Center for Global Business News

September 25, 2013
Calling all Smith MBAs: Applications Now Open for Winter 2014 Consulting in Sri Lanka
International Smith Experience Opportunity: Sri Lanka 2014

BUSI758-O: Building Capacity in Sri Lanka

Read News Story : Calling all Smith MBAs: Applications Now Open for Winter 2014 Consulting in Sri Lanka
September 19, 2013
Smith CIBER Funds Two Faculty for Professional Development in Africa and Asia

Stephanie Eckerd, Assistant Professor in the Department of Logistics, Business, and Public Policy and Paulo Prochno, Tyser Teaching Fellow and Associate Chair of the Department of Mana

Read News Story : Smith CIBER Funds Two Faculty for Professional Development in Africa and Asia
September 19, 2013
Smith Faculty: October 4 Deadline to Notify Smith CIBER of Intent to Apply for 2014 FDIBs

Friday, October 4, 2013 is the deadline to decide where in the world you want to further your global business knowledge over winter or summer break! CIBER's Faculty Development in International Business (FDIB) programs are now accepting applications. Last year the Smith School sponsored Paulo Prochno for travel to India and Stephanie Eckerd to Botswana, South Africa, and Zimbabwe.

Read News Story : Smith Faculty: October 4 Deadline to Notify Smith CIBER of Intent to Apply for 2014 FDIBs
May 1, 2013
Emerging Markets Still Ripe with Opportunity

Much talk these days focuses on emerging markets as having lost their luster. Once lauded as new economic powers, these markets are now experiencing lowered growth rates and other problems.

Read News Story : Emerging Markets Still Ripe with Opportunity
July 27, 2012
Sri Lanka Maryland-USAID Program Sees 2nd Straight Year of Success

MBA and MPP (Masters of Public Policy) students from the University of Maryland's Robert H.

Read News Story : Sri Lanka Maryland-USAID Program Sees 2nd Straight Year of Success
June 4, 2012
The Impact of International Experiences

Thursday, May 24, 2012, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, May 27, 2012, 7:30 a.m.

Having a global perspective is critical to leading in today’s business world. At the Smith School, students take part in international experiences abroad and at home to shape their view of the world and give them the practical preparation needed to excel and lead.

Read News Story : The Impact of International Experiences
May 27, 2012
Smith Business Close-Up: The Impact of International Experiences

Thursday, May 24, 2012, 7:30 p.m.; Sunday, May 27, 2012, 7:30 a.m.

Having a global perspective is critical to leading in today’s business world. At the Smith School, students take part in international experiences abroad and at home to shape their view of the world and give them the practical preparation needed to excel and lead.

Read News Story : Smith Business Close-Up: The Impact of International Experiences
April 20, 2012
Experts Speak on Women's Leadership Savvy in Emerging Markets Forum

The question of whether more women belong in corporate boardrooms is no longer a gender equity issue. It's an economic growth strategy.

This was a repeated theme at the "Women as Entrepreneurs, Consumers and Agents of Change" forum, hosted April 13, 2012 by the Robert H. Smith School of Business at the Ronald Reagan International Trade Center in Washington, D.C.

Read News Story : Experts Speak on Women's Leadership Savvy in Emerging Markets Forum
November 1, 2011
Passing of Professor Emeritus Lee Preston

Dear Smith School Community,

Read News Story : Passing of Professor Emeritus Lee Preston
October 3, 2011
Staff Retreat: Cultural Understanding in the Workplace


Read News Story : Staff Retreat: Cultural Understanding in the Workplace
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