When Firms Internalize Political Stigma
The Unite the Right Rally in Charlottesville, Va., in 2017 stigmatized local employers by creating the impression that strongly anti-diversity attitudes put on display by white supremacists were widespread in the community. Employers sought to counteract this “stigma by association” by dramatically increasing the extent to which they included pro-diversity language in their job advertisements. This is according to research by Assistant Professor of Management and Organization Reuben Hurst at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Smith School Announces New Positions and Titles for Faculty Members
With the start of the spring 2024 semester comes new titles and positions for faculty members at the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.
How Employees Can Help Cut “Quiet Cutting” Out of Their Careers
When “Quiet Quitting” went viral on social media in 2022, it brought a new meaning to absenteeism in the workplace. A year later, employers are flipping the script with their own trend – “Quiet Cutting.”
Analyzing the New Workday Dead Zone: The Power Dynamics and Science of It
The hours between 4 p.m. and 6 p.m. have become the time when many workers leave the office or take a break from remote work. It’s being called the workday dead zone. Many employees use that couple of hours to do everything from beat traffic, pick up their kids from daycare, and even hit the gym. The Wall Street Journal reports workers aren’t just using this time to blow off work and relax, they’re making up the time with a third shift at night to finish off the workday.
Our faculty members are attuned to a marketplace that values innovation, entrepreneurialism, analytical thinking and hard work. Their teaching and research equip our students with the wisdom of business scholarship rooted in the experiential lessons of the marketplace.
Find out more about the latest research by browsing current working papers online at Social Science Research Network (SSRN).
Smith Experts Offer Tips to Bring to the Negotiating Table in the Wake of Labor Strikes
From coast to coast and across industries, American labor unions are finding strength in numbers to fight for higher pay and increased protections amid soaring living costs and growing pay gaps.
Mega Firms are Big Innovators
Some of the country’s biggest companies are also its biggest innovators, finds a new working paper from the National Bureau of Economic Research that examines U.S. patent data, co-authored by professor Serguey Braguinsky of the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business.
Smith School No 11 (Publics) in U.S. News and World Report's 2024 Undergraduate Business Program Ranking
The University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business rose two places to rank No. 21 overall and No. 11 among public schools in this year's U.S. News and World Report Undergraduate Business Program Ranking, solidifying its standing as a premier institution for undergraduate education.
The Way People Work in Teams Is Changing. Here’s What That Means for You.
If you work with teams of people, there’s no doubt you’ve seen some changes in recent years. Virtual meetings have become commonplace – whether colleagues are working down the hall, from home in the same region, or several time zones away. Organizations often rely on global teams. And new technology, including artificial intelligence, is changing the way teams operate. The Smith School’s Gilad Chen has advice for how organizations and individuals can make the most of the changes.