Beyond Now: How Europe Wins the U.S.-China Trade War

The typical economics refrain about trade wars is that there are no winners. But that’s not altogether true in the case of U.S.-China posturing. Maryland Smith's Albert “Pete” Kyle sees an unexpected winner emerging from the conflict – Europe.

Will You Friend Facebook's Cryptocurrency?

Who will “friend” the new Facebook cryptocurrency? Maryland Smith experts weigh in, after the social media giant’s announcement that it would launch a new blockchain-based payment service, called Libra.

2019’s (Midyear) Stocks To Watch

David Kass’s six stocks to watch in 2019 have been on a hot streak. Now, he recommends keeping your eye on four others, as well.

Why Active Investors Matter in an ETF Era

With passively managed funds and ETFs surging in popularity in recent years, it might seem like active investment managers would soon be a relic of the past. Here's why they won't be sidelined.

Why This Year’s Warren Buffett Charity Lunch Is Different

One imagines that Warren Buffett has some pretty interesting lunch meetings. But this one is likely to be more interesting than most.

2019 Summer Reading List

The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business proudly presents its 16th annual Summer Reading List for Business Leaders, as recommended by faculty and staff.

Feeling Good About the Economy? Be Careful

A recent Gallup poll revealed that Americans have near-record confidence in their personal financial situations. But should they? A Maryland Smith expert offers a warning – and some advice.

How Free Trade Is Transforming Africa

Today, Africa is set to become home to the largest free trade union in the world, both by area and by population. Already, the trade agreement is changing the continent.

Break Up Facebook? What Would That Even Look Like?

The headline on Facebook co-founder Chris Hughes’ New York Times op-ed article made his position clear. 'It’s Time To Break Up Facebook.' But break up Facebook? How?

Warren Buffett an ‘Idiot’?

Famed investor and Berkshire Hathaway CEO Warren Buffett says he wishes he had bought shares early in some of the giants of tech, the so-called FAANG companies whose stocks have consistently outperformed the S&P. Here's why he missed the boat.

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