Smith Brain Trust

October 8, 2020
The Models Are Out of Whack
Mortgage risk models are based on historical information and not equipped for today’s COVID-affected environment, meaning “a balance of art and science” is needed to manage these models.
Read the article : The Models Are Out of Whack
October 1, 2020
The Pandemic Is Pushing Women, People of Color Out of Their Careers
Women and people of color are disproportionately stepping back from their careers, as they grapple with pandemic-era pressures. Their exits pose a huge setback for organizations. Here's what they should do about it.
Read the article : The Pandemic Is Pushing Women, People of Color Out of Their Careers
September 30, 2020
What Went Wrong for Quibi?
Quibi seemed to have it made. Is it too late to right the ship on this short-form video startup?
Read the article : What Went Wrong for Quibi?
September 23, 2020
Equities ‘Boom or Bust’ Debate – Two Years Later
Two years after the first debate, experts convene to spar again. The topic: Stock Market Bull vs. Bear.
Read the article : Equities ‘Boom or Bust’ Debate – Two Years Later
September 3, 2020
What’s in Store for the U.S. Postal Service?
Between the pandemic and the hurricane season, 2020 has proved to be a challenging year for the U.S. Postal Service. What's next?
Read the article : What’s in Store for the U.S. Postal Service?
September 2, 2020
Asking This in an Interview Could Cost You the Job
Even if you love the work, money is important, too. It’s just not a topic that will help your chances of landing the job, according to research.
Read the article : Asking This in an Interview Could Cost You the Job
August 31, 2020
Buffett at 90: Three Traits Help Define His Success
What makes Warren Buffett a super investor? Reflecting on that question as Buffett turns 90.
Read the article : Buffett at 90: Three Traits Help Define His Success
August 26, 2020
TikTok’s Ban and What It Means for Chinese Globalization
What are the implications of the recent U.S. pressure on TikTok and WeChat, including what it means for Chinese globalization?
Read the article : TikTok’s Ban and What It Means for Chinese Globalization
August 19, 2020
Mortgage Rates Are Low. Why Isn’t Everyone Refinancing?
With mortgage rates so low, you might think that everyone would be looking to refinance. Why aren't they?
Read the article : Mortgage Rates Are Low. Why Isn’t Everyone Refinancing?
August 18, 2020
How Retail Is Wearing the Pandemic
'The silver lining is that the pandemic will serve as a catalyst to force many retailers to accelerate their innovation and technology adoptions.'
Read the article : How Retail Is Wearing the Pandemic
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