Andrew Forrest ’19 Discusses the Hospitality Business Fellows Program
Victor Mullins, Associate Dean of the Undergraduate Program at the University of Maryland's Robert H.
George Lee ’18 Discusses the Private Equity Venture Capital Fellows Program
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H.
Melissa Horovitz '18 Discusses Emerging CFOs Fellows Program
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Melissa Horovitz ’18 to discuss his/her involvement with Emerging CFOs Fellows Program and how it is part of her SMITH JOURNEY.
Melissa Fellman '18 Discusses Strategic Design and Innovation Fellows Program
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Melissa Fellman ’18 to discuss her involvement with Strategic Design and Innovation Fellows and how it is part of her Smith journey.
Dennis Zhuo '17 Talks about Lemma Senbet Fund
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Dennis Zhuo, ’17 to discuss his involvement with the Lemma Senbet Fund and how it is part of his SMITH JOURNEY. Successful navigation of the Smith Journey requires involvement with colleagues, professors, professionals, clubs and organizations here at the Smith School, across campus and in the outside “real” world of business.
Fasika Delessa ’18 Talks About The Social Innovation Fellows Program
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Fasika Delessa ’18 to discuss her involvement with the SOCIAL INNOVATION FELLOWS PROGRAM and how it is part of her SMITH JOURNEY. Successful navigation of the Smith Journey requires involvement with colleagues, professors, professionals, clubs and organizations here at the Smith School, across campus and in the outside “real” world of business.
Fatou Fall ’17 Talks about Global Consulting Fellows
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Fatou Fall ’17 to discuss her involvement with Global Consulting Fellows and how it is part of her SMITH JOURNEY. Successful navigation of the Smith journey requires involvement with colleagues, professors, professionals, clubs and organizations here at the Smith School, across campus and in the outside “real” world of business.
Daraine Harris '17 Embraces His Experience
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Smith Senior Daraine Harris’17 to discuss how he is “embracing his experience” during his Smith journey.
Rebecca Bitar ’20 Builds Her Brand
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Smith Freshman Rebecca Bitar ’20 to discuss how she is “building her brand” during her Smith journey.
TJ Ademiluyi '17 Embraces His Experience
Victor Mullins, associate dean of the undergraduate program at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business, recently interviewed Smith senior TJ: Ademiluyi’ 17 to discuss how he is “embracing his experience” during his Smith journey.