Terp Vet Transitions to Finance Career
April 17, 2019
A passion for finance started with a 1980s television series for Marwin Glenn ’17, MS ’19.
Ocean Studies Bring Global Adventures
Marine conservationist Johanna Polsenberg, EMBA ’07, never stays in one place for long.
Mass Shooting Leads to Life of Advocacy
Intermediate French class started with the usual chatter on April 16, 2007, at Virginia Tech Univ
Smith Brain Trust
How McDonald's and Burger King Will Change How We Eat
April 16, 2019
Burger King and McDonald’s are responding to the changing concerns and palates of the consumer, particularly the millennial consumer. Here's how.
What Kim Kardashian's Career Switch Means To All of Us
Maryland Smith's Rachel Loock talks to O, The Oprah Magazine about career switching and second acts.
How Uber and Lyft Could Find Profit
April 15, 2019
Apps like Uber might never be profitable. But their best chance is to actually share more with riders and drivers – and keep less for themselves per transaction.
EMBA Alum Leads Marriott Europe
When Dublin-native Liam Brown, EMBA ’05, travelled to the United States for a friend’s wedding in
Building Bridges Across Disciplines
April 11, 2019
Recalling his early years in northern New Jersey,
Smith Research
The Science of Open Secrets at Work
April 10, 2019
Every workplace has its open secrets. Multiple people may witness the same bad behavior from the same source, but nobody speaks up. Maryland Smith research explains why.
Why Globalism Isn’t Globalization
Ian Bremmer wasn’t looking to bum everyone out with his book, “Us Vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism.” Though, as he admitted at a Maryland Smith event, it’s not a cheerful read.
Why Your Boss Can't Hear You
April 09, 2019
Front-line workers resent managers who ignore their input, but Maryland Smith research puts the blame elsewhere. And it might not be what you think.
The Pros and Cons of Open Source
New Maryland Smith research presents an economic model to study how software licensing attributes affect a software maker’s decisions, along with insights for policymakers.