Smith Brain Trust
October 3, 2017
What Catalonia Risks By Leaving Spain
Secession would put newly independent nation in the back of the line for European Union membership. "There is no grandfathering in," Smith School professor Kislaya Prasad says.
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What Catalonia Risks By Leaving Spain
September 29, 2017
Why the Sudden Worry About Bitcoin?
It seems like everyone is sounding the alarm lately about bitcoin and the ever-expanding world of cryptocurrencies. Smith School technology professor Joseph P. Bailey explains why.
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Why the Sudden Worry About Bitcoin?
September 29, 2017
After Trump’s Tweets, a Playbook For the NFL
How should the NFL respond to a pro-Trump political action committee's "Turn Off the NFL" boycott? "The league needs to grab this ball and run it up the field," says the Smith School's Henry C. Boyd III.
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After Trump’s Tweets, a Playbook For the NFL
September 29, 2017
Reset Yourself Like a Big Bank CEO
Kelly S. King works long hours as chairman and CEO of BB&T, but he starts each day refreshed. He shared his morning routine during the 2017 BB&T Colloquium on Capitalism, Ethics and Leadership.
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Reset Yourself Like a Big Bank CEO
September 29, 2017
Why Nobody Wins with the Bombardier Tariff
At first blush, the federal government's decision this week to slap a steep, 220 percent tariff on Bombardier's C-Series jets probably looks like a win for U.S. aerospace giant Boeing Co.
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Why Nobody Wins with the Bombardier Tariff
September 27, 2017
Why the CEO Can't Motivate You
Leaders who search for ways to motivate their teams are focusing on the wrong thing, BB&T Chairman and CEO Kelly S. King said Sept. 26, 2017, at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business.
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Why the CEO Can't Motivate You
September 26, 2017
How Uber Lost Its Way in London
London has deemed Uber "not fit and proper" to operate within city limits. Smith School professor Brent Goldfarb says the move was predictable, given Uber's recent troubles.
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How Uber Lost Its Way in London
September 22, 2017
How Toys 'R' Us Can Make a Comeback
It's not "game over" for Toys 'R' Us. Its bankruptcy this week is more of a "timeout." The Smith School's Jie Zhang says that if the toy retailer plays its cards right, it could end up a winner.
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How Toys 'R' Us Can Make a Comeback
May 25, 2017
Branding Yourself Like Barbie
Don't toy with your brand, Mattel president and chief operating officer Richard Dickson tells Smith School graduates (7:51)
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Branding Yourself Like Barbie
March 30, 2017
Managing Motherhood
Smith School professor Nicole Coomber applies management principles at home as a mother of four boys (1:01)
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Managing Motherhood