In Healthcare, Marketing Should Focus on Patients

Big regulatory shifts and advancing technology in healthcare call for big shifts in healthcare marketing, where creating value for patients is paramount, say researchers at Maryland Smith’s Center for Health Information and Decision Systems.

Coronavirus and Misinformation

Contagious diseases can spread quickly, and misinformation can too. Here's how to find information from trustworthy sources during a public health crisis.

How Social Networks Can Curb Youth Unemployment

A powerful tool for curbing the growing worldwide problem of youth unemployment could be the ubiquitous mobile phone found in most teens’ pockets, finds new research.

Three Ways Amazon Is Shaking Up U.S. Healthcare

First it was book selling, and then it was retail of all kinds. Later came cloud storage services, streaming entertainment and online advertising. Now with three big moves, Amazon is disrupting healthcare.

Know When to Update Your Technology

How do health care professionals decide when it’s time to upgrade their medical technology? Research from Smith School professor Ritu Agarwal looked at how health care professionals abandoned their use of coronary stents, in response to the emergence of new technology.

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