Dingman-Lamone Center News
Media Alert: December 17, 2010For reporters, editors, producersContact: Carrie Handwerker; 301-405-5833
Entrepreneurial Outlook: Is 2011 the Year to Start a Business?
College Park, Md. – November 4, 2010 – The University of Maryland’s Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship at the Robert H. Smith School of Business won the top award for innovative teaching methods from the Global Consortium of Entrepreneurship Centers (GCEC).
A group of student entrepreneurs got an unusual opportunity to present their big ideas to an audience of University of Maryland Trustees and the university’s new president, Dr. Wallace Loh, as the Smith School’s weekly Pitch Dingman competition went to the Riggs Alumni Center on Friday, October 29.
College Park, Md. – Sept. 22, 2010 – The University of Maryland’s Dingman Center for Entrepreneurshipat the Robert H.
The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship began its year-long 25th anniversary celebration on September 21, 2010 with a day of festivities concluded by a keynote address from University of Maryland alumnus Michael Dingman, the entrepreneur-philanthropist whose gift helped transform the center into a world-class entrepreneurial institute with a worldwide reach.
The Dingman Center for Entrepreneurship will host Tony Hsieh, CEO of Zappos.com, on Thursday, Sept. 30, 7 p.m. in the Hoff Theater, Stamp Student Union at the University of Maryland.
On Sept. 21, 2010, from noon until 4 p.m., theDingman Center for Entrepreneurship will be hosting Terp Marketplace, an event that draws student entrepreneurs to the Robert H. Smith School of Business in Van Munching Hall to sell their wares and promote their businesses.
When senior accounting major Greg Waldstreicher enteredEntrepreneur Magazine’s College Entrepreneur of 2010 contest at the suggestion of a University of Maryland alum, he didn’t tell his family or friends.
Per capita, Israel is one of the most prolific places in the world for technology development, and ripe for new business growth.
College Park, Md.