Prospective QUEST Students

If You Want To...

  • Expand your major
  • Join a passionate community
  • Collaborate with motivated peers
  • Impact real-world clients
  • Gain new perspectives

...then Apply to QUEST!

The QUEST application for the 2024-25 academic year is now closed. Information about next year's application cycle will be shared in April 2025.

How Do I Apply?

Students must meet the following criteria to apply:

  • Currently a freshman (or graduating in fall 2027 or later)
  • Currently enrolled in a major offered by the Robert H. Smith School of Business, A. James Clark School of Engineering, and/or College of Computer, Mathematical, and Natural Sciences (or will be by the time of first QUEST course)
  • Achieved a GPA of 3.0 or higher in the first semester

QUEST admits 90 students per year into two cohorts of 45 students. Those applying will enter general information, answer essay questions, and provide the contact information for one reference. Applications will be reviewed by a selection committee composed of students, alumni, faculty, and staff. Upon review of the applications, selected students will be invited for an interview. Applicants will be notified of their final status before the registration period for the next semester. Successful applicants exemplify the five pillars of the program: professionalism, teamwork, intellectual curiosity, creative thinking, and adaptability.

What Is Required of QUEST Students?

QUEST students complete 5 classes and earn 17 credits. Students who complete all 17 credits will earn a notation on their transcript. Students take four required courses and one elective. Learn more about the QUEST curriculum.

Additionally, all QUEST students must participate in a mandatory orientation prior to the first day of classes during the semester in which they take BMGT/ENES 190H.

What Is Offered Beyond the Coursework?

As a QUEST student, you will be able to get involved both inside and outside of the classroom. All QUEST students receive access to our lab space in Van Munching Hall for team meetings and cohort hangouts. Students also have access to our extensive alumni directory for networking purposes. Many students serve as mentors for incoming students as well as teaching assistants for QUEST courses. Students are also active participants in the recruitment/selection process each year, including assisting with QUEST interview days each spring. All QUEST students are eligible to join any of our seven student organizations and participate in the wide variety of social and professional events they offer throughout the year. The student organizations include QUEST Creative, QUEST Corporate, QUESTPress, QUEST Recruiting, QUESTServes, QUEST Social, and QUESTech.


I am currently in Letters & Sciences, but I am applying to Clark, Smith, and/or CMNS. Can I still apply to QUEST?

Yes, you can apply to QUEST as long as you are admitted into one of those three colleges by the time you start your first QUEST course. Please explain your plans in the extenuating circumstances section of your application.

I am not in the Honors College. Can I still apply to QUEST?

Yes, QUEST is not affiliated with the Honors College.

I am in other Honors and Scholars programs like IBH, BSE, and/or SBLF. Can I still apply to QUEST?


I am currently a first-year student, but I may be able to graduate in three years. Can I still apply to QUEST?

Yes. However, when choosing your cohort preference, please select the odd cohort, which starts classes in fall of sophomore year. This will ensure that you complete your capstone by the end of your junior year. You can view the QUEST course sequence by cohort.

Can I study abroad and do QUEST?

Yes. When selecting your cohort preference, think about which semester you plan to study abroad and make sure you choose the semester when your QUEST capstone (490H) is NOT scheduled. For example, if you want to study abroad in junior year spring, you should select the even cohort because the even cohort takes 490H during senior year fall. You can view the QUEST course sequence by cohort.

If I only select one cohort as my preference, will it impact my application at all?

No. We only look at cohort preferences once students are selected for admission.

The multidisciplinary approach to building business relationships, honing engineering strategies, and employing critical thinking in a team-based setting distinguishes the QUEST Honors Program from all other programs at the University of Maryland. QUEST propels its students toward expansive career horizons.

Lauren Gomes

Bioengineering ’24

QUEST Cohort 38


In a recent study, UMD's Career Center compared QUEST graduates with other graduates from the Clark School, the Smith School, and CMNS and found the following:

57% with 3+ internships30% with 3+ internships
98% total job placement rate94% total job placement rate
47% involved in a student organization38% involved in a student organization
65% employed in a position directly aligned with career goals59% employed in a position directly aligned with career goals

QUEST achieves a remarkable balance between professional development, real-world impact, and community building. I am extremely thankful for the opportunity to have connected with the staff, students, and alumni in the program!

Rajit Mukhopadhyay

Computer Engineering ’25

QUEST Cohort 39

Questions about applying to QUEST?

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