What Samsung’s Folding Phone Says About Markets

It should have been a banner week for Samsung Electronics, but wasn’t. Instead, it was a master class in 'efficient markets.'

Why Globalism Isn’t Globalization

Ian Bremmer wasn’t looking to bum everyone out with his book, “Us Vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism.” Though, as he admitted at a Maryland Smith event, it’s not a cheerful read.

Five Reasons To Steer Clear of 2019’s Mega IPOs

In what’s poised to be a big year for big-name IPOs, Kass lists five reasons to ease up on the gas pedal and proceed with caution.

Why the Swiss Want a 1,000-Franc Note

Switzerland’s newest banknote begins circulating this week, and it’s an attention-grabber. It’s not because the new bills are loaded with futuristic security features, however. It’s because they are controversially large.

Why Do a Corporate Spinoff?

Why would a company with a portfolio of brands seek to do a corporate spinoff? And what does the move mean for shareholders?

How Do Banks Finance the Unproven Startup?

Banks are the largest source of external financing for startups. Yet banks lack the expertise to monitor startups the way venture capital firms and angel investors do.

Do Public Firms Get a Bad Rap?

Pressure to deliver quarterly returns can drive managerial myopia. Recent studies link the short-termism to Wall Street culture and dynamics. But a deeper analysis tells a different story.

An Analyst's Actual Impact

How much do analysts really move markets? New research examine the role that reports play in determining an analyst's future at big investment banks.

Echoes of the Financial Crisis, in Drug Manufacturing

The crisis over tainted heart drugs made in China and sold in the U.S. had an oddly familiar ring to it for Maryland Smith’s Clifford Rossi. But it wasn’t a previous medical drug crisis that crept to mind for him.

The Widening Effects of the Federal Shutdown

As the federal shutdown continues, now well past 30 days, its effects are spreading ever wider, Maryland Smith's Elinda F. Kiss writes. Here is what it looks like now.

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