Smith Brain Trust
April 10, 2019
Why Globalism Isn’t Globalization
Ian Bremmer wasn’t looking to bum everyone out with his book, “Us Vs. Them: The Failure of Globalism.” Though, as he admitted at a Maryland Smith event, it’s not a cheerful read.
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Why Globalism Isn’t Globalization
April 8, 2019
Why Less Is More For Rideshare Apps
Ride-hailing services that want to grow revenue should share more with drivers and charge passengers less, a working paper from Maryland Smith shows.
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Why Less Is More For Rideshare Apps
April 3, 2019
Five Reasons To Steer Clear of 2019’s Mega IPOs
In what’s poised to be a big year for big-name IPOs, Kass lists five reasons to ease up on the gas pedal and proceed with caution.
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Five Reasons To Steer Clear of 2019’s Mega IPOs
April 2, 2019
Why You Should Talk about 'Game of Thrones' at Work
'Game of Thrones' is coming back for its final season and you're going to want to talk about it at work. But should you?
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Why You Should Talk about 'Game of Thrones' at Work
April 2, 2019
The Hunt for Clean Water
Few business problems are more basic than delivering clean drinking water to thirsty customers. Yet solutions remain elusive in the United States and elsewhere.
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The Hunt for Clean Water
March 31, 2019
How Do You Recover from a Flood?
Niratcha Tungtisanont's research at the University of Maryland examines how industrialization and internet use impact income and recovery after floods. Her findings highlight the importance of communication and community collaboration in effective disaster recovery efforts.
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How Do You Recover from a Flood?
March 30, 2019
Are You Really Having Fun?
Consumers make more hedonic choices when their preferences are visible to others, so that they can promote the image that they are having fun — whether or not they really are.
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Are You Really Having Fun?
March 29, 2019
How Can Small Businesses Tackle Big Data Challenges?
For small to midsized businesses, like their larger counterparts, success correlates with being adept in an interlinked web of financial entities and networks, supply chains and ecosystems.
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How Can Small Businesses Tackle Big Data Challenges?
March 28, 2019
How Can Leaders Recover After a Fall?
If leaders take certain steps, stakeholders in their organizations will continue to believe in their legitimacy even after they lose status.
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How Can Leaders Recover After a Fall?
March 28, 2019
How Volvo Is Normalizing Electrification
In what was heralded as an encouraging step, Volvo last week announced that the margins on its electric vehicles are set to match those of combustion engines by 2025. But, was it really a milestone in the electric car evolution?
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How Volvo Is Normalizing Electrification