicon Valley

Yonas Beshawred, Undergraduate '09

StackShare founder Yonas Beshawred ’09 stopped counting the rejections when he went looking for funding in Silicon Valley. “I got a bunch of no’s,” he says. “I stopped counting after like 50. At that point it doesn’t matter. All you need is one yes.”

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Alumni Profile

Change Agent Shines at BET

Donna Blackman, Executive MBA '10

Leaders prove their worth during times of adversity, and Donna Blackman, EMBA ’10, got her first big opportunity just 100 days into a new job at BET Networks in 2013.

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Alumni Profile

Secretary of the Army, With Skills Honed at Maryland Smith

Ryan D. McCarthy, Executive MBA '13

Ryan D. McCarthy, an executive MBA alumnus at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, never thought he would be the chief executive officer of the U.S. Army.

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Alumni Profile

A Sweet Career Move to Hershey

Tia Craddock, Part-Time MBA '13

Former journalist Tia Craddock, PTMBA ’13, did more than pack her bags when she attended the 2012 National Black MBA Conference in Indianapolis. Working with a career coach at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

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Alumni Profile

Adding Spice to MBA Career

Jeff Knabe, MBA ’02

Change has come fast for Jeff Knabe since he stepped away from his career as an alternative rock drummer in 2000 and enrolled in business school.

Read More About Jeff Knabe

Alumni Profile

Collision of Art, Culture, Politics

Andy Shallal, Executive MBA '19

Conversation mixes with music as the lunch crowd fills Busboys and Poets on a recent weekday. Books by local authors fill store shelves near the entrance. Paintings by local artists cover the walls.

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