Faculty Development

Smith COIL Faculty Fellows

With support from the Title VI CIBE grant, the Center brings two COIL opportunities to the business education community. Collaborative Online International Learning, or COIL, is an innovative pedagogy that brings students and faculty together in online platforms to work collaboratively on experiential projects. It is an inclusive pedagogy that expands access to experiential global learning, enables students to practice in-demand skills in virtual and multinational teaming, and encourages skills development in cross-cultural communication.

Fellows are selected in each department to attend national COIL workshops offered by the Title VI CIBE consortium in year one (see below), commit to developing their own COILs in year two, and serve as mentors to additional Smith faculty by year three. Each Fellowship comes with a small stipend, instructional design support offered jointly through CGB and the Office of Digital Learning, access to the resources of UMD’s Office of Global Learning, and support for partnership matchmaking and relationship management.

Inquire at rbelling@umd.edu by September 1.

Discover how COIL (Collaborative Online International Learning) can enrich teaching and foster meaningful global connections. This faculty program will address:

  • Why implement COIL in your business course
  • Examples of COIL projects involving business students and peers studying business and other disciplines
  • Benefits for business students and faculty across disciplines
  • COIL's design sequence: icebreakers, collaborative tasks, and reflections
  • Links to mobility, research, career prep, and more
  • Resources for finding an international partner and preparing to implement COIL

COIL is an innovative pedagogy that brings students and faculty together in online platforms to work collaboratively on experiential projects. It is an inclusive pedagogy that expands access to experiential global learning, enables students to practice in-demand skills in virtual and multinational teaming, and encourages skills development in cross-cultural communication.

Faculty from the Smith School, international partner universities, University System of Maryland Schools, minority-serving institutions, and community colleges interested in delivering a COIL class are invited to attend one of two information sessions. Faculty will have the opportunity to be matched with faculty from another institution for COIL course development. A guided design sprint will be offered to select faculty pairs in April 2025.


  • Friday, February 14, 1 to 2 p.m. EST
  • Wednesday, February 19, 3 to 4 p.m. EST

Register to attend

Questions? Contact Rebecca Bellinger at rbelling@umd.edu.

Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB)

Through the Title VI CIBE grant, the Smith School supports the professional development and training of faculty in the area of international and global business abroad. CIBE encourages Smith and non-Smith faculty to pursue the CIBE overseas programs through faculty development in international and sustainable business programs.

There are several other CIBE overseas study programs — both summer and winter — offered by other CIBE schools as well. For more information concerning all CIBE FDIB Programs, please visit CIBERWEB.

Faculty Grants

CGB announces a grant competition to support teaching innovations in global learning for the online environment. Since COVID-19 has created restrictions on global travel, it becomes important for the Smith School to find new ways to expose students to the world and contribute to their development as future global business leaders.

In the absence of study abroad this year, the transition to online learning creates new opportunities for global learning. It makes it possible to connect people, students, and classrooms in different parts of the world. Such connections hold great potential for enriching the classroom experience here at the Smith School. It also creates new opportunities to bring in new sources that would be more difficult to schedule in a regular, in-person course. This initiative seeks to support and encourage teaching innovations in global learning that leverage now ubiquitous communication technologies to enrich student experiences. The grant can be used to support any teaching activity that significantly enhances global learning, including:

  1. Teaching collaborations between the Smith School and educational institutions located abroad;
  2. Collaboration for student projects between the Smith School and organizations or companies with operations or headquarters abroad;
  3. Entirely campus-based global learning experiences for Smith School students (such as simulations, cultural intelligence exercises, etc.).

Please contact Rebecca Bellinger, executive director of CGB with any questions or to express interest.

The Center for Global Business (CGB) announces a grant competition to support campus-based initiatives that connect UMD with the global business environment. The grant is funded by the Title VI CIBE award administered by the U.S. Department of Education housed at CGB. The mission of the Title VI CIBE program is to increase U.S. capacity for international understanding and global economic competitiveness. The Center seeks applications that propose fulfilling the mission by connecting non-business curriculum, activities, and teaching with the global business environment or industry. CGB will offer small grants that propose integrating global industry or international business concepts into courses and co-curricular activities offered across campus. Such programs might include but not be limited to the following:

  • Offering a series of co-curricular events that tie together global economics or business with arts and humanities, engineering, science, or other disciplines.
  • Designing a project-based learning opportunity for students with a global industry client or to study a global business ecosystem.
  • Organizing an educational career event to introduce students to global industry careers.
  • Organizing training workshops for student entrepreneurs on global supply chain management, distribution channels abroad, export compliance, etc.

Please contact Rebecca Bellinger, executive director of CGB with any questions or to express interest.

See the CFP and application for more details.

Data Grants

Proposals are not being accepted at this time.

Internationalize Your Course Content

The Center for Global Business has curated a list of resources to assist faculty with the internationalization of their course content. This list will be updated regularly and continue to grow as we identify additional resources.

The primary objective of these case studies is to analyze and learn about the performance of a select group of Small and Medium-size Enterprises (SMEs) of Maryland during the COVID-19 pandemic to understand how they managed operations and showed resilience in reverting to business. The goal of the cases is to identify lessons learned in each case as the companies represent different manufacturing and service sectors of the economy.

Download the Maryland Business Adapts 20/21 Cases document.

