Smith Brain Trust
Tax Advice for the Pandemic Era
March 23, 2020
Your tax donations, your home office, your added childcare costs. Here's the tax advice our expert is giving to his clients.
Smith Research
Can We Trace Corporate Generosity to Employee Moods?
New research finds employee moods have a lot to do with a company's philanthropic efforts.
Coming Full Circle At NPR
March 20, 2020
For Meg Goldthwaite, MBA ’96, taking on the chief marketing officer role at Nati
When the coronavirus gets tough, the tough get stockpiling
March 19, 2020
Maryland Smith research explains what drives consumers to clear store shelves and to hoard goods in the face of risks, and explains how retailers should respond.
How to work from home with kids (without losing it)
Step one: Don't try to pretend everything is normal.
Lessons From Penicillin In The Race Against COVID-19
Researchers who scrambled to fight infections during World War II discovered more than the power of penicillin. They also learned lessons about human enterprise that can guide efforts today to stop COVID-19.
3 Steps To Protect the Supply Chain
How government and industry can work together to protect the supply chain that provides food, medicine and other necessary goods.
Is the ETF Boom Stoking Market Volatility?
March 18, 2020
Do ETFs contribute to market volatility? New research may hold the answer.
What’s Your Personal VaR?
March 17, 2020
Managing your own investment risk like a bank can provide a way to quantify your appetite for risk under a wide range of outcomes in a consistent and easily understood manner.
In the Eurozone, a Familiar Worry Over a New Disease
March 12, 2020
What will the pandemic mean for the future of the eurozone? It’s a new fear with familiar echoes.
Don't Touch Your Face. Or Your Stocks.
For investors concerned about market uncertainty invoked by the coronavirus: Don’t touch your face and certainly don’t touch those stocks.
Why QR Codes Are Coming Back In a Big Way
March 11, 2020
They used to seem so pointless. But here's why they matter now – for everything from concert tickets to Covid-19 tracking.