When Rudeness Becomes A Matter of Life or Death

New research shows how rudeness can become deadly, interfering with doctors' decision-making and lead to misdiagnoses.

Have Something To Say? Your Boss Wants You to Do it in Private.

Managers want employees to share thoughts and concerns in one-on-one settings – not public meetings – because they want to save face, finds new research.

The Other Side of Mobile App Adoption

New research shows higher app adoption among hotel chains could be linked to lower spending among lower level loyalty customers, who are more likely to use apps to get the best deals.

How To Get Women To Speak Up More At Work

New research finds don't women speak up as much as men in organizations, but they can gain confidence to do so if they see women leaders speak up first.

The Cost of Being Transparent

New research shows that information public companies reveal in SEC disclosures cuts down their competitive advantage faster.

With Great Power Comes Great Job Demands, Stress

New research finds that having power at work is a double-edged sword: it makes your job more demanding, which has both good implications and bad implications, simultaneously.

Need To Delegate At Work? Pick the Popular People

New research finds that employees with more friends at work will be better at getting things done and asking for help when they need it.

Behind The Dynamics of What We Buy

New research pair the data collected at checkout at major retailers with the “why” behind consumer purchases.

Why the Bad Boss Gets the Job

New research shows the “dark” personality traits that make a boss bad may be the reason they got the job in the first place.

Why Short-Termism Is Shortsighted

When companies focus on returning money to shareholders each quarter, rather than spending money on innovation and improvements, they’re dragging down the economy, says new research.

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