A Better Mate for Kraft Heinz?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – It was a brief courtship, and then an amicable parting of ways. But for Kraft Heinz, there may be other fish in the sea.

In Era of Trump, Investors Grapple with Tweet Risk

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – When President-elect Donald Trump took to Twitter to criticize Lockheed Martin for the price tag on the F-35 fighter jet, he sent the defense contractor's shares into a minor tailspin. A similar thing happened weeks earlier, when he tweeted a rebuke of Boeing for the price of the new Air Force One.

Latest Wells Fargo Fail a Temporary Setback

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Wells Fargo’s recent “living will” stumble is just that, says finance professor David Kass at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Buffett to Smith Students: Master Salesmanship, Temperament

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Some 66 years ago, MBA student Warren Buffett trekked from New York to Washington, D.C., seeking career wisdom.

Why Is Warren Buffett Buying Airline Stocks?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Warren Buffett once referred to airlines as an investor's "death trap." So why would his Berkshire Hathaway be placing big bets on airline shares? The Oracle of Omaha's railroad strategy offers some clues, says finance professor David Kass at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.

Election's Impending Market Effects

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Though polls show Hillary Clinton losing ground to Donald Trump, her advantage in the betting markets continues.

One Big Question About the AT&T-Time Warner Deal

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — AT&T's proposed $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner could be the first of a string of similar mergers to come.

Could Deutsche Bank Fine Spark a New Crisis?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Deutsche Bank is facing a $14 billion fine from U.S. regulators for its alleged role in propping up the housing market in the lead-up to the Great Recession, igniting some fears that the unprecedented sanction poses a new set of risks for the Frankfurt-based bank and the global financial system.

Bettors Put Their Money on Clinton

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Democratic presidential nominee Hillary Clinton is leading in opinion polls after her first debate against Republican nominee Donald Trump. Heading into Sunday’s second debate, Clinton’s momentum also appears to be increasing in the betting markets.

Buffett’s Wealth and the Role of Luck

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Berkshire Hathaway chairman and CEO Warren Buffett’s 86th birthday on Tuesday prompted a CNBC writer to explore Buffett’s interpretation of luck as a success factor in business. Buffett discussed the topic in a 2013 meeting with MBAs, including a group led by professor

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