Smith Brain Trust

July 25, 2018
What Is a Poison Pill, Anyway?
It's not often that a company's board of directors employs a poison pill to fend off a hostile takeover. Even rarer is the way it's being used at Papa John's.
Read the article : What Is a Poison Pill, Anyway?
July 23, 2018
Capital Gains Tax: Are We Doing It Wrong?
Maybe there's something fundamentally flawed about the way the IRS calculates capital gains. The Smith School's Samuel Handwerger discusses the merits of indexing.
Read the article : Capital Gains Tax: Are We Doing It Wrong?
July 18, 2018
How To Answer This Important Interview Question
It might seem like an offhand, even throwaway, question, coming as it often does at the end of a job interview. It’s the moment when the hiring team asks, “Do you have any questions for us?”
Read the article : How To Answer This Important Interview Question
July 17, 2018
Fannie and Freddie Might Need Your Money
Ten years after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placement into conservatorship, the two mortgage-finance giants might soon face a new crisis.
Read the article : Fannie and Freddie Might Need Your Money
July 17, 2018
Why Summer Is the Best Time To Plot a Career Move
It’s the lazy days of summer. And in many offices, deadlines, projects and even hiring will be stalled by the vacation days of key stakeholders. Why look for a new job now?
Read the article : Why Summer Is the Best Time To Plot a Career Move
July 11, 2018
How To Fire a CEO
It was a kind of corporate whiplash last week when Barnes & Noble announced that its CEO had been fired without severance. Here's what the ailing bookseller must do now.
Read the article : How To Fire a CEO
July 10, 2018
How To Take a Better Vacation
Finding more pleasure in your time off boils down to some simple steps, Maryland Smith professor Nicole M. Coomber says.
Read the article : How To Take a Better Vacation
July 10, 2018
Pre-Vacation Checklist: Preparing to Disengage
Before you walk out of the office on vacation, there are some important tasks you must attend to, Maryland Smith professor Cynthia Kay Stevens says.
Read the article : Pre-Vacation Checklist: Preparing to Disengage
July 10, 2018
Can a Robot Create Better Movie Trailers?
It takes just a few seconds for a movie or series trailer to grab you – or to lose you. New model makes most of each second.
Read the article : Can a Robot Create Better Movie Trailers?
July 2, 2018
Three Ways Amazon Is Shaking Up U.S. Healthcare
First it was book selling, and then it was retail of all kinds. Later came cloud storage services, streaming entertainment and online advertising. Now with three big moves, Amazon is disrupting healthcare.
Read the article : Three Ways Amazon Is Shaking Up U.S. Healthcare
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