A Cash Hoard Stirs Speculation – And It's Not the One You Think

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – A lot of chatter this week has been about Apple's whopping quarter-trillion-dollar cash stockpile. But Warren Buffett's Berkshire Hathaway is also sitting on a lot of money. The company, which has a history of making marquis acquisitions, has some $86 billion on hand. 

Trump’s Tax Reform Plan Under the Microscope

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — How will President Donald Trump's proposed tax plan affect your household? Today in Smith Brain Trust, Albert "Pete" Kyle, Charles E.

Emerging CFO Case Competition

Smith student Philip Peker ’18 writes about the Emerging CFO Case Competition which took place on April 17, 2017, at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business. Five teams of undergraduates in the Finance Fellows program at the Smith School competed on April 7 in the Emerging CFO Case Competition. The event was organized by Susan White, clinical professor of finance and the Finance Fellows faculty champion, and the students were presented with a case entitled, INFINITI HR – Target or Acquirer?

Is Your Next Financial Adviser a Robot?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Are you ready to entrust your retirement savings to a robot? Investment advice is increasingly coming to clients from nonhuman sources, whether they realize it or not, as more money-management firms look to automated services to augment their team of human advisers and deepen the science behind stock-picking.

Nicked by Rivals, Gillette Shaves Prices

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Gillette is shaving its prices by as much as 20 percent and focusing on its less-expensive products to compete with cheaper rivals, such as Dollar Shave Club. And the move is rattling investors, according to The Wall Street Journal. 

Smith Finance Students Visit CFA Institute

On March 31, 2017, a score of finance students from the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business travelled with David Kass, clinical professor of finance, to Charlottesville, Va., to visit the CFA Institute. The students received a brief overview of the global association, whose mission is to set “the highest standards of ethics, education and professional excellence in the industry.” The CFA has close to 150,000 members around the world.

Fearless Idea 28: Close the Gender Wage Gap

SMITH BRAIN TRUST — Something inequitable happens when men and women with similar jobs get laid off at the same time from the same companies, and then move to the same new employer. The gender wage gap — whatever it was before — widens during the transition. Only one factor helps to soften the outcome. A study co-authored by professor Liu Yang at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Women on Boards: Avoiding Tokenism

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – Could activism inspired by International Women's Day, such as State Street Global Advisors' placing a statue of a young girl before the iconic charging bull of Wall Street, actually hamper the push to gain more women on U.S. corporate boards?

A Better Mate for Kraft Heinz?

SMITH BRAIN TRUST – It was a brief courtship, and then an amicable parting of ways. But for Kraft Heinz, there may be other fish in the sea.

UMD-Smith Names Michael Faulkender Associate Dean of Master’s Programs

COLLEGE PARK, Md. - Associate Professor of Finance Michael Faulkender has been named Associate Dean for Masters Programs at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.

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