Thought Leadership
The lifeblood of a business school is its faculty, and at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business our faculty members are inspiring, supportive and world-class. We are attuned to a marketplace that values innovation, entrepreneurialism, analytical thinking and hard work. Our teaching and research equips students with the wisdom of business scholarship rooted in the experiential lessons of the marketplace.
October 19, 2017
Understanding the Risks of Privatization
While private company ownership comes with benefits, new research from the Smith School reveals it may not be for the risk-averse.
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Understanding the Risks of Privatization
October 19, 2017
How To Avoid Future Stock Market Crashes
Oct. 19, 1987: Black Monday. Wall Street saw its biggest single-day stock market drop in history. Now the Smith School’s Albert “Pete” Kyle shares ideas on how future crashes might be prevented.
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How To Avoid Future Stock Market Crashes
October 16, 2017
The Looming Risk of Low Fees
The race between active and passive investment management is becoming really interesting. After years of growth among passive funds, experts are starting to ask: What's at risk?
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The Looming Risk of Low Fees
October 12, 2017
Rethinking the Value of Emerging Markets
Global companies often miss the hidden costs of stretching their supply chains to immature economies.
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Rethinking the Value of Emerging Markets
October 12, 2017
Why Thaler's Work and His Nobel Prize Matter
There was a time when Richard Thaler's research was controversial. Now he has the 2017 Nobel prize in economics. The Smith School's Francesco D'Acunto discusses why his work is so influential.
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Why Thaler's Work and His Nobel Prize Matter
October 4, 2017
The Price to Pay for a Successful M&A
Companies with internal control weaknesses should stay away from acquisitions. Otherwise they may pay more in the long run.
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The Price to Pay for a Successful M&A
October 3, 2017
What Catalonia Risks By Leaving Spain
Secession would put newly independent nation in the back of the line for European Union membership. "There is no grandfathering in," Smith School professor Kislaya Prasad says.
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What Catalonia Risks By Leaving Spain
September 29, 2017
Reset Yourself Like a Big Bank CEO
Kelly S. King works long hours as chairman and CEO of BB&T, but he starts each day refreshed. He shared his morning routine during the 2017 BB&T Colloquium on Capitalism, Ethics and Leadership.
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Reset Yourself Like a Big Bank CEO
September 29, 2017
Why Nobody Wins with the Bombardier Tariff
At first blush, the federal government's decision this week to slap a steep, 220 percent tariff on Bombardier's C-Series jets probably looks like a win for U.S. aerospace giant Boeing Co.
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Why Nobody Wins with the Bombardier Tariff
September 29, 2017
Why the Sudden Worry About Bitcoin?
It seems like everyone is sounding the alarm lately about bitcoin and the ever-expanding world of cryptocurrencies. Smith School technology professor Joseph P. Bailey explains why.
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Why the Sudden Worry About Bitcoin?