What Online Retailers Get From Recommendation Lists

New research shows with online shopping, retailers’ use of recommendation systems increases their overall sales and consumer click-throughs and conversion rates. The effect is greatest for mobile shoppers.

How To Make Better Decisions Without All the Information

How do you make good decisions when you don’t have all the information in front of you? New research lays out a framework to learn from indirect or incomplete information to make better decisions.

How Climate Disasters Impact Investment Decisions

Living through a climate-related disaster can be a harrowing experience for anyone. For professional money managers, it can even impact their investment decisions.

Taking Another Look At A Way to Evaluate Mutual Funds

New research refutes a critique of a way to evaluate mutual fund performance.

How to Pick the Best Mutual Funds

New research from Maryland Smith pioneers a way to sift through the thousands of active mutual funds to winnow them down to a set of the best ones to invest in.

How Money Market Funds React to Crisis

How do U.S. money market funds respond to a crisis? New research explores what happened during the European debt crisis that spiraled when Greece required a bailout.

How Noncompete Agreements Stifle Workers

Maryland Smith’s Evan Starr has extensively studied noncompetes, with the same conclusion: the agreements hurt workers.

Show Your Work: A Plea For Better Research Methods

A new paper says management researchers should show more data and use a simple graphical tool.

How Moving Helps Global Charities

New research finds people who move more are more connected with the world and donate more to charities outside their local area.

What GAAP Earnings Reveal About the Future Job Market

New research develops predictions that link aggregate GAAP earnings to aggregate job creation and destruction.

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