Improving Access To Banking Without Sacrificing Profits

New research explores a successful bank making an impact in poor, rural areas in Africa.

Correcting the Course of Factor Models

Researchers have struggled with using characteristics-based factor models to summarize cross-sections of stock returns. Homing in on a few characteristics was seen as a potential solution. But new Maryland Smith research has other ideas.

How Corporate Taxes Benefit the Greater Good

New research shows how to best design corporate taxes and subsidies to spur companies to innovate in ways to have the greatest social impact.

Who Wins With Sponsored Content Advertising?

Media platforms fiercely competing with other outlets for ad dollars should be cautious when evaluating the profitability of this new ad format, finds new research.

Are Your Colleagues Influencing Your Investment Decisions?

When and how employees choose to participate their company's employee stock purchase plans might depend on what their colleagues do.

How Sellers Can Better Understand Demand

For B2B sellers, knowing how much the buyer is willing to pay is difficult. New research from Maryland Smith is helping to figure it out.

How to Find the Right Influencers

Influence is happening at all levels across social networks online and marketers are scrambling to figure out the best people to target to spread their messages. New research has a better way to find them.

Getting to the Bottom of Discount Rate Variation

New research is important for understanding which economic forces might move expected stock returns in the first place.

Why it Takes More Than Just Good Timing to Succeed in the Market

Some traders time the market, others look for signs to get the most bang for their buck. But what’s the best method? Both, says new research.

The Issue Companies Have With Moving Up

New research shows service providers at the lower end of the value chain mostly find that their efforts to move up yield limited success.

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