Audio: Assessing the Latest Drug Pricing Scandal

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Executives at pharmaceutical company Mylan have come under attack for giving themselves raises while boosting the price of a lifesaving injection device by more than 400 percent over the past nine years.

Five Ways Verizon Wins With Yahoo

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Verizon’s $4.8 billion cash purchase of Yahoo positions the telecom giant to fulfill its longstanding goal to be a player in online media and advertising, says marketing professor P.K. Kannan at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

An Unexpected Buying Opportunity for Berkshire

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — When the UK surprised pundits, pollsters and prediction markets by voting to leave the European Union on June 23, 2016, financial markets around the world plunged over

10 Business Books for your Summer Reading

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is excited to announce some favorite books in the "13th Annual Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders" for 2016, as recommended by members of its faculty and administrators.

Making Sense of Berkshire’s Bite of Apple

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Berkshire Hathaway’s small but much-discussed bite of Apple suggests a vote of confidence for a tech giant that had been sliding in the stock market.

Insights from Buffett's Analysis of 2008 Financial Crisis

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Clinical professor of finance David Kass at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is a Berkshire Hathaway shareholder and a close follower of Warren Buffett’s investment strategy since 1980.

Buffett’s Letter: Don’t Bet Against the U.S. Economy

SMITH BRAINTRUST — Vexed politicians and Election 2016 voters might scoff.

Will Pollsters Be Surprised (Again)?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST -- Designing a good presidential poll can be tricky. Just ask Gallup, which missed the mark in 2012. David Kass, an economist at the University of Maryland's Robert H.

Market Jitters? Stay the Course

When stock markets fluctuate, investors get antsy. Sell before things get worse? Buy up the bargains? What’s the right strategy? In this edition of Smith Business Close-Up with the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, host Jeff Salkin sits down with David Kass, who explains why you should resist the impulse to guess where the market is headed.

Backlash Against Eye-Popping Drug Prices

Martin Shkreli became the Internet villain of the fall (some publications used much harsher language) when his company, Turing Pharmaceuticals, acquired the rights to Daraprim, which treats a condition called toxoplasmosis — and promptly raised the per-pill price from $13.50 to $750. Toxoplasmosis can be deadly for people with weakened immune systems, and Daraprim is the only treatment around.

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