The Smith School Announces Eight New Faculty Members

As courses convene for the new academic year, the Smith School is welcoming eight new scholars to its faculty. Sean Cao is joining the accounting department as an associate professor. Cao received a PhD from the University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign.

Student Loan Forgiveness: What Borrowers Need to Know to Initiate Action

Last week’s student loan forgiveness announcement by the Biden Administration leads to the question: How do borrowers initiate action? The White House has indicated that application is likely to open in early October. But what about the meantime? Borrowers can prepare for the process, says Smith’s Elinda F. Kiss.

Two Separate Takes on Student Loan Forgiveness

Economic arguments for and against student loan forgiveness have streamed through the media since President Biden last week announced a three-part plan to cancel student debt for low- to middle-income borrowers. In responses to Brain Trust, Smith experts Michael Faulkender and David Kass give differing perspectives.

The growing threats of extreme weather and climate tipping points create risks to financial markets in the next five to ten years that current climate scenarios do not capture.

We introduce a class of stochastic sector-specific damage functions to capture the probabilities of significant events, notably extreme weather and climate tipping points. Using these models will show material climate-related risks for insurance and pension fund asset allocations in the next five to ten years.




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Jamie Dimon Blasts Fed’s Stress Test. Smith’s Clifford Rossi Partially Agrees, Explains

The Federal Reserve’s bank stress test is “capricious” and “arbitrary.” . . . “It’s inconsistent. It’s not transparent. It’s too volatile.” These descriptors came late last week from JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon during his bank’s quarterly earnings call. It was a response to results of the latest, annual stress test – the Fed’s response to the 2008 financial crisis to help ensure that large, systemically important banks have sufficient capital buffers to withstand future crises.

Musk’s Buyer’s Remorse and Potential Deal Outcomes

Elon Musk’s move to abandon his $44 billion offer to buy Twitter has the company intent on forcing the deal through. Musk says the traffic of bots on the platform is prompting his decision in addition to his subsequent dispute with Twitter over how much data the social network should share toward answering his inquiries about these non-human accounts.

Are Corporate Profits Driving Inflation?

Consumers are feeling the effects of the highest inflation rates in decades, particularly on essentials like groceries and gas, while many big companies are reporting record profits. That dichotomy is angering a lot of Americans and public officials. But corporate greed isn’t to blame for inflation, says Maryland Smith finance professor Michael Faulkender.

Liquidity and Capital Risk Webinar Set for July 20

COLLEGE PARK, Md. – June 30, 2022 – The Center for Financial Policy at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business, and Deloitte, will present a Liquidity and Capital Risk Webinar for financial professionals, from 9-10 a.m. Wednesday, July 20, 2022.

A writing festival honoring the memory of Peter Carr, our beloved colleague, who passed away on March 1, 2022, is planned for November 10-12, 2022.




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