Why the AT&T-Time Warner Decision Is Good News for CVS

A federal judge's decision to allow AT&T's bid for Time Warner to proceed may set the stage for a slew of future so-called vertical megamergers.

Summertime, But Dressing Isn’t Easy

Standing in front of the closet figuring out what to wear in the morning doesn't get any easier just because it's summer. If anything, it's harder.

Post-Crisis and Below Average: A Financial Sector Report Card

As the 10-year anniversary of the global economic crisis approaches, Clifford Rossi offers a financial sector report card. "We have absolutely come a long way in many regards," he says. "But in other respects, we've learned nothing."

Mentoring in a #MeToo Era

Addressing #MeToo requires more women leaders; the backlash to #MeToo could create the opposite. Smith School experts offer advice for would-be mentors in the changed environment.

Seize Growth Opportunities

Public firms grow faster and respond better to positive demand shocks in the first five years after an initial public offering than firms that stay private, new research co-authored by Smith School professor Liu Yang shows.

Go Slow to Avoid Market Crashes

Wall Street traders make the most money when they do their best to stay under the radar of other traders by making their trades slow and steady. Research co-authored by Smith School professor Yajun Wang shows why.

Inside Spotify's Unconventional – And Risky – Stock Debut

What's the big deal about Spotify's unconventional IPO? The music-streaming giant is set to come to market without the help of some big investment bank. It's a known brand, and it's shown growth in its niche. So, why are investors so jittery?

Manage the Risks of Privatization

While privatization comes with benefits — like not being beholden to market speculation — it also carries risks. Research by Smith School professor Hanna Lee suggests that going the public route may be better for the risk-averse. 

Here’s What’s Missing From Dodd-Frank Reforms

As Congress reexamines the Dodd-Frank law, the Smith School's Clifford Rossi offers this advice: Draw the credit-reporting agencies into its scope.

Optimize Executive Incentives

Leaders might deserve dismissal when they behave badly, but some lose their jobs for simply having the right skills at the wrong time. "Over time changes in business conditions may call for a change of top management," Smith School professor M. Cecilia Bustamante says.

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