Centers & Initiatives
Pioneering business research can prepare students to be transformational business leaders, and equip companies to transform themselves and their markets.
At the Smith School we have created a cluster of Centers of Excellence that serve as the intersection of scholarship and the marketplace, putting breakthrough research at the service of students and companies. Each of our centers immerses our students in complex and evolving marketplaces in which success depends on critical thinking, creativity and entrepreneurship.
We have also added exciting new Initiatives to further augment the learning experience, align with industry and government trends, and chart the future of business.

The Center for Artificial Intelligence in Business pioneers AI research and outreach. With a focus on human judgment and creativity, it fosters safe, innovative products and services through intentional AI-enabled design and governance frameworks.
The Center for Excellence in Service (CES) is an academic research center with a network of Smith faculty members who are thought leaders in service marketing and management.

The Center for Financial Policy leverages the Smith School’s world-renowned faculty, leading research, and proximity to Washington, D.C. to promote a collaborative exchange of ideas on the key issues that affect financial markets.
The Center for Global Business (CGB) is the driver of internationalization and global mindset education at the Smith School and a preferred partner for international commerce in the state of Maryland, specifically in regard to training and supporting students, companies, and current and future business leaders to engage successfully in global business.
The Center for Social Value Creation embodies a passionate mission: to educate, engage and empower the Smith community and the world through thought-provoking dialogue, thought leadership, and hands-on experience.
At the Dingman-Lamone Center, we create an inclusive environment where we educate, empower and equip students with the business skills needed to be an entrepreneur and the resources necessary to make their business ideas a reality.
The guiding principle for the Ed Snider Center is that social progress is born of free and creative individuals who, driven by self-motivation, passion, and a positive approach to trading value for value, make the world a better place.
The Supply Chain Management Center at the Robert H. Smith School of Business is dedicated to conducting research and education designed to further the discipline of supply chain management.
Expanding understanding of business analytics and relevant careers, the Robert H. Smith School of Business runs the Smith Analytics Consortium (SAC). A partnership between industry and Smith’s diverse, inclusive community, the Consortium serves as a central hub for networking, thought leadership, experiential learning, co-curricular activities and collaboration opportunities enhancing the Smith student experience and giving back to the business community.

Promoting veterans as strategic assets for a united economy.

The imperatives facing America's government and market leaders have rarely overlapped with the complexity they do today. At the Smith School, we aim to help with new programs and partnerships to promote the future of U.S. public-private talent, training, and research.
Corporate risk officers are grappling with a host of nontraditional risks associated with and ranging from cyber to climate. The Smith Enterprise Risk Consortium recognizes these emerging risks and endeavors to address them through research, tools and education.

The University of Maryland combines its world-class expertise in climate science, finance, and public policy to prepare our partners to plan for and respond to the opportunities and risks of a changing climate.
With the rollout of the Obama Administration’s major U.S. healthcare reforms looming, the industry is scrambling to bring its business systems, IT and operational practices up to par with other industries and in line with huge innovations and advances in the medical field.
Thursday, April 26, 2012, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, April 29, 2012, 7:30 a.m.
The Center for Financial Policy at the Smith School of Business hosted a policy chat with Craig Lewis, SEC Chief Economist and Director of the Division of Risk, Strategy, and Financial Innovation on April 25, 2012 in College Park, MD. Faculty and students from the Smith School of Business, School of Public Policy, and the Department of Economics attended the chat to with Dr.
The question of whether more women belong in corporate boardrooms is no longer a gender equity issue. It's an economic growth strategy.
This was a repeated theme at the "Women as Entrepreneurs, Consumers and Agents of Change" forum, hosted April 13, 2012 by the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.
An adventure race that has zombies chasing participants to the finish line might not be everyone’s idea of a good time. But the business certainly has legs -- race organizers Reed Street Productions
College Park, Md. – April 12, 2012 – Gary Lynch, a top professional in the field of supply chain risk, has joined the Supply Chain Management Centerat the University of Maryland’s Robert H. Smith School of Business as a senior research fellow.
Md. Gov. Martin O’Malley keynotes, Under Armour’s Kevin Plank and BB&T Sponsor University of Maryland’s Entrepreneurship Invitational
Stanford Graduate Students Capture Competition Hosted by UMD Smith School
An adventure race that has zombies chasing participants to the finish line might not be everyone’s idea of a good time.