Maryland Business Adapts 21/22 Cases

Amethyst Technologies: David Vs. Goliath

COVID-19 and Adaptation at Orbis Technologies
Faculty can request teaching notes and the supplementary video interview with the CEO of Orbis Technologies by contacting the center at smithglobal@umd.edu.

WSC Case Study

CTSi Adapts and the Mudbucket Blooms

Cesim Global Challenge: Strategy & International Business Management
Students manage a global technology company through technological and market evolution. They operate in three global regions with different customer preferences, growth rates, currencies, taxes, and tariffs.

International Corporate Management
Provides students with an understanding of the global business enterprise in the international market environment.

Global Collaboration: Tip of the Iceberg
Students learn about the difficulties of cross-cultural communication and managing global teams. Students are assigned the role of a native English speaker or a nonnative English speaker at their organization.

Prendo's Pactio for MBAs
Covers stakeholder management, influencing skills, responsible leadership, and cross-cultural leadership for MBA students.

The Trade Guys
Trade experts Scott Miller and Bill Reinsch break down the buzz around trade, how it affects policy, and how it impacts your day-to-day. Produced at the Center for Strategic and International Studies (CSIS), a nonpartisan think tank in Washington, D.C.

Cultural Differences & Diversity in International Business podcast
International business and cultural difference expert Chris Smit interviews prominent guests, whose experiences help listeners to build their cultural competence and gain a global perspective. Also available on Spotify, Stitcher Radio, and Amazon Alexa.

The International Business podcast
Interviews with experts from around the globe and several industries help listeners draw insights that can help them to become better international business leaders.

Knowledge@Wharton podcast
The online business analysis journal of the Wharton School of the University of Pennsylvania, featuring interviews with faculty and other global business experts.

HBR Ideacast from Harvard Business Review
HBR provides important business learnings in interviews with experts in short digestible podcasts. It airs weekly and doesn't require a subscription fee.

TED Talks: International Business Topics
A searchable database of TED Talk resources relating to international business.

BBC World Business Report
Broadcast daily, the BBC provides an analysis of global business and economic issues. Visit this website to find current reports related to classroom discussions.

International Datasets
Eve_Firms data set ("Where a founder is from affects how they structure their company") from David Waguespack, associate professor of the management and organization department at the Robert H. Smith School of Business.

World Bank Open Data
A large resource for global development data (can browse by country or indicator).

United Nations Datasets
32 UN datasets, including Commodity Trade Statistics database and International Financial Statistics

World Trade Organization: Trade and Tariff Data
Quantitative information in relation to economic and trade policy issues that provides access to data on trade flows, tariffs, non-tariff measures (NTMs) and trade-in value added.

MAPIT Alliance Webinars
Webinars and other training designed to help businesses export and take their products and services into the global marketplace. Includes recordings and upcoming events designed to assist businesses in Maryland to globalize their website, market digitally, access funding, and more.

MSI Consortium Webinars
The Center for Global Business is a contributing partner of the MSI Consortium. Key activities include International Business Pedagogy workshops designed to help U.S. business faculty bring international context into the classroom and the curation of a repository of pedagogical resources for the teaching of international business.

BBC World Service: World Business Report
In-depth interviews and news coverage of the biggest trends and discussions in global business.

Hofstede Insights
Enables individuals to solve intercultural and organizational culture challenges by utilizing a framework based on Geert Hofstede's work. Includes a variety of e-learning resources, webinars, training programs, and country comparison tools.

Helps students prepare for a globalized world by helping them discover their work style preferences and compare with their peers – or people from 100 cultures. By increasing self-awareness, global perspective, and cultural competency, students open many valuable doors for themselves.

Intercultural Development Inventory (IDI)
The premier cross-cultural assessment of intercultural competence that is used by thousands of individuals and organizations to build intercultural competence to achieve international and domestic diversity and inclusion goals and outcomes.

Cultural Intelligence Center: Self-Assessments
Evaluates effectiveness in diverse situations by measuring capabilities in four distinct areas: CQ Drive, CQ Knowledge, CQ Strategy, and CQ action.

Culture Wizard
Comprehensive digital library of global skill-building tools, integrating on-demand courses, assessments, and learning games, with instructors (both virtual and in-person), customizing real-world scenarios into immediately actionable tactical business applications.

Aspen Institute's Ideas Worth Teaching Newsletter
A weekly email for business school faculty designed to draw attention to important new ideas about the role of business in creating a sustainable, inclusive society and prompt conversation in the classroom.

Entrepreneur on Fire
Interviews with entrepreneurs are only the beginning with this website. Entrepreneur on Fire also provides resources, training and helps create a community for existing or want-to-be entrepreneurs. The podcasts themselves are engaging interviews based on key skills and behaviors of top-performing entrepreneurs.

Georgia Tech — Mondo Merkato Podcast: Understanding Global Markets
An ongoing effort to explain international business to a broad audience.

Georgia State University — Pedagogy Newsletter: Current Concepts in IB
Current Concepts in IB issues are intended to provide international business educators with cutting-edge, pedagogical tools for important contemporary and evolving IB topics. They are intended for classroom use as a supplemental resource for teaching.

Insights from IB Experts: Webinars
Webinars with experts from the IB field on a variety of topics.

Indiana University — CIBER Focus Interview Series
Interview series where faculty and experienced professionals discuss international developments.

Michigan State University — globalEDGE
A collection of international business and trade-related resources including current topics, research, trade, and reference.

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