Our Team

Rajshree Agarwal
Rudolph Lamone Chair of Strategy and Entrepreneurship
Director, Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets

Jacqueline Manger
Managing Director, Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets
Faculty, Executive MBA and Smith Business Leadership Fellows programs

Marilee Dragsdahl
Assistant Director for Education Programs and Engagement

Kristen Erdman
Programs Coordinator, Ed Snider Center for Enterprise and Markets
Affiliated Faculty

Serguey Braguinsky
Dean’s Professor of Innovation and Firm Growth

Protiti Dastidar
Clinical Professor and Associate Area Chair
Academic Director, Global Post Graduate Program in Management (IMI - New Delhi)
Student Marketing Interns
Caroline Sabo
Marketing and Media Lead
Junior, Marketing and Supply Chain Management
Raquel Ford
Social Media and Digital Lead
Junior, Marketing
Margot Ramsey
Marketing Intern
Sophomore, Management and Supply Chain Management
Grace Ferbert
Media Intern
Sophomore, Finance and Information Systems
Meredith Hokanson
Communications Intern
Sophomore, Marketing