Give to QUEST

The QUEST Honors Program relies on individual gifts to support its curriculum and special programs and events. All funds raised go into the endowment that provides direct support for students, academic programs, and co-curricular experiences.


To make a gift by debit or credit card, please visit our online development fund which was established in 2017 to celebrate the 25th anniversary of QUEST.

By Phone

To make a credit card payment by phone, please call the Gift Acceptance Office at 301-955-1280 and indicate that it is for the QUEST 25th Anniversary Development Fund.

By Check

To make a gift to the program by personal check, please make your check payable to the "University of Maryland College Park Foundation," indicate that it is for the QUEST Honors Program 25th Anniversary Fund, and mail it to:

Gift Acceptance Office
4603 Calvert Road
College Park, MD 20740

On behalf of QUEST and the entire University of Maryland community, please accept our sincere thanks for considering making a gift to sponsor QUEST. The program continues to thrive thanks to your generous support.

Gifts in support of the University of Maryland are accepted and managed by the University of Maryland College Park Foundation, Inc., an affiliated 501(c)(3) organization authorized by the Board of Regents. Contributions to the University of Maryland are tax-deductible as allowed by law. Please see your tax advisor for details.

“I give to QUEST because, quite simply, QUEST gave so much to me, and I want to help make sure QUEST can continue to do that year after year for every cohort of students that comes through the program. Of all the academic and co-curricular programs I was a part of, QUEST was the most engaging and did the most to prepare me for a career in consulting where collaborative, team-based problem solving is the core of what I do every single day.”

Joel Liebman, UMD '09, QUEST Alumnus (Cohort 14)



2023-24 QUEST Donors

Thank You!

QUEST would like to express its sincere gratitude for the generous contributions of the following donors:

Carolyn Andres

David Ashley

Joseph J. Ayoub

Mark J. Baumgardner

Jenna M. Beglin

Daniel C. Ben-Or

Vidya Brown

Stacey Carolan

MacKenzie W. and Elizabeth M. Cooper

Rachel L. DiDonna

Suzanne Fitzsimmons

Cathy Flynn

Kalika Fortman

Ebony T. Fullwood

Thomas M. Gardner

Ilan P. Gold

Philippe E. Gouel and Megan DeFauw

Shirley Han

Brian L. Horick

Luxi Kanazir

Kenneth and Anne Katz

Brad Rosenthal and Cheryl Katz

Nitin Khapre

Kylie G. and Jason M. King

Joseph L. Kozlowski

Manas H. Kulkarni

Stephanie Langbein

Daniel J. Laurence

Ling Li

Joel M. Liebman and Caitlin J. Greenbaum

Stuart D. Liebman

Brian Marquardt

Charles D. Marquardt

Todd A. Metcalfe

Bryan A. Prince

Robert Half

Brett A. Schwab

Drew M. Stasak

Brooke L. and Matthew L. Supple

Leonid A. Velikovich

Teresa Weirich

Connor S. Welch

Rebecca D. Winner

Suwei Zhao

Eric W. Zinnikas

To discuss specific gift opportunities to the QUEST program, please contact
Jessica Roffe, assistant director, at

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