
May 1, 2013
Research@Smith: Spring 2013

Read News Story : Research@Smith: Spring 2013
May 1, 2013
Another Repatriation Tax Holiday?

U.S. law makers should avoid, or at least restructure, giving American firms another tax holiday in attempts to get them to reinvest their foreign earnings domestically, according to research by Mike Faulkender, associate professor of finance.

Read News Story : Briefs
May 1, 2013
Dean's Column

I remember a time when researchers who wanted to study human behavior had to use one-way mirrors and paper-and-pencil surveys. These days, my faculty don’t want to just ask people what they think of a product.

Read News Story : Dean's Column
May 1, 2013
The Case for Middle Managers

Research by Yue Maggie Zhou

Read News Story : The Case for Middle Managers
April 30, 2013
Dingman Center Leaders Make Washingtonian's "Tech Titan" List

Elana Fine, managing director of the Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship at the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Read News Story : Dingman Center Leaders Make Washingtonian's "Tech Titan" List
April 26, 2013
REAL660: Getting schooled in entrepreneurship - Webisode 3

REAL660: Getting schooled in entrepreneurship

Webisode 3

The Smith School is committed to offering entrepreneurship courses and weaving innovative thinking throughout the curriculum for all students. Case in point: “REAL660,” (#Real660), an MBA course that has students creating and running real businesses in a seven-week class.

Read News Story : REAL660: Getting schooled in entrepreneurship - Webisode 3
April 26, 2013
Smith School Partners with IBM to Host Third Annual Business Analytics Workshop

Internet analytics was the theme of the Third Annual Business Analytics Workshop, held in Van Munching Hall on Friday, April 19, 2013. Co-sponsored by the University of Maryland’s Robert H.

Read News Story : Smith School Partners with IBM to Host Third Annual Business Analytics Workshop
April 24, 2013
Educating the Masses in a “Massive” Way

Henry “Hank” Lucas, Smith School professor of information systems, is taking on a new challenge: educating 10,000 students on surviving disruptive technologies — all at once.

Read News Story : Educating the Masses in a “Massive” Way
April 19, 2013
REAL660: Getting schooled in entrepreneurship - Webisode 2

The Smith School is committed to offering entrepreneurship courses and weaving innovative thinking throughout the curriculum for all students. Case in point: “REAL660,” (#Real660), an MBA course that has students creating and running real businesses in a seven-week class.

Read News Story : REAL660: Getting schooled in entrepreneurship - Webisode 2
April 18, 2013
Third Annual Smith's Got Talent, April 18

MBA students at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business hosted the Third Annual Smith's Got Talent showcase on Thursday, April 18,2013, outside of Van Munching Hall.

Read News Story : Third Annual Smith's Got Talent, April 18
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