Smith Brain Trust

March 29, 2019
How Can Small Businesses Tackle Big Data Challenges?
For small to midsized businesses, like their larger counterparts, success correlates with being adept in an interlinked web of financial entities and networks, supply chains and ecosystems.
Read the article : How Can Small Businesses Tackle Big Data Challenges?
March 28, 2019
How Can Leaders Recover After a Fall?
If leaders take certain steps, stakeholders in their organizations will continue to believe in their legitimacy even after they lose status.
Read the article : How Can Leaders Recover After a Fall?
March 28, 2019
How Volvo Is Normalizing Electrification
In what was heralded as an encouraging step, Volvo last week announced that the margins on its electric vehicles are set to match those of combustion engines by 2025. But, was it really a milestone in the electric car evolution?
Read the article : How Volvo Is Normalizing Electrification
March 27, 2019
Is Your Boss Too Busy To Be Fair?
Think your boss is a jerk because he or she treated you unfairly? It’s possible your manager just has too much to do, Maryland Smith research shows.
Read the article : Is Your Boss Too Busy To Be Fair?
March 26, 2019
How Can Luxury Brands Deter Counterfeits?
Luxury brands use legal threats and guilt campaigns to deter people from buying knockoff products. But Maryland Smith research explores a better way.
Read the article : How Can Luxury Brands Deter Counterfeits?
March 26, 2019
When Marketing Becomes Creepy
The marketing was innovative. It was clever. It was bold enough to warrant coverage in The Wall Street Journal. It was also ... creepy.
Read the article : When Marketing Becomes Creepy
March 25, 2019
How Can Leaders Transform Their Organizations?
Transformational leaders can inspire individual followers to go beyond their own self-interest and benefit the group, Maryland Smith research shows.
Read the article : How Can Leaders Transform Their Organizations?
March 24, 2019
Is It Time for a Change in MBA Education?
Something is missing from the curriculum at many business schools, and that is learning how to think about the long-term impact of decisions
Read the article : Is It Time for a Change in MBA Education?
March 23, 2019
Are Online Advertisers Paying Too Much?
A new algorithm developed at Maryland Smith allows companies to stretch their budgets and optimize results when buying online display ads.
Read the article : Are Online Advertisers Paying Too Much?
March 22, 2019
Can We Build Better Prediction Machines?
Attempting to conduct predictive modeling from sparse, binary data sets is complicated. Maryland Smith's Jessica M. Clark looks for a better way.
Read the article : Can We Build Better Prediction Machines?
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