A Wells Fargo Sanction, a Warning for Its Peers

For Wells Fargo, the Fed's stringent sanctions last week undoubtedly come as a bit of a blow. For the rest of the banking industry, more of a warning. "This is a supervisory slapdown in a major," says the Smith School's Clifford Rossi.

Are Wall Street Salaries a Scourge?

Wall Street has garnered a reputation for its high salaries. Analysts, policymakers and academics have chided the industry, accusing it of helping to distort the "efficient allocation of talent." Smith School experts break down that criticism.

Fantasy Merger League: 2018 Edition

Smith School experts bring you their fantasy M&A league — a list of potential tie-ups and explanations about what makes each one interesting. Imagine CVS teaming with 23andMe, or Daimler with Tesla, or Hilton with Airbnb.

How Berkshire Is Disrupting Healthcare

For those who listen closely to what Warren Buffett says, the announcement that Berkshire Hathaway was hooking up with Amazon.com and JPMorgan Chase to create an independent healthcare company didn't come as a big surprise.

The Cross Section of Commodity Returns

What’s the most useful way to look at commodity prices? A team of Smith School researchers sought to answer that question by examining commodity futures returns over a 42-year period.

Why 2018 Could Be Big for Fannie, Freddie

Are these the end of days for Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac? Lawmakers are considering whether to close the chapter on conservatorship for the two government-sponsored enterprises, a move that could bring big changes to housing finance in the United States.

How to Optimize Executive Incentives

Leaders can lose their jobs for simply having the right skills at the wrong time, which can complicate negotiations for executive incentive packages.

Top Five Stocks To Watch in 2018

2017 was a pretty happy year for stock investors, and the Smith School's David Kass says he expects 2018 to be rosy as well. He shares his top five picks: Berkshire Hathaway, Apple, Wells Fargo, Bank of America and Kraft Heinz.

#MeToo Must Be a B-School Call To Action

Business schools might seem safely removed from the transformation happening across corporate America. They're not. Institutions like mine play a central role in shaping attitudes about gender in the workplace

The Rise of the Oft-Misunderstood CRO

When the Smith School's Cliff Rossi was chief risk officer for Citigroup's Consumer Lending Division, few people understood the role. Things have changed since then. Rossi explains the evolution and what's next.

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