Thought Leadership

The lifeblood of a business school is its faculty, and at the University of Maryland's Robert H. Smith School of Business our faculty members are inspiring, supportive and world-class. We are attuned to a marketplace that values innovation, entrepreneurialism, analytical thinking and hard work. Our teaching and research equips students with the wisdom of business scholarship rooted in the experiential lessons of the marketplace.

July 25, 2018
What Is a Poison Pill, Anyway?
It's not often that a company's board of directors employs a poison pill to fend off a hostile takeover. Even rarer is the way it's being used at Papa John's.
Read the article : What Is a Poison Pill, Anyway?
July 24, 2018
How Better Benefits Affect the Bottom Line
“You need to be above the market, because the moment everyone has the same thing, employees think they can always go out and look for another job," the researchers explain.
Read the article : How Better Benefits Affect the Bottom Line
July 24, 2018
Speediness Isn't The Same For All Physicians
Studying landmark guidelines for the use of coronary stents, researchers explore how quickly physicians respond to and apply new information in their line of work.
Read the article : Speediness Isn't The Same For All Physicians
July 23, 2018
Capital Gains Tax: Are We Doing It Wrong?
Maybe there's something fundamentally flawed about the way the IRS calculates capital gains. The Smith School's Samuel Handwerger discusses the merits of indexing.
Read the article : Capital Gains Tax: Are We Doing It Wrong?
July 20, 2018
The Value of Outside-In Perspectives at IT Firms
Input from independent board members helps companies stay ahead of new entry threats in the fast-paced world of technology, Maryland Smith research shows.
Read the article : The Value of Outside-In Perspectives at IT Firms
July 19, 2018
Your Unfair Boss Might Just Be Overworked
Think your boss is a jerk because he or she treated you unfairly? New Maryland Smith research reveals that having too much to do can affect a manager's ability to be fair.
Read the article : Your Unfair Boss Might Just Be Overworked
July 19, 2018
Trapped But Not Lost With Limited Mobility
Nobody likes to feel trapped. But employees benefit in some ways when two factors combine to pin them in place, making it harder for them to exit their organizations with valuable knowledge.
Read the article : Trapped But Not Lost With Limited Mobility
July 18, 2018
How To Answer This Important Interview Question
It might seem like an offhand, even throwaway, question, coming as it often does at the end of a job interview. It’s the moment when the hiring team asks, “Do you have any questions for us?”
Read the article : How To Answer This Important Interview Question
July 17, 2018
Fannie and Freddie Might Need Your Money
Ten years after Fannie Mae and Freddie Mac were placement into conservatorship, the two mortgage-finance giants might soon face a new crisis.
Read the article : Fannie and Freddie Might Need Your Money
July 17, 2018
Why Summer Is the Best Time To Plot a Career Move
It’s the lazy days of summer. And in many offices, deadlines, projects and even hiring will be stalled by the vacation days of key stakeholders. Why look for a new job now?
Read the article : Why Summer Is the Best Time To Plot a Career Move
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