Smith Brain Trust

March 7, 2019
Does Your Work Space Spark Joy?
Maryland Smith's Nicole M. Coomber shows you how to use Marie Kondo's KonMari method and other strategies to make your workplace more productive, and more joyful.
Read the article : Does Your Work Space Spark Joy?
March 6, 2019
Can Marshalls Thrill Shoppers Online?
Marshalls has always been about the thrill of the hunt, even more so than it’s big-sister store, TJ Maxx. What happens when it goes online?
Read the article : Can Marshalls Thrill Shoppers Online?
March 6, 2019
How Kraft Heinz Reveals the Limits of 3G's Strategy
For a long time, it has seemed like 3G Capital was the batter who couldn’t help but hit home runs. A model of good management, the private equity firm seemed to just keep hitting them out of the park. But is it?
Read the article : How Kraft Heinz Reveals the Limits of 3G's Strategy
March 6, 2019
How Can Leaders Overcome Resistance to Change?
How do high-performing organizations learn and adapt their routines and procedures? Do they look to constantly bring new information into their processes?
Read the article : How Can Leaders Overcome Resistance to Change?
March 5, 2019
How Do You Win in Online Auctions?
The burgeoning secondary market of online business-to-business (B2B) auction platforms connect retailers to deeper pools of buyers for their unsold or returned inventory.
Read the article : How Do You Win in Online Auctions?
March 4, 2019
Do Public Firms Get a Bad Rap?
Pressure to deliver quarterly returns can drive managerial myopia. Recent studies link the short-termism to Wall Street culture and dynamics. But a deeper analysis tells a different story.
Read the article : Do Public Firms Get a Bad Rap?
March 3, 2019
How Do You Win Over a Tough Audience?
Reluctant consumers have three main ways to resist advertising. They can avoid it, contest it or look within themselves for empowerment. But marketers have tricks of their own.
Read the article : How Do You Win Over a Tough Audience?
March 2, 2019
What Makes You Keep Reading?
Online content creators who want to keep people reading should start by making them angry or anxious, Maryland Smith research shows.
Read the article : What Makes You Keep Reading?
March 1, 2019
Why Is It So Hard To Close the Gender Pay Gap?
Equal pay for equal work. It’s a simple notion, but one that’s surprisingly hard to implement without buy-in from upper management and quantitative tools for decision support.
Read the article : Why Is It So Hard To Close the Gender Pay Gap?
February 26, 2019
How To Tax the Rich, And Do It Smarter
What is the best way to tax the wealthy in America? Maryland Smith's Kislaya Prasad offers two guiding principles.
Read the article : How To Tax the Rich, And Do It Smarter
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