One Big Question About the AT&T-Time Warner Deal

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — AT&T's proposed $85.4 billion acquisition of Time Warner could be the first of a string of similar mergers to come.

Feature Fatigue Creeps As Apple Targets Fitbit

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — The Fitbit-led fitness wearable market has been growing worldwide by more than 65 percent a year, and Apple is looking to gain a piece of the action. It’s been highlighting the fitness functionalities in its forthcoming Series 2 Watch.

Southwest Fights Off Online Travel Agencies

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Southwest Airlines has long swiped left on online travel agencies. But now a trio of matchmakers is pushing the airline into a forced marriage of sorts in the name of consumer protection.

Five Ways Verizon Wins With Yahoo

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Verizon’s $4.8 billion cash purchase of Yahoo positions the telecom giant to fulfill its longstanding goal to be a player in online media and advertising, says marketing professor P.K. Kannan at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

The Case for Giving Away Creative Content

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — BroadwayHD made history on June 30, 2016, with livesteaming of "She Loves Me," a musical production at Studio 54 in New York. Other companies have done similar things for years.

Leeway for Amazon in New Drone Rules

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — The Federal Aviation Administration’s initial, comprehensive set of rules for commercial drones will open the floodgates to tens of thousands of unmanned aircraft systems (UAS) in U.S. airspace.

10 Business Books for your Summer Reading

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business is excited to announce some favorite books in the "13th Annual Top-10 Summer Reading List for Business Leaders" for 2016, as recommended by members of its faculty and administrators.

Abolish the Gender-Based 'Pink Tax'?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — P.K. Kannan acquiesced, like a typical parent and consumer, each time one of his daughters learned to ride a bicycle and requested her own pink model. Similar bikes of other colors were lower priced, but try explaining that to a child.

Making Sense of Berkshire’s Bite of Apple

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Berkshire Hathaway’s small but much-discussed bite of Apple suggests a vote of confidence for a tech giant that had been sliding in the stock market.

The Opportunities and Challenges of Doing Business with India

Participants at the Robert H. Smith School of Business's 2016 Emerging Markets Forum agreed that India's rapid growth offered opportunities for both local and U.S. businesses, but they disagreed about whether the Indian government of Prime Minister Narendra Modi is moving quickly enough to cut red tape.  

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