Thought Leadership

The lifeblood of a business school is its faculty, and at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business our faculty members are inspiring, supportive and world-class. We are attuned to a marketplace that values innovation, entrepreneurialism, analytical thinking and hard work. Our teaching and research equips students with the wisdom of business scholarship rooted in the experiential lessons of the marketplace.

October 22, 2018
Ethics in a Digital Surveillance World
Tracking consumer behavior is a big job. But your smartphone has help.
Read the article : Ethics in a Digital Surveillance World
October 19, 2018
In a Mid-Career Rut? Here’s How To Escape It
Work can become a bit mundane, even for people who truly love what they do. But there are new ways to escape the tedium, Maryland Smith experts explain.
Read the article : In a Mid-Career Rut? Here’s How To Escape It
October 18, 2018
Exploring A Shortcut To Leadership
In just a few minutes each morning, worn-out leaders can set themselves up for a successful and positive day. The trick involves a little self-reflection, which can go a long way.
Read the article : Exploring A Shortcut To Leadership
October 18, 2018
Better Communication For Remote Teams
Email, instant messaging and Slack have been called essential for optimal communication among virtual work teams. But do these technologies really deserve the credit they get?
Read the article : Better Communication For Remote Teams
October 18, 2018
Time for a Change in MBA Education?
MBA students gain essential tools that enable the kind of critical thinking required to solve problems and lead companies. But there is a downside to the curriculum, Maryland Smith's Rachelle Sampson writes.
Read the article : Time for a Change in MBA Education?
October 17, 2018
Is Cable's Model Poised for a Comeback?
The proliferation of video streaming services could lead to the resurgence of a model that has long appeared to be at death's door: The cable model.
Read the article : Is Cable's Model Poised for a Comeback?
October 11, 2018
Another Reason To Avoid Knockoffs
Luxury brands use legal threats, guilt campaigns to deter people from buying knockoffs. New research reveals a better tactic.
Read the article : Another Reason To Avoid Knockoffs
October 10, 2018
Steve Case on the 3rd Wave of Internet Innovation
Steve Case, co-founder and former CEO of AOL, says the third wave of internet innovation is now under way, but for the U.S. to continue to lead, it needs to think bigger. 
Read the article : Steve Case on the 3rd Wave of Internet Innovation
October 9, 2018
The Modern Interview Thank You Note
You’ve applied for a new job and aced the interview. Congrats! But don’t forget to send a thank you note. Here's what it should say.
Read the article : The Modern Interview Thank You Note
October 9, 2018
Why Women-Led Hedge Funds Love Risk
It’s long been believed that if you want to rein in risk-taking, hiring women as top managers can help. But new research suggests that it can have the opposite result.
Read the article : Why Women-Led Hedge Funds Love Risk
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