About Us

Our Mission

The mission of the Center for Global Business is to connect the diverse members of the Smith School community (students, faculty, staff, alumni) to the world and the world to the Smith School, to provide these members and partners with opportunities to gain a global mindset and build international business skills, and to serve as a Maryland resource center for companies seeking to take their goods and services into the global marketplace.

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Read Our 2020-21 Annual Report

Students participated in global learning opportunities.
Awarded in student scholarships.
Faculty engaged in global learning.
Clients served through consulting and internship programs.

These statistics are for the academic year 2022-2023.

Global Reach

One of the world's premier business schools, the Robert H. Smith School of Business, offers top-ranked degree programs with international business content from the undergraduate to executive level.

Our world-class faculty, reality-based learning, entrepreneurial spirit and strong community distinguish us from other top-ranked schools. And, our location in the Baltimore-Washington, D.C. corridor provides access to leaders and policymakers who shape the national economy and the global marketplace.

And, as an IEP-designated institution, we demonstrate a meaningful, substantial, and sustainable commitment to university economic engagement and work with on-campus (faculty, staff, leadership, and students) and off-campus (businesses, local and state government, communities, and others) stakeholders to identify their strengths and areas of growth and improvement in economic engagement.

Commitment to Diversity

The Center for Global Business is committed to providing students with opportunities to develop a global mindset and the Smith population with links to the international community. We serve all people regardless of race, ethnicity, gender, sexual orientation, differing abilities, religion, socioeconomic status, age, citizenship, or any other identity.

The center practices diversity and inclusion in international education in the creation of for-credit global programs, co-curricular programs, and developing school-wide international partnerships. As the driver of global learning and international activity, we have a responsibility to provide the Smith community with accessible opportunities and to foster an appreciation for a diverse community that engages people of all backgrounds.

First-generation college students are students whose parents or guardians have not completed a college degree. Here at Smith, we consider first-generation college students to be any student who self-identifies as being the first in their family to attend college or as having little to no knowledge about how to navigate institutions of higher education. Oftentimes these students may need additional support or resources in pursuing study abroad.

Whether it's asking about the cost of study abroad, or requesting help on how to bring it up to your family, or just not knowing where to start — the Center for Global Business is here for you. Studying abroad is a big — and sometimes overwhelming — decision and we are dedicated to guiding you through it.

Things to consider when studying abroad

  • There could be special concerns from family around studying abroad. How will your family be involved in your decision? What are some of the concerns you can address with them before you apply (health, safety, cost, career benefits)?
  • How long do you want to be abroad? Do you want to just get your feet wet and do a faculty-led, short-term course or are you prepared for an immersive semester-long program?
  • How are you funding your study abroad experience? How much will you need to save before you go and what scholarships can you take advantage of? If you are working while in school, how will you manage not having that income during a semester abroad?


International students are an integral part of the Smith School DNA. Students who hail from countries around the world offer new perspectives and enrich the global diversity of the institution. Whether you are studying here on an exchange semester or in a full degree program, international students are part of our vibrant community. No matter what country you are from you are welcome on our campus.

While your time at Smith may be considered to be your study abroad experience in itself, you are encouraged to expand your global mindset even further through various programs and events offered by CGB and the wider UMD community. Learn how to do business in another country on an MBA global business course, leverage the global diversity here on campus during International Education Week, participate in a summer global internship, and so much more.

Things to consider when studying abroad

  • How does my study abroad destination compare to my home culture or to U.S. culture?
  • What are the passport/visa requirements for entering the host country? How long will visa processing take?
  • How will studying abroad affect my experience in the U.S.? What do I want to accomplish by the end of my time at Smith?


The Smith community celebrates the diversity of our student body, including those students who identify as LGBTQ+. We acknowledge that these students may have special concerns when studying abroad relating to their sexual orientation and gender identity. As an LGBTQ+ student studying abroad, you need to understand the level of openness and acceptance of the host culture as this can affect your experiences.

Before traveling to another country it is always a good idea to do your research. Is there a vibrant LGBTQ+ community in your host country/city? What laws or customs affect LGBTQ+ persons? What is appropriate dating practice? There are different ideologies pertaining to sexual orientation and gender identity around the world. You may need to adapt to different customs and attitudes to ensure a safe and successful experience abroad.

Things to consider when studying abroad

  • Are there laws in the host country that directly or indirectly affect the LGBTQ+ community?
  • Are there LGBTQ+ clubs or organizations at the host institution?
  • Can special housing requests be made such as private baths or single rooms?
  • What are the cultural and social norms around gender identity and sexual orientation?


Veteran and military students have a variety of resources at their fingertips here at Smith — including the opportunity to study abroad. Many military and veteran students take advantage of our MBA global business courses as well as our undergraduate short-term study abroad programs. Smith, in general, is dedicated to making this a military-friendly institution by providing financial assistance, programming, and an office dedicated to members of the military community.

If you are thinking about studying abroad and you receive VA education benefits, you should contact the Veterans Certification Office to ask how benefits may or may not be applied to the cost of study abroad. Your study abroad advisor can provide a breakdown of the program fee if needed.

Things to consider when studying abroad

  • How can my VA education benefits be applied to study abroad?
  • How much time am I able to spend away from family and other responsibilities?
  • What is the culture around the military and armed forces in other countries?


The Smith School is dedicated to the success of all students, including those from racial and ethnic minority backgrounds. Your participation in education abroad may be motivated by a desire to amplify your global business savvy, gain confidence in your sense of self, or perhaps to learn more about your heritage. Whatever the reason, you will find that the knowledge and skills attained through study abroad will empower you to compete fully in the global market.

Students of color may experience unique obstacles to study abroad. Perhaps you have anxiety around acceptance or your ability to adapt socially, culturally, or academically. Perhaps you're concerned about your racial/ethnic identity in a new environment? There may be some bumps along the way but we are confident that your path to a global mindset will lead to a life-changing experience — and we're here to help.

Things to consider when studying abroad

  • There could be special concerns from family around studying abroad. How will your family be involved in your decision? What are some of the concerns you can address with them before you apply (health, safety, cost, career benefits)?
  • What does racial or ethnic diversity look like in the host country? Is diversity in the host country defined the same way as in the U.S.?
  • Are you looking for resources specific to students of color at your host institution? For example, an Office of Diversity and Inclusion, a Multicultural Student Office, and student clubs/organizations.
  • How are you funding your study abroad experience? How much will you need to save before you go and what scholarships can you take advantage of? If you are working while in school, how will you manage not having that income during a semester abroad?


Contact Us

Center for Global Business
2410 Van Munching Hall
College Park, MD 20742

Email: smithglobal@umd.edu

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