Smith Profiles

Alumni Profile

Never Settling Catapults Sales Leader to the C-Suite

Jennie Wang, EMBA ’21

The EMBA program allowed me to combine my past experiences in the business world with theories and principles in a systematic way, and it provided answers and alternative thinkpaths to various challenges and issues that I have encountered–especially outside the sales and marketing arena.

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Alumni Profile

Taking a Leap of Faith in SaaS and Sticking the Landing

Tarun Goyal, MBA ’98

When I graduated with my MBA, companies would ask me what I would like to do long term? I said I’d like to start my own company one day, but at the time it was only a pipe dream. As I approached my 40’s I realized it was now or never, and I started Simplotel. In that sense, I’m where I wanted to be with my career. My goals are to make Simplotel a global SaaS provider for hotels.

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Alumni Profile

UMD Violinist Doesn't Miss a Beat at Maryland Smith

Beatrice Baker, MS Business and Management ’22

I chose Maryland Smith’s Master of Science in Business and Management (MSBMGT) program because I knew it would provide me with a wide range of skills and experiences that would be directly applicable to the business environment I wanted to enter post-graduation. The program provides you with real-world experiences and working knowledge of all aspects of business ranging from accounting to ethics.

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Alumni Profile

Lacrosse Champion Primed for Global Business Challenges

Owen Prybylski, MS in Business and Management ’22

I chose Smith’s MSBMGT program to maximize my academic and athletic careers as I searched for a consulting role. More importantly, I sought a program that would expose me to the necessary skills and knowledge needed to be successful as an entry-level consultant. Not only did my Maryland Smith experience help me obtain an entry-level position at Protiviti, but it also made me confident in my ability to perform at the highest level.

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Alumni Profile

Standing Up for Climate Change and Leading With Purpose

Jessica Ennis, EMBA ’20

Jessica Ennis, EMBA ’20, set out to forge a career rooted in purpose. Now, that purpose has taken her all the way to the White House.

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Alumni Profile

Making the World a Better Place, One Sip at a Time

Jorge Richardson BS ’21

Jorge Richardson BS ’21 originally went to Maryland Smith to follow in his family footsteps, join a big investment bank and put in the years to climb up the ladder. During a summer at the World Bank, he was enamored at the Bank’s ability to catalyze massive sustainable development change through innovation & financing methods, piquing his interest in the climate space.

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Alumni Profile

Navigating Finance Through Resiliency - Jeron Davis Forbes 30 Under 30 Profile

Jeron Davis BS ’15

From selling crayons for change in elementary school to investing in the stock market in the 9th grade, Forbes 30 under 30 recipient Jeron Davis BS ‘15 has always had a passion for business. 

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Alumni Profile

Taking A Passion for Research Outside Academia

Debdatta Sinha Roy, PhD ‘19

When we imagine researchers, we often think about the world of academia in which professors conduct research while taking on a teaching schedule. However, outside of academia, there are a variety of professional research scientists, like Maryland Smith alum Debdatta Sinha Roy, PhD ‘19, who use data to help companies find patterns in customer behavior and optimize future decisions. 

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Alumni Profile

Changing Lives, Through Social Entrepreneurship

L. Audrey Awasom ’18

L. Audrey Awasom, ’18, is leading an uprising. Her goal? To see a society where every woman has access to good healthcare, affordable housing and sustainable employment.

Read More About L. Audrey Awasom

Alumni Profile

A ‘30 Under 30’ Recipient, on Embracing Challenges

Ali Salhi, MS ’18

For Loop CTO Ali Salhi, MS in Business Analytics ’18, Maryland Smith was a place to learn about the importance of learning through challenges.

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