Smith Brain Trust

September 26, 2018
Dunkin' Without Donuts?
Maryland Smith branding experts describe the decision by Dunkin’ Donuts to drop the "Donuts" from its name as overdue, fitting, and in tune with its customers' tastes.
Read the article : Dunkin' Without Donuts?
September 25, 2018
Abandon Quarterly Earnings? Why the Latest Debate Misses the Point
Should publicly traded companies stop reporting earnings every quarter, opting instead for a twice-a-year schedule?
Read the article : Abandon Quarterly Earnings? Why the Latest Debate Misses the Point
September 25, 2018
Seven-Minute Public Speaking Warm-Up
Feeling anxious about a big presentation at work or an upcoming job interview? Maryland Smith’s Tricia Homer suggests a seven-minute workout that can shake off nervous energy, and help you focus and shine.
Read the article : Seven-Minute Public Speaking Warm-Up
September 19, 2018
A Textbook Emerging Market Crisis? Not Exactly
The current emerging market crisis has been stirring uncertainty among investors, much like similar crises we've seen before. But Maryland Smith’s Pablo Slutzky explains why this one might be different.
Read the article : A Textbook Emerging Market Crisis? Not Exactly
September 18, 2018
Seven Career Transition Tips From Usain Bolt
What can Usain Bolt teach you about making a career transition? The eight-time Olympic gold medalist and world champion sprinter from Jamaica is making one now, on trial with an Australian A-League soccer team. Here are seven things you can learn from him.
Read the article : Seven Career Transition Tips From Usain Bolt
September 13, 2018
Forget FOMO. Busy People Need JOMO
Stoked by social media, our all-too-common fear of missing out, or FOMO, is often cited as a reason why we live beyond our means, take on debt and generally feel unsatisfied at home and in our careers. Now, meet JOMO, or joy of missing out.
Read the article : Forget FOMO. Busy People Need JOMO
September 12, 2018
The Right Time To Ask About Job Benefits
You don’t want to start a new job only to find out the benefits package is a disaster. But when is the right time to ask about flex time and vacation days?
Read the article : The Right Time To Ask About Job Benefits
September 10, 2018
Answering HQ2's Call, With Or Without Amazon
“If we don’t get Amazon’s HQ2 in this area, people are going to wonder, ‘What happens next?’ I want to create a program that answers that question. And the answer is: We all get back to work and we build great companies,” he says. “We help build tech product companies.”
Read the article : Answering HQ2's Call, With Or Without Amazon
September 6, 2018
Colin Kaepernick and Nike's Long Game
After the stock market dip and the protests on social media, the core sentiment behind Nike’s controversial new ad campaign will remain standing, a Maryland Smith professor says, likely taller than before.
Read the article : Colin Kaepernick and Nike's Long Game
September 5, 2018
Do This To Sharpen Your Leadership Skills
Joining a nonprofit board can sharpen your leadership skills and supercharge your career. But before you take a seat around the table, ask these nine questions first.
Read the article : Do This To Sharpen Your Leadership Skills
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