Smith Brain Trust
How To Impress When Your New Job Is Remote
May 14, 2020
Starting a new job or an internship under a work-from-home mandate? Here are 11 things you can do to stand out, virtually.
What Worries Warren Buffett?
May 12, 2020
He once urged investors to, 'Be fearful when others are greedy, and be greedy when others are fearful.' Here's how Buffett is investing now.
Removing Fear from the Equation
May 11, 2020
People with a global mindset have spent time understanding, accepting and leveraging similarities
When You Discover Your Spouse’s Annoying Work Persona
People who are able to work from home during the pandemic are seeing their spouses’ work personalities in action, sometimes for the first time, The Information reports. And what they are discovering can be pretty jarring.
Room To Improve on Zoom?
May 08, 2020
Maryland Smith videographer offers a guide on how to achieve good lighting and framing, how to talking naturally to the camera and how to avoid all those interruptions.
COVID-19 and African Economies
COVID-19, with its staggering economic fallout, is 'the greatest global crisis of the century,' Lemma Senbet explains, in a discussion with IMF and World Bank policy experts.
A Method for Assessing Stock-Picking Wisdom
May 07, 2020
What stocks do the smartest fund managers love, and are they worth knowing? Investors Chronicle recently posed this question and revisited a Russell Wermers co-authored study for an answer.
Smith Research
Do Innovative Firms Communicate More?
New research finds that successful innovation, measured in patents, leads firms to issue more voluntary management forecasts, which can then spur more investment in the firm.
Pros and Cons of Reopening Businesses Amid COVID-19
May 06, 2020
States are weighing and implementing plans for reopening their economies amid the COVID-19 pandemic. Here's what they should know.
Telling Stories, With Boundaryless Thinking
A global mindset is essential for success in an increasingly interconnected world.
Machine Learning Has a Flaw. It’s Gullible.
New research explores the potential biases that limit the effectiveness of ML process technologies and the scope for human capital to be complementary in reducing such biases.
Asking Warren Buffett About Share Buybacks
Sometimes buybacks are 'stupid,' and sometimes they're 'the logical thing to do.' Buffett and our expert explain why.