Smith Brain Trust

September 22, 2017
How Toys 'R' Us Can Make a Comeback
It's not "game over" for Toys 'R' Us. Its bankruptcy this week is more of a "timeout." The Smith School's Jie Zhang says that if the toy retailer plays its cards right, it could end up a winner.
Read the article : How Toys 'R' Us Can Make a Comeback
May 25, 2017
Branding Yourself Like Barbie
Don't toy with your brand, Mattel president and chief operating officer Richard Dickson tells Smith School graduates (7:51)
Read the article : Branding Yourself Like Barbie
March 30, 2017
Managing Motherhood
Smith School professor Nicole Coomber applies management principles at home as a mother of four boys (1:01)
Read the article : Managing Motherhood
December 6, 2016
New Evidence on Active Investing vs. Buy and Hold
Is it better to monitor your investments constantly, or to ignore the market's twists and turns and leave your money to grow? Contrary to conventional wisdom, it might pay off to keep closer watch of your investments and to actively manage them, says Smith School professor Alberto Rossi. 
Read the article : New Evidence on Active Investing vs. Buy and Hold
September 28, 2016
How Dodd-Frank Is Squeezing the Middle Class
The 2010 Dodd-Frank regulatory overhaul was supposed to create a level playing field among home buyers. But a new study from researchers at the Smith School of Business shows the sweep of new rules actually squeezed middle-class home buyers, while giving a boost to wealthy borrowers.
Read the article : How Dodd-Frank Is Squeezing the Middle Class
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